Page 109 of The Last Sacrifice

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“Why wouldn’t Hyde want you here?” She was a little hurt at the idea.

“It’s full moon tomorrow night,” shrugging Ghost picked up a white satin robe. “he wants me with the pack,”

“You defy your alpha?”

Simone’s voice was low as she helped Talia sit up

“Only when it’s important.”

Standing, Talia took the robe, sliding her arms into the cool material with a yawn.

“Well, I’m glad that you’re here and I’m even happier to know that Hyde is doing well enough to growl at you,”

Before Ghost could answer, Simone turned Talia to the bed. “You need to rest. Let the runes help you dream of your true soul mate. And rise ready to embrace the moon and your new life,”

Talia smiled to herself as she was guided towards the bed. She lay down on the smooth sheets, sinking into the cushy pillows. Simone smiled sweetly at her and brushed her fingers over Talia’s eyes, coaxing them shut. A chill ran through her body as Simone kissed her forehead.

“Dream and remember,”


Staring down at thephone in his hand, Hyde frowned. Ghost was upset with him. So was now pushing his buttons. Knowing that he was keeping his recovery from Draven’s court, she knew that he wouldn’t risk exposing himself to any would be Inquisition spy that may have integrated within his people.

Not to just drag her to camp.

She would leave in her own time, just to stick it to him. Any other time, her defiance would have him grumpily chuckling. But this time, concern was winning over pride.

Ghost had no idea that the cover story told to any of the wolves dealing with the vampires was just that. A cover story. A plausible reason that Hyde would keep himself away from court while investigating why the Inquisition was after Draven’s Queen to be.

What the hell was he really doing? He had no fucking idea anymore. He should focus instead on the coming moon. Not trying to unravel vampire politics. The whole thing pissed him off. Hunting with his pack and leaving the lot of them to rot in their own bullshit had always been a good policy in the past.

Talia was a grown ass woman. He had done the best he could to help her without risking his own people. The effects of the drugs should be wearing off her. She might even be able to use some of her abilities now. But By this time tomorrow night, if not earlier, she should in essence have control of her full magic.

She could rescue her own damn self.

If he turned up trying to play the bloody hero, Draven would eventually control him, making him take part in her murder. He would not be a puppet in macabre power games, games that dated back to god only knows when. Clenching his fist against the growing coolness, he stared at Valentine’s bike.
