Page 60 of Dark Creed

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I led her back to my car, helping her in the front seat. Once I got in, I turned the vehicle on and got us going. I tossed a smirk her way, asking, “How was that for a night out?”

Taylor was still breathless, although if I had my way, she’d be breathless the rest of the night—and neither one of us would get a wink of sleep. The back of her head rested on the headrest, and she turned toward me, a slow smile gracing her lips. “That was…” She apparently couldn’t think of what to say.

I grabbed her hand as I drove, squeezing it. “Had to remind you that you belong to me.”

She laughed at that. “Me, or prove a point to those guys and anyone else who might be looking?” Ah, she already knew me too well.

The smirk on my face morphed into an outright grin. “All of the above.”

Again, she laughed. “What am I going to do with you?”

“The better question is: what amIgoing to do withyou?” I threw her a mischievous look. “I hoped you didn’t plan on getting much sleep tonight, Taylor. It’s been one hell of a long week. I want my sheets to smell like you by the time we’re done.”

Taylor turned her face away from me, I’d bet to hide her blushing. The car was dark, so it wasn’t like I could see the heat creeping up her cheeks, anyway. “What do I smell like?”

My body still buzzed with the high of fucking her in the club, and it took me way too long to answer, “I don’t know. You just smell good. Like I just want to inhale you…” I paused. “Or devour you whole.”

“Creed,” she whispered my name, like she always did. No one else could say my name like her. No one even came close.

“What? It’s true. You know it’s true. This, us—it’s fate. I’ve never been one to believe in things like that, not until now. There’s no use denying it when you feel it, too.” If I wasn’t driving, I would’ve taken hold of her, brought her into my chest and held her there. “You make me weak. You make me strong. You drive me crazy sometimes, but the thought of you in my life keeps me sane. You give me whiplash and yet you’re the one constant thing I need.”

Again, she said my name, “Creed,” only this time, she said it differently. Softer, the word barely audible. This time my name sounded like a whispered prayer on her tongue, like I was the penultimate answer to all of her prayers.

We were at a red light, which was the only reason I was able to turn to look at her when I said this next part. “I love you, Taylor.” And then, because I wasn’t sure how long the red light was, I reached over the center console, pulled her in, and kissed her.

If Taylor was breathless before, she was even more breathless after that kiss, but alas, it was a green light now, which meant I had to let her go and resume driving. She had been rendered speechless, no words coming out of that pretty little mouth.

But it was true. I loved her. Not just as a stepbrother should love his stepsister. Not only in the way family should love each other. I loved her more than that. I think it had hit me that first night, when I’d seen her sitting in that booth all by herself, looking so sorrowful. It had struck me then, and I’d been too blinded by clinging to the past to realize it.

It wasn’t love at first sight, because that wasn’t the first time I’d seen her. I didn’t know what it would be considered, but I did know many people would think me insane for confessing such intense feelings—not only for my stepsister but for someone who’d only come back into my life weeks ago.

Weeks. That was all it had been, and yet it felt like years.

Taylor didn’t say anything as I drove us home. In fact, she waited until we were upstairs, safely in private, before she spoke. I had taken her hand and was leading her down the hall, to my bedroom, where I planned on showering every inch of her body in kisses before railing her again, but she pulled us to a stop just outside of my room.

“Creed,” Taylor whispered. She’d left her heels by the front door, now standing even shorter before me. “I—”

I squeezed her hand. “You don’t have to say it if you don’t want to, if you’re not ready.”

“No,” she told me. “I’m ready. I want to say it.” She swallowed, glancing down, acting awkward… like she’d never told another guy this before. And perhaps she hadn’t; overhearing her sexual history when the doctor had been here… let’s just say she didn’t have much history.

Enough to piss me off, but not a lot, in retrospect.

Her voice came out in a rushed whisper when she said, “I love you too, Creed. I think I’ve been in love with you since I was a kid.” Taylor paused. “Is that weird?”

I didn’t know if it was or not, but there couldn’t be too many people out there in the world with a similar situation as us, so who was I to say what was weird and what wasn’t? I could be no judge of that.

In the end, I said, “No,” because I didn’t think it was. Not when it was us. Taylor and I were destined for each other; that much I already knew. How could it be weird when it was us?

I pulled her in close, brought my mouth down upon hers once more, and while kissing her, I backed us up into my bedroom, where I then spun her and threw her onto my bed. The look she gave me right then and there told me she was ready for whatever I had in store for her tonight.

Let’s see if I could wear us both out.

Chapter Seventeen – Taylor

If there was one thing I’d learned about Creed, it’s that he was the jealous sort. Not the kind of guy who got jealous and made threats at me or tried to hurt me. It was more like he got all alpha and had to mark his territory to make others understand I wasn’t available. He got allmine, mine, minewhen it came to me and guys sniffing around.

There was a certain kind of sexiness to it. Maybe due to the fact that I enjoyed watching Creed take charge and make me his, or maybe because I just thought he was sexy when he was all glares and growls while trying to intimidate other guys, like those two at the club last Friday.
