Page 130 of The Last Sacrifice

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To claim their mate. To make her his, finally.

Nothing in this world mattered more.

Pushing open her bedroom door, he kicked it closed behind him. His mouth crushing down on hers as her hands clung to his shoulders, moving to grip back into his hair. She moaned deeply.

He felt his senses ignite as soon as he heard the sound. The taste of her tongue on his, sending him dangerously close to the edge of his control. The moon high in the sky overhead seemed to beat down over them. Her heart beat loud in his ears. She felt like pack. Like home.

Placing her on the floor by the end of the bed, his eyes glowed red in the darkness. His hands moving over her arms, hand and waist.

His every touch lighting a trail of fire within her.

Her Demon Lord. Her Alpha.

Her body arching into his. Moaning in protest as he lifted his lips from hers. His fingers bunching in the fabric of her wedding dress. With one full yank, he tore the remaining fabric in two. Pulling it off her body, he tossed the damn thing behind him.

Shrugging out of the lace of her broken lingerie, she shivered. Hyper was aware of how close he was to her.

He had gone still. His hands not touching her. Not even breathing.

Lifting her eyes slowly. Hot desire pooling between her thighs as she met his fierce gaze.

No one had ever looked at her like that. It made every part of her scream for his touch.

Hunger and need radiated off him in waves. Yet he didn’t move. His eyes drinking in the sight of her as she stood almost nude except for the white lace panties she was still wearing.

“Mine” the growl made every hair on her body stand high. Goosebumps breaking over her at the utter possession that filled every syllable.

“Yours,” she whispered. Her pulse was too loud to speak.

Moving faster than she could follow, he surged forward. His arm wrapping around her as he lifted her up against him. With a surge of raw physicality, he moved her to the middle of the bed. His body pressing over hers, his hips pinning hers low.

Hydes mouth claiming hers, moving from her lips to her throat as he breathed in her scent. It had haunted him for months. Teasing his senses and riding through his dreams.

Sliding his hands over the satin of her skin, he finally cupped her breasts. His breath leaving him in a sharp exhale. Her nipples hardening against his palm. His lips dipping low, claiming the pink peak. Tasting her flesh, her whole body shuddering under him as his teeth pulled her nipple to his tongue.

Her hips rising to writhe against him. He lifted her up, and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his hips. Her head arcing backwards as her face flushed. The sound of his name dripping off her lips brought a harsh, vibrating growl from his throat.

Pulse loud in his ears. It was taking every part of his control not to flip her over and push himself deep inside her. To fill her with him.

His entire body screaming with the need to consummate the bond. He forced himself to lift his mouth from one breast to the next. His teeth grazing over her skin.

She was worth more than a fevered mating rut. He wanted to hear the sounds of pleasure that had filled his dreams to escape her lips.

“Please” her voice was breathy. Filled with a need that shot scorching desire through him. The fireplace on the far wall igniting with a rush of his power. Bathing her skin in a soft glow.

Her eyes opening to meet his burning gaze. The soft red flecks in her eyes glowing in the room’s semidarkness. Grinding against him. Her panties wet with her arousal.

“Please Hyde,” her voice filled with the ache that was throbbing through her. “I need you”

His control shattering, he pulled her head up. His mouth claiming hers.

Lost in the possessive kiss, Talia let out a gasp as his hands picked her up. Flipping her over onto her knees. His hands ripping the white panties off her hips.

Her sex quivering as his knee nudged her thighs apart. Hissing in sharp pleasure as his hard length slid fully into her with one quick thrust.

Full of him. Her eyes wide, Talia drew in quick short breaths.

With every stroke, her breaths became moans. A building heat pulsating between them.
