Page 116 of Unsealing Her Fate

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I’veleftIreneandCharlie hanging for too long, so I need to get back to work. However, Jack doesn’t agree with that. I try to be quiet this morning, tiptoeing around the room to grab some clothes. Ijustopt to skip the shower when Jack wakes up.

“I think you should lay low for a little longer,” he says as he takes my hand and pulls me onto his lap. My shirt is on one arm but not the other. It hangs down with one bra-covered boob out. My pants aren’t buttoned either.

“I could get used to waking up every morning like this,” he rasps. His hands find my bare back, gliding up to the back of my neck. He pulls me down for a heated kiss. I get distracted for far too long before pushing back.

“Jack, I need something to do. Iwantto go in. Irene and Charlie are like my family, and I’ve left them shorthanded by not going.” I don’t need his approval, but it would be nice to have it all the same.

He blows out a frustrated breath. “I know, but it puts me on edge knowing I won’t be right there if something happens.”

I stand, pulling my shirt down the rest of the way over my torso. “If this is going to work between us, you have to trust me. I know we’re still getting to know one another, but I want this. I won’t do anything stupid to jeopardize it.”

He takes my hand in his, pulling me against his body once again. “It’s not that I don’t trust you. It’s that I’m worried about these stupid fuckers running around.” He sighs.

I place my hands on his shoulders, sliding them around the back of his head and around to cup his face.

“I promise to stay aware of my surroundings and to never be alone. He won’t attack me with someone else around and risk having a witness.”

God what has my life come to that I have to say those words out loud? It pierces my heart, and the sadness is overwhelming. This is not how I thought my life would turn out, but it’s brought me to some pretty amazing people. I know it’ll all be worth it. I just have to survive Christopher.

He doesn’t get to take anything from me anymore. I square my shoulders, more determined than ever to hold onto this anger, and I use it to fuel me.

“I’ll be okay. I promise. I’ll even send you a text every hour, so you know I’m good.” I smile sweetly.

That seems to pacify Jack enough for him to nod in agreement.

“You should probably get back into the station today anyway, right?” I ask.

“Yeah, you’re right. I need to go in. I need to make phone calls to the insurance company about the garage, too. It can’t be put off any longer.” He sighs as he stands and heads to the bathroom.

“Give me just a few minutes, and I’ll drive you in,” he says.

I finish getting dressed before going into the kitchen to get coffee started for us. It feels surreal to be in Jack’s home, doing simple tasks like this. I never in a million years thought I’d be here, but it feels so right.

I know we still have a lot to figure out, and hopefully we can once all of this Christopher mess is settled. Our plan has to work; it just has to. I don’t know what the alternative would be if not.

Would I have to run again? The thought of that makes my stomach turn inside out. I don’t want to leave what I’ve already built here. No matter what, I promise myself I’ll do everything in my power to find a way to stay.

Jack comes into the kitchen, breaking my train of thought. I drink him in. He’s dressed in a pair of dress slacks, a button-up dress shirt that’s tucked in, and a pair of dark brown suede dress boots. I like Jack in just about every state of dress. The completely naked state is yet to be determined, but my God I don’t see how It could disappoint.

“You got something you want to tell me, Ms. Shaw?”

My eyes snap to his at the use of my real last name. My insides do something funny when he calls me by my real name, first or last. I shake my head as I step forward to hug him.

“I was just thinking about how good you look and how much better you’d look if you were naked,” I boldly blurt out. Apparently, it surprises us both since he sprays his coffee all over the kitchen.

I laugh, and he pulls me in again, leaning down to whisper in my ear. “I think that can be arranged… Soon, very soon.”

He turns and leaves me standing in the kitchen with my mouth hanging open and my panties soaking wet. This man will be the death of me.

Realizing I’ve been left behind, I still my lecherous mind and run outside after him, hopping in the car for the ride to work I was promised.

Irene and Charlie are already at the café when we pull up. I unbuckle and turn toward Jack.

Instead of the goodbye I expected, he says, “I’m going in. I want to check all the exits and Irene’s office. I need to figure out the best place for the cameras.” He gets out of the car and heads towards the door with me right behind him.

Both ladies look up as soon as we enter. Charlie seems happy to see me, but Irene looks pissed.Oh, hell. Did I mess up?Bracing for her to tell me to leave, I look her right in the eye.

“What the hell are you doing here, Andi?” Irene asks, and my heart drops.
