Page 31 of Unsealing Her Fate

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“Go ahead. I’ll be right behind you,” he says.

He watches to make sure I’m going before walking over to answer the door. I’m curious who would pay a visit at this time of night, so I linger in the hallway, out of sight, hoping to hear.

“What are you doing here?”Christopher’s voice is somewhat hushed. He doesn’t sound angry this time. Instead, he sounds nervous.

“You aren’t answering my calls or returning them,”says a man whose voice I don’t recognize.

I move a little closer, wanting to sneak a look, but I can’t risk being seen.

“Everything is going as planned. Everything is fine. You shouldn’t have come. Now she’ll have questions I’ll have to fabricate answers to,”Christopher says.

The mystery man speaks again, sterner this time. “Answer your fucking phone when I call, and I won’t have to pay you a visit in the middle of the night. I expect to hear from you, or my next visit will be much less pleasant.”

“I understand,”Christopher responds, not sounding like himself.

I quietly make my way up the stairs and into the guest bedroom. I can’t hear them speaking anymore, but I’m desperate to see who this mystery person is.

Crouching by the window and barely pulling the curtain back, I see someone leave our stoop. He has on a baseball cap, jeans, and a thin dark jacket. I can’t make out his features as he turns back for a moment before continuing on his way. “Shit!” My sneak peek isn’t enough for me to determine anything concrete.

Sneaking out of the guest bedroom, I hear Christopher start up the stairs. I don’t close our door because I don’t want him to hear it latch. I tiptoe to our bed, safely tucking myself in while I wait for him. He’s right; I have questions.

When he enters our bedroom, his eyes find me, and the stony look I’ve become used to has returned.

“Everything okay?” I asked hesitantly.

“Everything is fine, Andrea,” he replies curtly, walking into the bathroom.

Therehe is; the asshole Christopher I’ve become accustom to dealing with. Looks like he’s dropped the façade.

“Who was at the door?” I ask over the sound of water running in the sink.

Walking back into our bedroom, he says, “An old friend from college. He just got into town and dropped by to say hello.”

He stands there, staring at me, and I imagine he’s trying to figure out if I believe him. I don’t, not even for a minute.

“Strange,” I mutter as I lie back on my pillow and tug the blanket up a bit more.

“Nothing is strange, Andrea. And don’t let your mind run away with this and start fabricating stories like last time,” he says, climbing into bed.

I sit straight up, throwing the blanket back before turning to face him. I can feel my face heating with anger, my heart beating faster. He turns to face me as well. Fully ready to tell him off, I take a breath and manage to stop myself. He arches an eyebrow at me, clearly confused.

It’s not worth unraveling everything Adalyn and I are working towards just to tell him to fuck off.

“Goodnight, Christopher,” I say, turning my back to him and lying back down without waiting for a response.

He settles beside me, and I close my eyes, determined to keep my mouth shut… for now.

Chapter 13

Iwakeupearlierthan normal after another restless night. It’s the weekend, and I was hoping to sleep in. The lack of sleep is catching up to me. Christopher is in the bathroom getting ready, but he isn’t in a suit like he normally would be. There’s also an overnight bag by the closet.

“Oh, you are awake,” he says when his eyes wander over to me. “I’m going on a short vacation with your father and brother. We’ll only be gone for two nights.”

“Where are you going?” I ask, acting clueless about his plans.

“Your brother won a trip to the Bahamas from work, and we thought it would be fun to make boys’ trip out of it.”

I almost laugh at the ridiculousness of that statement.

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