Page 116 of The Last Sacrifice

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Standing dressed in her wedding gown, Talia shivered as she stared at the beautiful stranger in the mirror.

Her stomach starting to churn. She took a shaky breath.

The distance seemed to increase as she walked with Ghost towards the door. The werewolf falling into step next to her. Her dark hair piled in curls, her long red coloured dress bunched in her hands as she did her best not to stride ahead.

Every step closer, Talia’s breath quickened, shortened. Her fingers trembling as her heart raced. Swallowing against the tightening of her throat. She kept placing one step after the other. Until she stood outside the door.

The door looked so normal.

A plain wooden inside door that hid a world of change beyond it.

Her whole body stiff, she jumped at Ghost’s light touch on her shoulder.

“It’s not too late,”, meeting her friend’s eyes. Her mind scrambling to make sense of her emotions. Opening her mouth, she closed it again as Simone stepped forward.

“Its time” the priestess voice was soft yet unyielding. She was out of time.

Nodding, Talia forced a shaky smile to her lips.

“I’m just nervous” it had to be just nerves. Once she saw Draven, she would be settled again. This was a fairy tale come true. She had to believe that.

Frowning, Ghost stepped reluctantly away, allowing Simone to place the bouquet of dark purple flowers in her hand. The doors opening for a moment to allow the werewolf through to walk down the long aisle.

Letting her breath out in a rush at the sight of the people standing.


She watched as the doors swung closed behind Ghost, leaving her alone with Simone. Talia had always assumed her father would give her away. He might not have always been there for her. never imagining this day without him or the rest of her family.

Simone took a step and opened a small box. The black diamond necklace lay on the red satin. The matching earrings framing it on either side.

“Your king insists you wear this for him.”

Smiling at the sight of the black diamond, Talia reached for it. Her hand hesitating as it brushed against Simones. A flare of power rising between them. Blinking in surprise, Talia stared at the demon in front of her. Her human guise seeming to grow translucent to reveal the red-skinned demoness underneath.

“You’re a demon” she wished she had shut up as Simone’s gaze grew cold. The demonic eyes focusing fully on her. Moving her hand off the demons, Talia breathed out as the vision faded.

“And you’re not completely useless,”

As if a veil was lifted, she finally saw the priestess for who she really was - a full hell-born demoness. Her sight had returned and her magic curled through her, awakening slowly.

Lifting the necklace out of the box, Simone handed it to her.

“Your husband awaits you,”

Talia hesitated for a moment before taking the necklace. She closed the clasp behind her neck. Feeling the cool metal against her skin and the weight of the diamond as it settled into its familiar place above her cleavage.

Fingers shaking, she fastened the earrings in place. Moving past Simone, she focused on the doors as they were pulled open. Every eye turning to stare at her.

Talia’s entire being trembled. Something was wrong with her. Her power shouldn’t be back, and it was. But worse than that. Nothing felt right. Barely breathing, she glided forward.

“You are the last,”

The words echoing in the depths of her mind. Her steps so heavy as she moved forward, slow and deliberate, her eyes searching for that first glance of Draven. She needed the calm that only he brought to her.

He stood at the end of the aisle. His tailored long coated suit fitting him perfectly as his cold eyes lit with desire.

For a moment, everything was perfect. His nostrils flared as he breathed her in, his eyes filled with love and warmth. He was the man she loved, his lips parted with a sad smile just for her. She forgot about the crowd of vampires and cult members standing all around her.
