Page 118 of The Last Sacrifice

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“The next one will hurt,” her words spoken simply. A fact.

Draven laughed as he spread his arms wide. “My wife,” he announced to the watching crowd. “Full of spirit”

His smile fading, he stepped forward. All desire gone from his gaze as he caught her chin in his hand.

“Ghost, my dear,” his words soft almost gentle to the wolf standing by her side, “peel the skin off your arm”

Ghost’s eyes only widened slightly as the wolf’s claws slid out the ends of her fingers on her right hand.

“There is not a spell that you can cast that the priests can’t counter,” turning her face towards Ghost, his voice dipping low and intimate. Almost vibrating against her ear. “Watch”

Cleavage rising quickly with every scant breath. The only sign that the bridesmaid was bothered at all by what she was about to do. Pressing one sharp claw against her upper arm Ghost sliced into her own skin. Dragging the nail in a perfect single cut around her left bicep.

“Tell her to stop” oh gods, her friend’s face hadn’t changed expression at all as her claw ran down one length of her arm and then the other. Slicing the skin open on both sides.

“Marry me of your own free will,” blood beginning to stream down Ghost’s arm and wrist. Dripping onto the marble floor in thick, heavy droplets. Moving her claws back to the first cut, she wiggled them into the wound. Pushing her fingers in deeper as even more blood swelled. Running down her arm.

“Marry me, and she will stop” her cheeks wet with tears, Talia nodded as Ghost started to pull the skin up from the muscles of her arm.

“Oh god. Yes! Please!” her words almost tripping over themselves.

“Yes, what?”

“I will marry you, I promise. Please let her stop. Please” It was her fault Ghost was here. She asked her to be here. This was all her fault.

“That’s enough, Ghost” Draven’s voice was civil, almost kind as his hands rested on Talia’s shoulders.

At his words, the werewolf’s hand dropped away from her arm. The skin on her upper biceps, open and raised. Fresh blood still running in small lines as her horrified eyes met Talias.

Draven pulled out a white handkerchief from his top pocket and turned Talia to face him. Gently wiping her cheeks with the soft material, he leaned in and kissed her lips softly. Taking her hand, he stepped beside her.

Holding her in place as the high priest stepped forward. His eyes were calm and patient. He began to speak.


“Man and wife,”
