Page 95 of Unsealing Her Fate

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I barely know Jack, but I’m more comfortable with him than I’ve ever been with a man. It took years for me to warm up to Christopher, and even then, I never felt a spark like I just did when Jack’s lips met mine. It felt like fire was spreading through my limbs and consuming me whole.

I push off the door and head for the shower on wobbly legs. I spend extra time under the warm spray, letting my hands wander down my body and explore in a way I haven’t done in months. It feels incredible, and I’m much more relaxed and awake once I get out of the shower.

When I look over and see the Chromebook peeking out of my bag, my mind refocuses on the mess I’m in, and reality crashes back down on me. Jack was a nice distraction but now I need to get to work digging up more dirt on Christopher. I also need to figure out who is here in Fraser looking for me.

I’m so thankful Charlie didn’t see my reaction earlier today. Christopher must have hired a better PI than the hitman he had take out Swank. Even if he found me at the coffee shop today, it would take hours for Christopher to get here, to get to me.

I grab my bag containing the printouts and Chromebook before pushing the coffee table out of the way. I spread them out across the floor, laying each picture in order of where I think it likely happened within the timeline.

When I turn the Chromebook on, I see there are no new emails from Addy yet. She must be busy. I do a Google search of my name, and sure enough, my picture is everywhere. I’m listed as missing and in imminent danger.

I roll my eyes.

Yeah, I was in imminent danger alright. And that danger was at home with my fiancé.

After spending a few hours staring at the pictures spread across the floor, my eyes get heavy. I pull the throw blanket from the couch behind me and stretch out on the floor where I’ve been researching. All I need is a catnap, and I’ll be good to go again. I need to do this. I need to take Christopher down before he takes me down first.

My nose, throat, and chest burn terribly. It’s scratchy, and all I want is to cough. A loud noise bounces off every wall in my small apartment, and irritation sets in as my eyes start to flutter open.

What is that?I wonder as a foreign scent filters through my nose. Adrenaline floods my nervous system as my eyes spring fully open, my brain finally piecing everything together. I sit bolt upright to find the room full of smoke. I can’t see anything.

My apartment is on fire!


I scramble up from the floor as Jack calls my name from outside. It sounds like he’s by one of the front windows instead of by the door.

Smoke is everywhere, and immense heat radiates from the flames concentrated in the front of the apartment. I have to get out. I run to the door and instinctively grab the doorknob, but that was a mistake. I snatch my hand back as it burns my hand.

“Fuck!” I yell before inspecting my hand, though I can’t see much due to the smoke. I need help to get out, and I don’t know what to do. “Jack!”

“I’m coming, Andi!” he yells back.

The burning in my lungs multiplies now that I’m standing in the thicker part of it in the front of the apartment. Wasting no more time, I scramble to the floor, coughing and pulling my pajama shirt up to cover my nose and mouth as I gather the pictures from where I laid only a minute or two ago.

I use the printouts to waft the smoke from my face as I try to find my handbag. My eyes water so badly, and I can barely see anything as smoke continues to fill the room fast.

The sound of glass shattering meets my ears as the front window crashes in, spraying shards all over the floor.

“Come on!” he yells from the window. He must have fetched a ladder to get me out. “The fire is by the door, so you’ll have to come out this way!”

“I have to get this stuff. I can’t leave it!”

He climbs through the window and wraps his arm around my waist. “You’re going to die from the smoke, Andi. We have to go!”

Sirens wail in the distance, and I panic even more about leaving everything.

“Help me get my things! Please!”

Jack releases me and kneels to grab the papers, holding out my bag as he crams them in.

“The laptop. I have to get my laptop!”

We’re both on the floor, trying to stay below the smoke. Jack makes quick work of finding the Chromebook on the floor and tucks it under his arm. He takes my hand and drags me toward the window and the awaiting ladder.

“That’s it! We’re out of here,now!” There’s no room for negotiation in his voice.

Darkness clouds the edges of my vision, and I know I’ll soon lose consciousness. The smoke is too much now, and I can’t pull in a full breath. Jack’s hand trembles as he steadies me on the way down. Whether from adrenaline or fear, I don’t know, but I think it’s safe to assume it’s both.
