Page 26 of Unsealing Her Fate

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I wait to sneak out during lunch at work again because I don’t trust the driver to not report back to Christopher. I take a cab to the bank and pray the box has something Addy and I can use. If it doesn’t, I don’t know where to go from here.

Don’t think like that.

One thing at a time. That’s my life motto right now. I don’t think I can handle much more, anyway.

I stand in line, waiting for the teller with three people ahead of me. I’m anxious to get this done, shifting in my heels every few seconds and tapping my foot. The older gentlemen in front of me turns and pointedly stares at my foot before making direct eye contact with me. A guilty look crosses my face, and I smile awkwardly, mumbling an apology and stopping the incessant tapping.

It’s finally my turn, and I walk up to the teller. “Hello! I’d like to get into my safe deposit box, please.”

“Sure, just one moment. Please go stand over there. Have your key and box number ready.”


What’s the number?

Just breathe a second.

I know I know it. I dig in my purse for the key and quickly discover there is no number on it. A thin sheen of sweat breaks out on my forehead as I think I may need to bolt. Racking my brain, I damn near give myself a headache trying to remember what he told me that day.

He told me the number, but in my panic to get this over with, I forgot I’d need to have it. I can’t think!

Okay, calm down.He made a joke about it being one of his favorite numbers and that he would never forget it.Twenty-five! Yes! That’s it!

It was his old jersey number, and he thought it was neat that he ended up with that box number. A relieved sigh rushes out of me.

An older man in a dark charcoal suit approaches me. “Hi, how can I help you?”

I smile. “I need to access my safe deposit box.”

The man starts toward the vault, stopping at a small table in front of it.

“Okay, no problem. I need the box number and your license.” I take out my ID, my hands shaky from nervousness. “It’s box twenty-five, and here you go.”

I hold my breath, praying I remembered the right number. “Thank you, Ms. Shaw. Let me pull the box out, and I’ll leave it here on the table in the vault for you. I just need you to sign the card to record your visit today.”

Oh no!

If he ever checks the log, he’ll see I came without him knowing. What are the odds he’ll check, though?

Well, Andrea, pretty good if he has something incriminating in it.

Ugh.I don’t have a choice. I can’t sign a fake name, and I have to see if there is anything that can help us in there.

I step up to the table and hastily sign my name. Scribbling it so it’s harder to make out and step forward into the vault. The man makes quick work of grabbing the box and placing it on the table. “I’ll be right outside. Please let me know if there’s anything else you need.”

“Thank you.”

This is it.

At first glance, there are just a bunch of papers, a bit of cash, and some jewelry in here. It’s not even enough cash to really mean anything, and the pieces of jewelry are family heirlooms he wanted to keep safe. However, I don’t recognize what the papers are.

Shifting through them, I discover some of the papers are more account information with the Enterprise International, LLC linked, but some are his personal accounts.

There are large deposits being made on a quarterly basis, and I gasp as I realize where the money came from.

It’s the freaking finance firm Christopher worked at!

The one Swank worked at, too!

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