Page 31 of Dark Creed

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But not tonight.

We reached my floor, and I was the first to step out of the elevator, turning to go toward Creed’s place. Brandon was behind me, and he kept looking all around, as if even the hallway impressed him. I grabbed the key out of my pocket and slid it into the door, and then I put in the code to unlock the other lock. Within another minute, the door was open and we walked in.

The lights were off, but they didn’t stay off for long. I hit the switch for the hall and the kitchen, illuminating the space. All of the switches here had dimmers attached, and I put them on low. My ears heard not another sound in the apartment, not another noise to show that Creed was around.

Huh. Did he go out tonight? He didn’t tell me he was going to, but then again, I had told him not to wait up for me. Maybe those missed messages included a change of his plans.

I wasn’t going to scroll back and read his messages now to see, though; I had a guest, and there were certain things I wanted to do with my guest… such as take him to the couch and make out with him.

I slipped off my heels as Brandon ventured further into the apartment, his head whipping around. He muttered, “Holy shit. This place is crazy.” The awe and incredulousness in his voice nearly made me laugh.

“I know, isn’t it?” I went over to him, grabbed him by the hand, and brought him into the living room, sitting us down on the couch. I didn’t turn on any lights in the room; since the main area of the apartment was open-concept, the dim lights from the kitchen were more than enough to see. Besides, the low lights made a nice atmosphere. The perfect atmosphere for making out with a stranger.

Brandon finally fixated his blue gaze on me. “It doesn’t look like your brother’s home.” His words were accompanied with a slow, sly smile.

“No, it doesn’t look like it,” I replied, leaning into him.

We didn’t say much else, because there was nothing else to say. It was clear what was on my mind, and it was definitely on Brandon’s mind, too; in the next moment, our mouths had found each other’s once more, the kisses more fervent now than they’d been when we were in that lounge. The desire had time to stew and grow, the need for a more bodily release intensified.

Brandon grabbed my waist, bunching up my dress and pulling me over to his lap. I straddled him, and not once did our lips ever break their connection. I wasn’t quite sure what I should do, but I let instinct take over; I started to grind my lower half on his lap.

I must’ve been doing something right, because shortly after I began doing that, Brandon groaned into me, something hard stirring beneath me. My dress had ridden up past my thighs, now resting on my hips, which allowed his hands to find my ass and cup it over my panties.

It felt good, don’t get me wrong. It got my heart pumping and thrill to course through me, but… I didn’t know. Brandon was cute. I found him attractive. Something was missing, though, and I just couldn’t put my finger on what it was.

I pulled my mouth off his, turning my face away as my eyebrows came together. Brandon must’ve thought I wanted him to bring his lips to my neck, because that’s what he did. The hungry kisses on the nape of my neck only tickled me; they didn’t stoke any flames inside me.

Ugh. Wasn’t this what I wanted? Wasn’t this the whole reason I brought Brandon back here?

As I wondered those questions and more, I heard the sounds of someone unlocking the main door to the apartment. Creed must be coming home.He must’ve been right behind us.

I turned my head and brought my lips back to Brandon’s, kissing him as hard as I could while grinding down on his lap again, moving myself along his bulge. When the door opened, Brandon tried to pull his mouth off me, but I grabbed his face and held him still. He didn’t put up much of a fight, letting me take control. I’d be damned if I let Creed dictate who and what I did—I’d gotten enough of that when I lived with my dad.

Honestly, I didn’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t what happened next.

Within thirty seconds, Creed must’ve walked over to where we were on the couch, because his voice was close, his words clear and perfectly enunciated, even as he growled them out, “What the fuck, Taylor?”

I certainly didn’t think he’d grab me and pull me off Brandon, but that’s exactly what he did. He grabbed me by the arms and literally picked me up off his lap, hauling me off Brandon and making me stand on my own two feet beside him.

I pushed him off me, meeting his dark-eyed glare with one of my own. “What the hell, Creed?”

“No,” he spoke with a frown, gesturing toward Brandon. “I asked you first. What the fuck? Who the fuck is that and why is he here?” He stared daggers in my direction, giving Brandon time to adjust his hard dick to try to hide his erection.

“That’s Brandon, and he’s here because I brought him here,” I said, yanking down my dress to cover up my exposed lower half. Even though Creed glared at me in a way that told me he wanted me to back down, I refused. I wouldn’t. I’d… damn it, I’d stand up for myself, for once.

“Uh…” Brandon’s voice mumbled out an awkward sound. He read the room, Creed’s emotions, and he clearly wanted to leave, because he stood up and wiped his palms along his sides. “I think maybe I should go—” He took one step away from the couch, but he didn’t make it any farther, because Creed was faster.

Creed moved with a purpose, setting a single hand on Brandon’s shoulder and forcing him to sit back down. “Don’t you fucking move,” he hissed out, narrowing his eyes at him. It was only as he stood in front of Brandon that I realized just how much taller he was. With Brandon sitting on the couch, he easily looked like a giant before him.

Brandon’s blue eyes shifted to me, his mouth open, like he wanted to say something to Creed, but he didn’t know how to go about it. Or maybe he was simply nervous because my lovely stepbrother was acting damn near out of his mind.

Creed whirled on me, stepping toward me, his body looming over mine. I didn’t think I’d ever seen him this upset. A part of me—the part that had gotten used to my dad’s flavor of rage—wanted to shrink away, but another part of me, a bigger part, knew Creed wouldn’t hurt me, even if he was downright enraged.

“I told you to tell me where you were going tonight,” Creed growled out, the words spoken so lowly he sounded like an animal. “But you ignored me. You ignored my messages all fucking day so you could play dress up and bring a boy home.” As he said that, his dark gaze fell to my chest—the only part of my dress he could see from where he stood, towering over me.

“I go out looking for you,” he went on, practically baring his teeth at me like a snarling wolf. “And when I come home, I find you and your chosen boy practically fucking on my couch—” Brandon tried to get up again, but Creed turned his head and pointed at him, ordering him, “Don’t you fucking move.”

Brandon held up his hands in a surrendering gesture. “All right, man. All right. I think you should calm down.” Turned out, he shouldn’t have said that, because saying that only further infuriated Creed, but at least it got his attention off me, as momentary as it would be.
