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School was a welcome reprieve. Can’t believe I thought that, but it was. I’d been forced to ride with Gareth this morning, which made Erin insanely curious. She was waiting for me at my locker, and when she saw me coming, she waved and smiled.

“How was your weekend?” she asked when I reached my locker.

I shrugged. “My mom’s back from her honeymoon, so…” I stopped talking, remembering the body, the blood, touching myself while thinking I was alone and no one was watching. Then I remembered being with Alistair, which brought my mind to Gareth…

Let’s just say I really didn’t want a repeat of last weekend, ever.

“Oh, yeah! I forgot about that.” Her eyes widened. Today her red hair was in a single braid on her right side, a little frizzy. “That means you had the house to yourself this past week? I mean, you and Gareth. Dang it, you should’ve invited me over.”

I laughed at that, but it was a short-lived laugh. Like I’d ever invite her over when I knew she had a thing for Gareth and would probably do whatever it was he wanted.

Not because I would be jealous, because I wouldn’t be. It was for her own safety I couldn’t invite her. Yeah, her safety.

Come on. Like I’d ever be jealous of someone else trying to get with Gareth.

“Erin,” I started, closing my locker once I had everything I’d need for my first few classes, “Gareth’s really… he’s not a nice guy. He might seem cool and mysterious at school, but when you start to get to know him, let’s just say he’s not great.”Not greatwas like the year’s biggest understatement when it came to describing Gareth Montgomery.

The asshole had killed his mom. Who killed their own mom?

Let’s just pretend I didn’t think about doing the same thing to mine last night, okay?

Erin’s lips pulled into a frown, and she got quiet at that. “Did he… did he do something to you?”

I tried my best not to let any hint of the truth show. “What are you talking about? No, he didn’t do anything. He’s just… he’s just mean, Erin. You deserve better than that.” I started walking along, and Erin came with me.

“It isn’t like I have a chance with him,” she told me. “I know that. Maybe that’s why I’ve been obsessed with him for so long. It’s easier to stare from afar than it is to actually get to know them.” She pursed her lips.

“Erin, I—”

“No, no. It’s okay. You’re not the first person to try to convince me to like someone else. Kaity doesn’t like him, either.”

Well, at least I wasn’t the only one. Maybe Kaity had a better sense of who was good and who you should steer clear of, though I wondered if she sensed anything weird from me. With the way my mind went last night, it was pretty stinking official.

I wasn’t a good person, either.

At the end of the day, I made it to Gareth’s car before he did, which I thought was odd. He never packed books or homework; he was pretty much skating by in all of his classes from what it sounded like, and the teachers pulled whatever strings they could to get him to pass, not wanting to anger Alistair.

The car was locked, so I couldn’t even get in. I had to stand there, holding my backpack, as I stared at the front doors to the school, waiting to see him. For someone who made such a big deal about driving with him, he was getting on my nerves about it.

Through the mess of students getting picked up by their parents and the ones crossing over into the parking lot, I was able to see Gareth exit the school. He wore a smile on his face, which instantly set me on edge.

He never smiled. He might smirk and twinkle with maniacal glee, but he neversmiled.

And then I saw someone walking beside him, smiling back as she said something. A certain red-headed girl with a face full of freckles. A girl who, just earlier today, I’d been trying to convince against holding a crush on the guy.

I took a step away from the car, wondering if I should go to them, break up whatever it was they were talking about. Gareth never talked to Erin. Never. My spidey senses were alert and tingling all over.

And, no, it wasn’t jealousy.

I didn’t think it was, anyways. Better not be. There was absolutely no reason to be jealous of any girl who happened to catch Gareth’s attention.

Right when I was trying to decide whether to go to them or not, they crossed over the crosswalk and into the parking lot, separating. Erin went to her car while Gareth strolled over to me. Her car was on the other side of the lot, so she couldn’t see the glare I was busy giving him.

Gareth ignored my glare, unlocking the sportscar and ducking inside. He turned it on as I got in, all the while I glared. What was his game now? My senses were on high alert. I didn’t trust him not to fuck with Erin… or not to kill her, since he was a serial killer.

We drove out of the school parking lot all without saying a word. I tried my best not to get caught up in the possible reasons why Gareth had been acting so nice to Erin, but I couldn’t shake it off.

“What the hell was that about?” I said, breaking the silence between us. The radio played some stupid song; I tuned it out, all of my focus on Gareth and the smug look on his face. I wanted to wipe that haughty smirk off that jaw so badly it hurt.

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