Page 61 of Dark Creed

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Oh, yeah. Couldn’t forget them or that their little come on had turned into a quickie in the corner of the club.

Yeah, sex in public. Never thought I’d have any of that, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t exhilarating, fun in a way that only something forbidden could be. Maybe Creed was bringing out a little kink in me. First the good girl stuff, then sex in public. What was next?

Come Monday morning, I went to class. Met with Beth for lunch, like we usually did. I’d made sure to scrub off the stamp from the club extra hard on Saturday, so my skin wouldn’t show any signs of ink or redness from being scrubbed so much.

Let’s just say that ink was pretty damn permanent. It had taken alotof scrubbing to come off.

Beth and I sat in the student union, something we didn’t normally do. It was raining outside though, so inside for lunch we were. I got a salad with loads of croutons—my favorite salad item—while Beth had opted for a six inch sub at the sandwich place.

The student union was the main hub of campus, multiple floors with important offices and big ballrooms for any events that were held on campus. But even so, I didn’t spend much time in this particular building.

“Do anything fun this weekend?” she asked. Her black hair was greasy, up in a messy bun, typical Monday fashion for a lot of college students with long hair, even the guys. She sat across from me, working on unrolling her sandwich. Once it was freed from its wrapping, she took a big bite.

I couldn’t tell her I’d gone out to a club with my mystery man, mostly because she’d then ask why I hadn’t invited her. She invited me places every weekend even though I always said no. That party had been the first and only time I’d accepted.

“Uh” was all I got out, then I stopped to think. Not only could I not tell her about the club, but I also couldn’t tell her that Creed had kept me up all night Friday afterward because we’d just exchangedI love yous and he’d wanted to make me lose my damn mind with an insane number of orgasms.

Nope. Definitely couldn’t tell her any of that.

So, in the end I simply said, “Not really. Worked on some homework. Nothing exciting. What did you do?” I scooped up a few croutons and brought them to my mouth. Seriously, there was hardly anything better than some croutons with ranch drizzled over them. So crunchy. So delicious.

“Ah, actually nothing. It was a quiet weekend for me. What was weird was that my roommate hung around all weekend. I think she broke up with her boyfriend, or they’re having a fight or something. It was awkward.” Beth took another bite of her sandwich, and then she turned her head to gaze out of the windows next to us.

The cafeteria portion of the student union was beside a literal wall of windows; you could see everyone walking by outside on the sidewalk, along with getting a read on the current weather. Hint: it still rained pretty damn hard.

“I hope this rain slows down soon,” she said. “I didn’t bring a jacket today.”

That was when I noticed she wasn’t wearing one. Not even a hoodie. Just an off the shoulder light sweater that, I’d bet anything, was a bitch and a half when it got soaked. It probably added twenty pounds when it was wet.

“Your dorm’s not too far away. You could cut through buildings,” I offered a solution.

“Nah. I’ll just camp out here. If it keeps up, I’ll skip class.” Beth shrugged. She wasn’t as anal as I was; I didn’t like missing any classes, mostly because with my loans, I knew I was paying for them. And if I was paying for them, I would get my money’s worth.

We finished eating, but unlike Beth, I refused to skip class, so I headed out in the rain. I, however, did think ahead and brought a small umbrella with me, so the rain didn’t affect me too much. If it was windy and rainy at the same time… that was when I’d have a problem. Thankfully, today the rain wasn’t coming down at an angle from the wind.

My afternoon classes passed quickly, and by the time the final one let out, it wasn’t raining anymore, so I could fold up the umbrella and stick it in the side of my bag as I walked home. My mood was good; I was still flying high after the weekend.

I mean, I had to be good, right? Creed loved me. It still felt surreal to think about.

But my good mood didn’t last long. As I rounded the block to Creed’s place, I stopped when I saw someone standing near the guard to the front door of the building. A woman. She was getting all up in his face too, yelling at him—though what she was saying, I couldn’t hear due to the traffic on the road.

My mood instantly soured when I saw who it was: Hailee. And, unlike me, she hadn’t been braving the weather today. She looked like she’d spent the entire day fluffing herself up, doing her makeup, and practicing her strut in four-inch heels.

I didn’t want to walk up to them or walk past her; she’d see me, even if I pretended not to notice her. I simply froze, not knowing what to do. And, anyway, I didn’t want to see her again. Knowing she’d been with Creed… knowing she was basically a high-end escort was something that filled me with disdain.

Not for her profession, but for the fact she’d been with Creed.

I guess Creed wasn’t the only one who got jealous.

Well, either way, I had to get inside. Best just to get it over with, I guess. So I gathered up my courage and walked toward the front of the grand high-rise, holding my head up as I approached. The guard, I noticed, was unaffected by Hailee’s screams and tantrums. He appeared unbothered entirely.

“Goddamn it,” Hailee was busy saying, stomping her heel on the pavement. “Let me in, you asshole! I’ve been inside before—”

“Yes, you had authorization to come in,” he spoke, keeping a bored expression as he explained, probably not for the first time, “but now you don’t, so you’re not allowed in. I don’t make the rules. I just enforce them.”

She opened her mouth to argue with him more, but he added, “It’s private property, Miss. The owners make the rules. Now go, before I call the cops on you.”

Hailee let out a shriek of annoyance, turning on her heel after flicking the guy off… and she turned right toward me. The moment her cat eyes saw me, the expression on her face changed. I was ten feet away, and she slunk over to me, giving her hips an added sway—though to whose benefit, I didn’t know.
