Page 96 of Unsealing Her Fate

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His fear was palpable when he leapt through the apartment window, and I can still feel it now. Though, as my vision continues to darken on the way down this ladder, and my arms and legs become weaker and weaker, my own fear is threatening to overtake me and rival his.

The sound of Jack’s feet hitting the ground almost seems to echo around me, and I sway. My hands lose grip on the ladder, and I fall back. Warm arms wrap around me, and suddenly I’m hoisted into the air. I only barely register that Jack has me thrown over his shoulder before darkness swallows me whole, and consciousness fades entirely.

Something is suction cupped to my face, and I jolt awake, though my eyes take a moment to sluggishly open. My hand instinctively goes to my face, and I touch what I quickly realize is an oxygen mask. My eyes dart around, trying to figure out where I am.

“You’re okay,” a voice I don’t recognize tells me. “You’re in an ambulance. You lost consciousness from smoke inhalation.”

My vision begins to clear and come into focus as I blink away some of the burning sensation. Jack stands at the back of the ambulance, his eyes locked on me.

“Is she going to be okay?” he asks the man sitting beside me in the back of the ambulance.

“Yes, Detective. She’ll be fine. She needs oxygen, but she’ll be just fine.” He sounds so confident, I relax.

“How can you be so sure?” Jacks asks. I can’t make out his expression with most of the light behind him. His arms are crossed over his chest as he leans against the door, studying me. I feel almost self-conscious under his gaze.

“I’m a nurse practitioner, I was able to do a scope exam to check her throat for any damage and everything looks good so far. I do recommend you come in for a follow-up appointment in a day or two.” The kind man says to a pissed off looking Jack.

I feel woozy but much better now. A thought popping into my head, “if you’re a nurse practitioner why are you with the EMT’s?”

The slightly balding man with glasses answers with a slight chuckle, “we occasionally go out on calls, especially in a little town like this. Not much excitement around here. Well except for tonight.”

My cheeks turn red as I absorb what he is saying. Embarrassment turns into panic, my sluggish brain putting together what all this could mean.

It means Christopher fucking found me. I work to keep my breathing under control but it’s a struggle. I don’t need another reason for them to want to take me in.

I’m still on the ambulance gurney when Jack comes back from talking to the firefighters. He takes in my panicked expression, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

His eyes dart all around my face, then to my hands that are shaking in my lap. I fist my hands, trying like hell to still them.

What I would assume is an EMT comes to the side of the ambulance, a door is open to my left as another access point. She starts to ask for all my personal information for the hospital.

I start to panic even more; tears are threatening to come down in heavy waves. I hold my breath, trying my damnest to keep it all in.

Jack takes one look at me and knows something is wrong.Very wrong. He jumps up into the ambulance, “can you give us a minute alone.” His tone leaving no room for argument. Even though it seems the nurse practitioner and the EMT want to argue, they both slowly back out of the ambulance, leaving Jack and I alone.

“Tell me what’s wrong.” His tone is so soft and gentle it almost undoes me.

I shake my head side to side almost violently. Only managing to whisper out, “I can’t.”

My response only puzzles him even more. I know this isn’t fair to him. I know I have to tell him, but not here, not in front of all of these strangers.

“What do you need me to do?” He grabs my shaking hands and cradles them in his. The warmth that that small gesture provides is something I can’t even describe.

My breath whooshes out of me in pure undiluted relief.

“Please don’t let them take me to a hospital.” If I go to a hospital, I’m done for. He will find me, and it will all be over.

“But they need to check you out. What if there is permanent damage?” His concern is vibrating from his body in waves. I sag against the gurney. Fatigue is starting to set in hard.

“Please Jack.” My voice broken and scared. He must see the desperation in my eyes, and he takes pity on me.

He turns towards the balding man standing off to the side of the ambulance on the curb.

“We’ll get the information for your paperwork later. She needs to rest. Let’s go,” he says sternly, he stands, his tall frame having trouble moving in this tiny, crowded space. He looks over to me mouthing “can you stand?”

I mouth right back, “I think so.” I scoot to the side of the gurney and sling my legs off the side.

I stand, and my legs are so shaky I lose my balance as I try to climb out. Jack grabs me around the waist and lowers me. As my feet touch the pavement, my head swims. Once again, strong arms hold me steady, and I soon realize I’m cradled against Jack’s chest.

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