Page 49 of Unsealing Her Fate

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I narrow my eyes at her, trying to read the response she wants. Oh, screw it. I’m going with what I want. The days of striving to be whatever I needed to be to appease everyone around me is gone. That died the day Andrea did. No more pretending to fall In line with what’s expected of me.

I freakinglovesugary, fatty, fully caffeinated drinks.

Offering a gentle smile, I say, “Ah, actually, my heart does a little happy dance for some sugar. Especially this early in the morning. Maybe we can doctor it up a bit?”

I don’t want to be rude, but I also don’t want her to think I’m something I’m not. Not here, where I plan to make a real home. Here I get to have all the things I love without remorse.

I release a heavy sigh, feeling like a weight has lifted. Holy shit, that feels good to admit to myself. I get to be the woman who loves to paint, eat and drink whatever I want, dress how I want, and talk how I want.

No more judgement or snide comments from Mom and Dad. No more worrying about how my simple, inconsequential-to-anyone-else choice would be perceived.

I’ve never felt like this before, and it shocks me. My entire adult life has consisted of expectations, and I didn’t realize how much that weighed me down until this very moment.

Staring at the cup of coffee on the counter, I’m stunned to silence and feel incredibly grateful. It’s a weird thought with all the danger and mystery that surrounds my life right now, but knowing I’m freer than I’ve ever been gives me this overwhelming feeling of joy. My eyes burn as tears fill them, threatening to spill onto my cheeks.

“Hey, are you okay? I didn’t mean to upset you. It was just a joke.” Charlie reaches for my hand, giving it a firm squeeze. A look of panic crosses her beautiful features. “Oh, shit. I’m so sorry! Please don’t hold this against me. I really want us to be friends.”

We’re still standing at the front counter of the café. The lights are off, and it’s so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

“I’m not mad at all. I want to be your friend too! The tears came because I just realized something kind of big, and it hit me like a truck.”

“Well then, let’s fix that coffee up to celebrate!”

She wraps her arm around mine, dragging me to the back. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone quite like her before, but I think I really like her.

After doctoring the coffee to my liking, we get to work. Charlie teaches me everything about opening, and the morning passes in a blur. I helped make scones for the first time ever. The coffee machine sprayed coffee all over me, and I’m covered in flour.

It’s been freaking awesome!

It’s a little past 9:00 AM, and we’ve had a steady stream of customers since opening at 5:30. Charlie is teaching me how to use the register at the front counter, so the steady business is helpful.

The two of us have been cutting up all morning. We had an instant connection, and it seems like thebestiething is fast growing. It feels like I’ve known her my entire life. She’s corky, funny, and laid back with some sass thrown in there.

Irene is more reserved, her eyes always assessing everything without judgment. The way she watches us reminds me of the way a grandma looks at her grandchild. All knowing but still kind.

My biggest concern about today—outside of the ID debacle, of course—was my scarf. But if either of them thought it was weird that I’ve worn my scarf all morning, they haven’t mentioned it.

“Hey, Jack! Anything exciting this morning?”

I look up at Charlie’s warm greeting to see a tall man approaching. He’s wearing black dress slacks, a gray striped dress shirt, with a badge and gun holstered to his hip.

“Mornin’, Charlie. Just old Mr. Peterson getting into an argument with his neighbor again.” He smirks like Mr. Peterson is more entertaining than bothersome.

My eyes cut to his as I realize he’s the man who saved me from falling on my butt in front of everyone yesterday. Well, after he nearly smashed me in the face with the door, that is. He holds my gaze for a second, then turns his focus back to Charlie.

“Jack, this is Andi. She’s new to Fraser and here at the café, and she’ll be helping us out.” She turns slightly towards me and gestures with her hands like Vanna White, drawing a chuckle from everyone at her exaggerated movements. “Andi, this is Jack Lawson, our resident detective and coffee connoisseur. He comes in every morning for his fix.” She laughs lightly.

He tips his head towards me, and I awkwardly hold out my hand for him to shake.

“Nice to meet you,” I say. A slight flutter in my chest from the contact. I shake it off, wondering what the heck that was about.

Jack smiles. “Nice to meet you, too. Welcome to Fraser.”

He drops my hand just as quickly as he took it before placing his order with Charlie and stepping to the side for the next customer to come up.

I’m tasked with getting the orders going, starting on Jack’s first. It’s just a coffee with two creams and six sugars, so I think I can handle it on my own.

I get it ready in no time, returning to the counter.
