Page 149 of Unsealing Her Fate

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“There you have it, folks. Christopher Gates is being transported back to California to face a whole slew of charges. In addition to the attempt on Andrea Shaw’s life, the senator is accused of ties to the death of Jonathan Swank, along with embezzlement, and money laundering. Gates is set for his first appearance in the morning, where he will without a doubt be held without bond. Back to you in the studio.”

My breath whooshes out, and relieved tears prick at my eyes as I squeeze Jack’s hand. “It’s over. It’s finally over.”

He turns to face me, taking my face in his hands. “You did it, babe.” Leaning in, he kisses me victoriously. “I love you.” His forehead rests against mine.

I place my hands on his and smile. “I love you, too baby.”

The end.


Istareatmyselfin the mirror, inspecting my hair that’s done up in a beautiful twist with a gorgeous crystal hairclip. I finally went back to my natural hair color, and I love it. Another piece of me clicking into place. My makeup is done to perfection. I slide my hands down the dress of my dreams. My hands are shaky but not from nerves. From anticipation.

I chose an A-Line silk dress with a long train and a deep V in the front. I slide my feet into silver six-inch stilettos. I feel like me again in this moment. Everything I chose was because I liked it. It’s such a drastic change from the first time I planned one of these.

The door opens behind me. “You ready, bestie?” Charlie is in a flowy, brilliant blue dress, her happiness and excitement for Jack and me radiating from where she stands.

Just behind her, I see Addy. I tear up at the sight of her, so damn happy and fulfilled. She’s been through so much but has refused to let it take her down. I couldn’t be prouder of my baby sister and will never take for granted that she’s here supporting Jack and me.

Irene stands to the side. She put up a little fuss, saying she was too old for this, but she gave in pretty quickly.

I take one more look in the mirror, deciding I’ve never been more ready for anything than I am to walk down that aisle towards the man of my dreams. My life with Jack has only gotten better. Each day we’ve grown closer, this day was always a given. It was just a matter of time.

I turn towards my girls who have supported me through it all. It’s been a rocky few years with Christopher’s trial and everything else that followed after, but their love and support never wavered. I can’t imagine having anyone else here. Tears start to prick at my eyes, and Addy is there in a blink.

“Girl, none of that today. Save those tears for when you see your handsome man standing there waiting for you,” she says with tears of her own.

Irene steps into the room, coming to stand in front of me. She grabs my hands and cradles them in hers. For a few moments, she just looks at me. When she speaks, it feels like my heart might burst.

“It feels like a lifetime ago when you came into that café with a scarf around your neck. You were broken in that moment but so strong that I felt an instant connection to you. I didn’t need to ask. I just knew we were the same and that I’d do anything to help you. Andrea, my dear, that feeling has only become stronger. I couldn’t be prouder of you if I tried. All the pain you’ve gone through was to bring you here to us, and I wouldn’t change a thing. I hope you wouldn’t, either.”

A sob breaks loose, and I’m unable to contain it. “Damn, Irene. There went any chance of holding the tears in.” I wrap her in a fierce hug, “I love you and thank you for everything.”

“Love you, too, my dear.” She stands back, giving me another once over and murmuring her approval.

Next, Addy comes up to me, handing me something blue. My brows furrow with confusion.

“What’s this?” I look down to find a weathered blue ribbon in my hands and I instantly recognize it. I try to hand it back. “No, no. I can’t take this.”

“Your something borrowed and something blue.” She reaches out and closes my hands over it. She takes a shaky inhale, seeming to need a second to collect herself. “I want you to have it for today. It would mean the world to me if you carried it with you.”

Her smile is breathtaking, and I can’t tell her no. I lean forward and wrap her in my arms.

“I’m trying my damnedest to not cry, but you three are making it very hard,” I blubber.

“Well, I don’t have anything overly emotional to say or give you. You know you’re my best friend, and I can’t fucking wait for you to marry Jack!” Charlie hoots. “Let’s get this show on the road!”

She slaps me on the behind as I pass her. Andrew stands at the end of the hall, waiting for me in a black tux. I pick up my pace to reach him. We have all been through so much, but not as much as my brother. This man has sacrificed time and time again, even when we didn’t know it. I will never be able to thank him for what he did for Addy and me.

“I don’t think you could look any prettier if you tried.” A look of adoration crosses his face.

“You clean up pretty good yourself,” I say with a wink.

He extends the crook of his elbow for me to take. I breathe deeply, knowing this is it. This is the day I’ve waited for. We had to go through so much to get here, but I wouldn’t change a thing.

We’re all stronger for it. Our love running deeper, our loyalty unwavering. I take a look at my girls and Andrew, knowing they’re all the family I will ever need.

I take Andrew’s offering, tucking myself close. He’s the only man I want to walk me down the aisle to the love of my life. So much has changed in the years since Christopher’s arrest. Secrets exposed, bonds broken, and burdens released.
