Page 42 of Unsealing Her Fate

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The train station here is much smaller than Sacramento. I only need to take a few steps from the platform to reach the front desk.

I smile at the petite blonde woman inside. “Hi, I need to find a hotel nearby. If possible, I’d need one that takes cash only.” I scoff at myself, roll my eyes, and chuckle as if I’m telling an amusing story. “Of course, I’d walk out of the house and leave the bag that has my wallet in it. I’ll have a friend overnight it to me, but in the meantime, I only have cash. I’ll also need a cab to take me there.”

My voice is oddly confident, and I’m not sure where that has bubbled up from, but I’m glad it’s back.

The lady at the desk looks up with a smile, but it fades as she looks at my neck. I tug my collar a little tighter and make sure the zipper is at the top. I need a damn scarf.Now.

She smiles again, but I can tell it’s forced. I assume she can see and sense my discomfort. “Yes, ma’am. I’m happy to help. There is a motel just a few miles from here. It’s not fancy, but you’ll be warm, and they’ll probably work with you with the lost wallet issue.” She scribbles a number on a scrap of paper, handing it over. “This is the only cab company available here. Is this your first trip to Fraser?”

I return the smile but remember I’m without a phone to call. “Thank you. Yes, it’s my first time here. Unfortunately, I’m without a phone thanks to the bag fiasco. Would you mind me using your phone to call?”

Without hesitation, she hands me the receiver of an old, corded landline phone. The phone must be nearly as old as I am. It’s big, clunky, and heavy. It makes me giggle inwardly because more and more, it feels like I’ve stepped back in time to when things were simple, and people were nicer to one another.

I think I’m going to like it here.

She dials the number, and I tuck the piece of paper she wrote it on in my jacket pocket, so I’ll have it for next time.

“Mike’s Cab Service, how can I help you?” a friendly voice answers after barely one ring.

“Yes, my name is And...” I stop immediately, catching my first mistake since arriving. “Andi, my name is Andi, and I need transportation from the train station to the local motel, please.”

My pseudonym was the first name to pop into my mind. I’ve never spoken it out loud before. I’ve only ever used it on my paintings, but with my new start, the new name seems fitting. I’m Andi Sparks now.

“Ok, Andi, I can be there in about fifteen minutes,” he replies without hesitation. There’s no indication he picked up on my name mixup.

“Perfect. Thanks, and see you soon. Bye.” I hand the receiver back to the ticket agent behind the desk.

“There’s a small boutique right around the corner from the motel within walking distance. If you didn’t pack a warmer jacket than the one you’re wearing, you’ll surely need to get one. It gets pretty cold around here. Mike can point you in the right direction. Just mention the boutique to him when he drops you off,” she says.

So far, the first two people I’ve spoken to have been helpful and beyond friendly. It only reinforces the fantasy I created in my head about this place.

“And a scarf,” I say under my breath.

Though the ticket agent doesn’t look at my neck again, she seemingly heard me and understood. “Yes, Ms. Andi. A beautiful warm scarf to go with your new coat. You’ll be able to find one of those easily there, too.”

After giving a friendly nod and a smile as thanks, I head out with my suitcase in tow to wait for my cab to arrive.

Out front, I hug my arms around myself, rubbing my hands up and down my arms.Wow! She wasn’t kidding.I’ll need a warmer jacket for sure. This isn’t even a cold season for Colorado, but it’s noticeably colder than California.

I take in the landscape while I wait, hoping there’s somewhere to buy paints nearby. I can’t wait to put my talent to use here. It’s so beautiful where the sky meets the mountain tops. That will be my first piece to start. I’m used to painting the sky meeting the ocean, but this will be a new challenge for me to explore. I smile to myself, dreaming of my new start here.

My thoughts are broken as a blue minivan with a flickeringTaxilight on top zooms up and stops right in front of me. It’s not the yellow cab I’m used to, but I give a genuine smile as an older gentleman hops out.

He has dark hair with just a little grey on the sides. He’s tall and slender and dressed casually. He greets me with a wide smile of his own. “Mike’s Cab at your service.” He holds out his hand. “And I’m Mike. You must be Ms. Andi.”

I hold my hand out and shake his. “Just Andi,” I say, still grinning.

“Well, Just Andi, let’s get you in the van and over to the motel. I’m sure you want to get warmed up.” He grabs my suitcase and loads it in the back.

We take off like a rocket away from the train station. I grab my arm rest to hold on. I guess if he’s the only cab service in town, he has to be quick!

I laugh out loud, and he smiles at me in the mirror. He has a friendly face. This is so different from home and so different from what I expected to find wherever I landed. Fear and nerves filled me about leaving Sacramento and being on my own, and even though I have a lot to figure out here, my nerves are settling. The fear of Christopher finding me is still ever present though.

I know I can do this. I can find a way to stay safe.

When we come to a quick stop, I look out the window to find we’re already at a motel simply namedFraser Motel. The vacancy sign is flashing. The simplicity of it all makes me smile. It’s probably the only lodging in town. “Not fancy” was an accurate description, but it’s not terrible, and like the ticket agent said, they’ll probably work with my little “luggage” issue.

“Here we are, Just Andi,” Mike says with a big smile.
