Page 117 of The Last Sacrifice

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Her heart was full to bursting as she looked into his eyes. The night sky glowing overhead as the full moon shone brightly through the glass roof, bathing her in a soft natural glow. Her gaze never wavering from his. He was her world.

But on the next step, she stopped.

Unable to move forward, a tear sliding down her cheek.

Gasping in pain, she stared back at Draven. A hot wave of power breaking out over her as a spell broke. Her own magic filling her. Pushing out the dark spell of bewitchment. The breaking dark curse shattering her reality.

Horror washing over her, the bouquet she wasn’t even aware of holding, dropping to the red carpet.

He had enchanted her. She had loved him. Made love to him. And it had all been nothing more than a lie.

Biting back a moan, her arms wrapping around herself, she took a step backward. Her entire world darkening.

“No,” her voice cracking, she struggled to breathe. To think.

He was going to kill her.

She knew it. He had done it before. Blinking past the swell of hot tears, she shook her head. How could she have forgotten the warning?

What had he done to her?

“What a shame” Dravens voice was soft, remorseful. “I was hoping you wouldn’t get upset until after the wedding” Holding his hand out to her, he smiled. “Come now” his fingers gesturing for her to step forward “let’s not make a scene”

“I’m not going to marry you,”

“Ghost,” his voice still pleasant, “Would you be so kind as to escort my bride to me?”

“If Talia dosn’t want too, ma...” her words trailing off as she slowly turned to face the vampire king. Her body jolted as if an electric shock had coursed through her. Her fists clenching by her sides as she stumbled.

“Bring me my bride, wolf,”

Aware of the wall of black-robed cult members that stepped behind her. Standing in front of the door. Blocking any thought of escape. Talia kept her eyes on Ghost. Shivering as her bridesmaid stalked towards her. Her pupils thickening as her eyes changed to a deep amber.

“Please don’t” she knew it was useless, but as Ghost’s fingers tightened around her arm, she couldn’t help but try “you’re my friend”

For a moment Talia couldn’t repress the surge of hope as Ghost’s fingers relaxed. Her brow knitting together as she tried to shake Draven’s control.

But in the next breath her grip tightened, her face smoothing clear of thought as she pulled Talia forward. Gripping her dress, it was all she could do not to stumble as Ghost dragged her to Draven waiting at the altar.

“My love,”

ignoring his outstretched hand, Talia glared at him.

“May as well try to kill me now. I will not marry you!”

The buzz of conversation among the waiting crowd died down as the vampire king approached. He silenced them with a dark look before taking her hands in his.

“You need to calm yourself,”

Talia stepped back, snatching her hands away from him. Denied magic for so long, she didn’t hesitate to reach for it. She made herself draw more than she ever had before. Never in all her life had she used her magic to harm or kill. She was accustomed to using small cantrips and minor magics in her daily life. Never had she attempted anything this big or dangerous.

Her call was answered, and she felt a rush of energy course through her body. Out numbered and alone, she would only get one chance. Hopefully, it would be enough.

Her hands filling with light, she smiled as Draven stepped backwards with a curse. Averting his face from the growing glow.

Before she could throw the growing ball of light to the glass roof. Power multiplied, hit her. Stumbling, her concentration broken. The ball of blinding light slipping away as Simone stepped forward.

Her eyes were resolute and focused as the deep, steady voices of cult members rose in unison, weaving a low chant that echoed off the bare walls of the room.
