Page 32 of Dark Creed

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“Calm down?” Creed echoed, frowning at him. “You want me to calm down when you were about to take advantage of my sister? You want me to calm down when your fucking tongue was so far down her throat you were choking her?”

Okay, that was a little extreme—Brandon’s tongue never made it into my mouth. “Creed,” I spoke his name, but that’s all I could get out, because in the next moment, Creed’s hand shot out and grabbed me by the jaw, pulling me in toward him.

“Dude,” Brandon said, getting up. “Don’t fucking touch her.” He tried to get Creed to let me go, tried to posture all alpha-like, but Creed wasn’t having it. While still holding onto my jaw, Creed managed to punch Brandon’s chest, knocking the wind right out of him. He stumbled back, falling onto the couch, wheezing and trying to catch his breath.

“You will sit on that fucking couch until I tell you to get up and go,” Creed growled out, turning his head toward Brandon. “If you try to run, I will catch you—and when I do, I will make you wish you never laid eyes on her tonight.” A threat like that was more of a promise; a promise of violence.

Brandon didn’t say anything. His eyes were wide, but he said not a word. By now, he had to know that he couldn’t outmatch Creed. Creed was taller, stronger, and faster, and he obviously knew how to fight. Creed did work security, so I wasn’t surprised about that.

Creed turned his full attention back to me. I’d lifted a hand to the wrist attached to the fingers curling around my lower jaw. He wasn’t holding onto me tight enough to hurt, but just enough that I couldn’t get out of his grip. Firm and strong but not cruelly so, four fingers curling up my left cheek, his thumb on the other side of my mouth.

“You brought him here to, what?” Creed asked, the top half of his frame slowly bending down to me. “To prove something to me?”

“No, that’s not—” I couldn’t say anything more, mostly because he’d yanked me closer to his body. He was practically on top of me, even though we were standing.

“He is aboy,” he growled out that last word in particular, venom dripping off his low, husky voice. “You think he can give you what you need? Do you really think someone like that can make you feel what you want to feel?” He might’ve pointed at Brandon on the couch, but I couldn’t be too sure; I couldn’t take my eyes off Creed.

Or, more specifically, I couldn’t take my eyes off his mouth.

“He is a boy, Taylor.” Creed’s breath was hot on my face, blooming across my skin and warming me up in more places than that. “Let me show you the difference between a boy and a man.”

My lungs constricted on their own; it was like I knew it was coming, but at the same time, I was still shocked when Creed’s hand tightened around my jaw harder and bent my head back. I was still stunned when the top half of his frame bent down and his mouth collided with mine. My eyes remained open for a few seconds, but then they fluttered shut.



The kiss was all fire and urgency, igniting something deep within me all of the kisses with Brandon didn’t. A desperate desire that drowned out every other need and all common sense. Passion devoured me whole, took hold of who I was and refused to let me go. Every single nerve in my body was instantly set aflame, heat rising within me, starting in my lower gut, in a place that had never tingled quite like that before.

His other hand snaked around my lower back, holding me close, the muscles underneath the fabric of the sleeve tightening with the movement. I couldn’t escape him, even if I tried—and I didn’t try. I couldn’t. There wasn’t anything I could do besides stand there and finally understand what he’d said.

Brandon was a boy. Creed was a man.

Brandon was cute. Creed was drop-dead handsome. The two were incomparable, totally and completely.

“Uh…” Brandon’s voice muttered, but he didn’t say anything else.

Creed backed me up, moving us so that my backside pressed against the armrest of the couch. He tore his mouth off mine, turning his head to glare at Brandon as he said, “Take notes, boy.”

And then his mouth found mine again, kissing me even harder, stealing the breath out of my lungs and kickstarting my heart in a way nothing ever had before. He still held onto my jaw, almost as if he refused to let it go. Maybe he thought I’d try to pull away or turn away the moment he let me go.

If I was in my right mind, I would. I definitely should.

But I wasn’t.

The hand on my lower back went to my side, and in the next moment, I was lifted onto the armrest, my legs straddling either side of it. My dress hiked up as a result, but I didn’t care. I was too lost in the unbridled heat and passion of the kiss, too far gone, drowning in a sea I shouldn’t even know the taste of.

The hand on my side moved to my exposed thigh, traveling up and eliciting a shiver from me as it went. His hand was rough on my skin, and when his fingers dipped along my inner thigh, any sane thought that might’ve still resided in my head vanished.

One, two, three, and poof; gone, just like that.

I had to use my own arms to prop myself up on the armrest, to stop myself from falling backward from the sheer assault on my mouth—and it was a good thing I did, because Creed’s wandering hand found its destination soon enough, and when it did, a jolt of pleasure seared through me.

His fingers found my panties, rubbing a circle over a tender spot on my body. My clit. It must’ve been aching for his touch, because when he flicked his thumb over my panties, directly over the swollen nub, I whimpered into the kiss, unable to stop myself.

I couldn’t think straight. I couldn’t do anything but take whatever Creed was going to give me.

He continued to kiss me, continued to use his fingers on my clit over my panties, and I felt like one big ball of need, like I couldn’t get enough. My hips began to rock as much as they could, grinding ever so slightly against his hand.
