Page 88 of Charm Me Not

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“Deal. Speaking of deals… now that the contract is done… care to make another?” I asked. I would make every deal possible if it meant keeping Una to myself. If it meant having her by my side.

She shook her head. I reached up and caressed her face, finding it even more beautiful without being hidden behind her braids.

“No more deals,” she said, leaning into my hand. “At least not for us.”

“Just me and you,” I whispered, leaning down to kiss her again.

“Just me and you.”

I smiled and wrapped her in a hug. “Do you believe in love now?”

“I believe in you. And me. And that us together is better than us apart. Whether that means I believe in love…”

She didn’t understand. At least, not yet. Looking her deep into her dark brown eyes, I said, “The goal wasn’t to get you to believe in love, you know that, right?”

Her brows knitted together, her lips pursed.

“You know it does. It’s all around you already—your dad. Ali and Malia. Me. The goal was to get you to give it a chance. To not be afraid.”

“Afraid of what?” Her tone jumped back to the old Una, the one who got defensive when people said things like that.

“Afraid of getting hurt. Afraid to open up. To trust others. To give her heart to someone else. But you did, Una. You gave it to me. And I promise to protect it, and you, and love you the best I can. So even if you say you don’t believe in love, that’s okay. Because you proved to yourself that you have the capability. You allowed yourself to fall, and I’m so thankful it was for me.”

She stared at me for a moment, not moving, not blinking. “Love may be a social construct that doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. But, I think I can believe in it. I believe I may be in love withyou. Does that count?”

“Score one for Team Charming.”
