Page 26 of Finding His Forever

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“Spill it,” Eve says, giving her a teacher look.

“What? The only thing I did was recommend your company to Cooper,” Penny says, trying to feign ignorance. But then she shrugs. “And sure, I made Cooper promise not to hit on you, and yeah, I warned you off of him, but…” she adds, as if she had no choice. “It was the only way to ensure you two would fall for each other.”


Penny doesn’t bother to hide her grin now. “I knew the two of you would be perfect for each other but also that if I just let things play out naturally, you might never get together. So, I decided a little…intervention was necessary.”

“Intervention?” I echo, my curiosity stirred, despite myself.

“Exactly,” Penny nods, her voice taking on a conspiratorial tone. “I knew warning you off each other was the only way to pique your interest and ensure you ended up together.”

“Wait, what?” Eve exclaims, her eyes wide with surprise. “You did that on purpose?”

“Guilty as charged,” Penny admits, her expression unapologetic. “But look at you now—engaged and madly in love. You can’t tell me it wasn’t worth it.”

I glance at Eve, her face a mixture of shock and amusement, and can’t help but laugh. “Well, when you put it that way, I guess I can’t argue with the results.”

“Neither can I,” Eve agrees, squeezing my hand affectionately.

“Speaking of meant to be,” Luke chimes in, his voice soft and warm as he gazes down at Trevor, who’s succumbed to the gentle lull of the jet engines. “This little guy has had quite the exciting day, hasn’t he?”

“Indeed, he has,” Penny agrees, reaching out to stroke the baby’s cheek tenderly. “I think it’s time we got him settled in his car seat so he can have a proper nap.”

Luke rises from his seat, and together, they move away to get their son situated. I turn my attention back to Eve, who once more gazes out the window at the clouds below. The sunlight catches her profile, emphasizing the curve of her cheekbone and the delicate arch of her brow.

“Hey,” I say softly, brushing my thumb along the back of her hand as she turns to look at me.

“Coop?” Eve asks, her voice soft and tentative. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“Are you… Do you ever regret our decision not to have kids?” She looks down, but then her eyes lift to meet mine.

I regard her for a moment, honestly considering the question. I told her from the beginning I would be happy with her by my side, and it’s still true today. My life with Eve, especially the day soon when she’ll be my wife, is everything I never knew I wanted but complete in a way I can’t describe.

“Never,” I say firmly, pulling her close so she can see the truth in my eyes. “Not for a second.”

Eve’s eyes search mine, and I lean in, pressing my lips to hers in a kiss that promises so much more once we reach the resort at Hilton Head.

Pulling back, I rest my forehead against hers, breathing in the familiar scent of her perfume. “You are everything to me, Eve, and I truly couldn’t be happier than I am to have your love. It’s enough. You are enough.”

Her eyes soften, and a relieved smile graces her lips. “Thank you, Coop. I just needed to hear it.”

“Anytime,” I assure her, lifting our joined hands to press a kiss to her knuckles.

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