Page 129 of The Last Sacrifice

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“You may punish me, but I will not kneel. “

“There he is,” the demoness whispered softly. “Matthias. Prince of Hell,”

Stepping over Valentine’s stirring form, she moved to stand by the portal. Her eyes were eager in the darkness.

Talia swallowed hard at the angry eyes of the Arch-Demon that turned slowly to stare at her.

Meeting his gaze. Her fingers tightening around Hydes. Talia forgot to breathe. Fighting not to tremble under his gaze. This was not the time to go into shock.

The infernal eyes were staring straight into her.

A Lord of hell.

She had no defence against his mind brushing through hers. No secret sacred.

The familiar, infernal touch of power caused her to break out in a cold sweat, her heart racing with fear. Even with all the power of every lifetime lived moving through her, there was no way she could avoid his all-knowing touch.

He knew her soul better than she did. He had rebuilt it so many times. His eyes softening for the briefest moment, he gave a brief nod before turning his heavy gaze to Hyde.

“So be it,” the demonic voice was filled with finality. “Exile. I condemn you to two hundred years in this,” his eyes looking down at Hyde with distaste. “Weaker form. No longer a prince of hell. The powers of your rank will be your sisters until your exile is done and you’re true from reclaimed.”

Turning, he made his way back to the swirling portal. The dark horned onyx demons stalking beside him, his heavy footsteps reverberated through the stony chamber. His dark-horned warriors slinked out of sight, swirling around him as they were drawn back into the vortex of the portal.

Tossing Hyde a wink and giving Talia a sly grin, his demon sister stepped past their father to step into the vortex. Her figure disappearing into the dark swirling smoke.

Waving a hand at Damascus’s corpse. Levitating it through the portal, the Demon Lord met his son’s eyes.

“I expect a wedding invitation”, not waiting for a reply, he stepped into the vortex. A wash of power breaking out through the room.

Pulling her to him, his body bending over hers as the glass ceiling above them cracked and shattered.

Looking down at her softly glowing eyes, Hyde chuckled.

The falling glass stopped, suspended in the air. Glistening shards of reflective light. With a click of her fingers, the sharp shards dissolved into a soft rain of sand.

Raising her face, her eyes closing. Letting the sand run over her face for a moment. Her lips curling into a soft smile.

Torn wedding dress covered in blood, her bodice still ripped open, exposing most of her breasts to his eager eyes. Her fingers linked with his.

She had never been so beautiful.

Not in any of her lifetimes had she been as free as she was right now. Covered in blood and sand, she turned to him. Her blue eyes shining.

He loved this woman.

Pulling her to him. Her bare breasts pressing against his very naked body. His spirit soaring as her arms wrapped around his neck. He didn’t hesitate another moment.

Taking the mouth, she offered eagerly. He kissed her deeply. His whole body reacting as she inched even closer to him.

Exile. A gift.

Mercy. Something that his memory told him not to expect from his father. But he would not waste a moment of the two hundred years he had been given. He had to claim her. To cement the bond of the mate. Declare to the bloody world that she was finally his.

“I have no problem with you and your mate fornicating here. Quite fitting, really,” Valentine’s tired voice broke through the growing haze of lust that Hyde was more than willing to fall into. “But I’m not sure her family is up for the show. And you are putting on quite the show.” Looking up, Hyde met his second in commanding gaze.

Valentine’s eyes dropping to glance down at Hydes, obviously very erect member and back over to where the Arcandians were gathering to the side. With a single move, Hyde’s arms swept under her knees. Picking her up, he cradled her against his chest, her arms wrapping around his neck. He moved towards the door. Away from the waiting faces. Away from her family.

The blood pumping loud in his ears, his wolf and demon demanding the same thing.
