Page 27 of Unsealing Her Fate

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This is it. God, I’m so close. This has to be what all of this is about. The dates for the deposits start from almost a year after Christopher started there to well after he quit.

Holy shit… Has he been stealing money for years?

Was Swank involved, or did he just find out about it?

I don’t know the answers to any of that, but this is what I was looking for. Taking my phone out and I take pictures of each page before placing them back exactly as they were. Making a mental note to add these to the app. I slam the box closed and head back towards the lobby.

Calling to the bank manager, I smile and step away from the table as he approaches. “I think that’s all I need. Thank you so much!”

“You’re welcome! Thanks for coming in today, Ms. Shaw. Have a great day!”

“Thanks! You, too.”

I turn and walk out the door feeling heavy with the weight of what I just found.

I call Addy as soon as I get out the door, deciding to walk a few blocks first before I call a cab. I need fresh air and to talk to my sister. On the third ring, she picks up.

“Andrea, is everything okay?” She’s whispering, so she must be worried she’ll be overheard.

“I found something! It’s exactly what we need!”

She almost squeals on the line. “Are you serious? What is it? No, wait. Don’t tell me right now. We need to meet and talk in person because I have something to tell you, too, and they’re watching too closely.”

“Okay, let’s meet tonight for dinner. How about that little Greek café around the corner from your school?” Worry pooling in my gut for her safety.

“That’s perfect. Let’s meet at seven. Love you. I have to go.”

I turn the corner onto the next street, and I’m about to hail a cab when I feel someone watching me. Glancing back, I see a tall man dressed in all black duck behind a building.

Oh my God.

“Yeah, I have to go, too. See you tonight.”

We hang up, and I set my sights on getting the hell out of here ASAP.

Stumbling to the corner, I hail a cab in record time. My heart is in my throat the entire time. I’m not about to watch over my shoulder my entire life. This is ending one way or another.

Christopher doesn’t know what’s coming.

Chapter 12

Unabletostandsittingin the house any longer waiting for seven to roll around, I leave, arriving early to meet Addy. The brownstone doesn’t feel like home anymore. I don’t want to be there with Christopher, and I don’t feel safe. God, I want to. I want things to go back to normal.

Well, maybe notnormalbecause that wasn’t so great either, but this is too much.

My whole world is turned upside down, and I’m spinning, unable to latch onto anything to slow my descent into hell. That’s what this feels like. My perfect life crumbling before my eyes.

My chin trembles as tears form, filling my lash lines. I suck in a harsh breath and blow it out.No. I’m not going there. He doesn’t get any more of my tears. I’ve cried almost every day when this mess and the drastic way things have changed randomly hits me. I’ve locked myself in the bathroom at work too many times.

Enough is enough.

Addy walks into the little café and scans the room. I wave from the back corner table I scored. This little spot should give us some privacy. We have a clear view of the door, too, so it’s perfect.

When she sees me, she waves back and weaves her way through the tables to get back to me. I stand and wrap my arms around her as soon as she’s within reach of them.

She squeezes me back just as tight. We stand there hugging each other for longer than what is considered normal, but I can’t seem to make myself let go, and she seems to feel the same.

Finally, I break the silence between us. “I’m so sorry. I wish you weren’t involved.”
