Page 150 of Unsealing Her Fate

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The music starts, and everyone makes their way down the aisle one by one until it’s just Andrew and me. My hands shake again, and Andrew reaches out to cover mine with his.

“I’ve got you. This is where you’re meant to be, and he’s the man you’re meant to marry.”

“Fate brought me here, and I don’t want to be anywhere else.”

I swallow down the thick emotion threatening to overflow. The doors open, and I see Jack standing at the end of the aisle waiting for me.

He takes my breath away. Tall, dark, and handsome. His blue eyes are the first thing I seek out. A gorgeous smile overtakes his face as tears spill down my cheeks. It takes everything in me to not run down the aisle to him. I'm impatient to marry the man of my dreams.

Just has we finally reach the top of the aisle, he reaches for me, taking my hand and pulling me into him.

“You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” His voice is reverent, his eyes full of love and devotion.

“You, Detective Lawson, are the sexiest man I’ve ever seen.”

Both of us smile as the reverend leads us through our vows, the ceremony and the people around us fading into the background. All I can see are Jack’s striking blue eyes and our bright future ahead of us.

Untying Her Bonds

Chapter 1 Preview

Igruntwhenmyhead collides with something as I jolt awake and sit bolt upright. My head and stomach feel a little swimmy, and now my forehead throbs like crazy.

My mind acclimates as I regain my senses, and I take in everything around me while I struggle to move. I’m bound at the wrists with a gag in my mouth, and the heavy scent of exhaust scratches my throat and burns my nose. With my breaths racing along with my pounding heart, the irritation becomes outright pain in seconds.

Where the fuck am I?

I blink my eyes, trying to clear away the dark cloudiness, but I quickly discover that cloudiness is non-existent, and my eyes aren’t having trouble adjusting to light either. Instead, I’m surrounded by actual darkness, which only serves to make my heart gallop faster.

Now that I realize I can see nothing, feel myself restrained, and both taste and smell exhaust, I hope my hearing won’t fail me as I listen. The sound of tires on the pavement meets my ears, and at that moment, I know I’m being driven somewhere, but where? And why?

Oh, no.The panic starts to set in. Normally, I’d take deep breaths to ward it away, but with the exhaust suffocating me, that isn’t exactly an option. When I try to scream, it sounds more like a muffled groan.

I shift, and my ankles move freely, causing a spark of hope in my chest because that means they aren’t bound. I kick at the trunk interior. My cries for help are intelligible. My eyes grow heavy, and I feel disoriented. More than likely from the poisonous exhaust.

I force myself to keep fighting, but I’m losing the battle as I struggle against my bonds. With most of my energy spent, unconsciousness takes me once again as a bone deep tiredness takes over. I have no way of knowing how long I’ve been in the car, but it feels like hours. I’ve startled awake, squirmed and fought, choked on exhaust, and passed out repeatedly. I don’t know how many times.

When I wake the next time, I fully accept that this isn’t just some bad dream. This isn’t a vivid nightmare. I’ve been kidnapped.

What could someone possibly want with me?

My body is stiff from being curled up in this trunk for so long. I roll back slightly when the driver hits the brakes. The car decelerates, and a hard right turn sends me slamming into the side of the car. I cry out when I smack my forehead in the same place I did earlier on some heavy, hard as hell object in the trunk. Moments later, the engine dies and the trunk pops open.

Though I can still smell the car fumes, I gulp in several breaths of fresh air as it rushes in. Doing so too quickly makes my stomach roll, and I worry I might throw up.

“Good, you’re awake. I was worried I’d have to carry you twice.” A stranger’s voice vibrates through my pounding skull as I try to move.

My forehead scrunches, irritating the sore spot right in the center as my eyes narrow. I squint, trying to make out his face, but I don’t know him as far as I can tell. His voice certainly doesn’t seem familiar.

Adrenaline spikes as the fresh air helps me regain some of my ability to think. Without hesitating, I kick in his direction with all my strength. The goal is to doanydamage at all that would allow me to climb out and run, but luck isn’t on my side today.

Well, it is… It’s just all bad luck.

The man snorts as he dodges me with next to no effort at all. Screaming is pointless because I sound like Charlie Brown’s teacher with this damned gag in my mouth. No sound I make will be able to reach anyone who may be close by. Which means all I’m doing is further injuring my already burning throat.

“Feisty… I like it,” the man says with a laugh.

Bile rises in my throat at that. His smile fades, and darkness spreads across his features like a demonic shadow materializing in a horror movie. He reels his hand back, and I shrink in on myself, but it’s too late. My head whips to the side from the impact, and intense pain radiates through my cheek and orbital socket.
