Page 29 of The Last Sacrifice

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“Did you... are you?” She stopped in her tracks, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves. She had to ask, she had to know.

“Did I what?” grabbing a jacket off the lounge, his eyes dipping to her breasts exposed in the ruined vest, before rising back to her face.

“Kill my grandmother?”

A slow, devilish smile curling his lips. Catching her breath, she stared at him as he gave a soft chuckle.

“After seeing the fight you have in you?” shaking his head “There’s no way I would risk one of my men on an older version of you,”

Smiling back at him, Talia nodded. For a moment, the horror of everything around her faded.

She knew he was telling her the truth. He hadn’t killed her grandmother. And she knew that he never would.

How she could know that for sure without her powers, she couldn't fathom. But she would bet her life on it. From here on out, her grandmother was safe.

It wasn’t her own freedom. But it was a start.


The sound of the dirtbike was loud in her ears. Clad in her leather pants with a jacket zipped up over her breasts, and wearing a dead man’s pair of socks, Talia had both arms wrapped around Hyde’s bare back.

In fact, he was still nude as the day he was born.

Yet even in the icy wind that blew around them, there was a low level of heat radiating off Hyde.

Werewolves, it seemed, ran hot.

At first she had blushed a deep red as she had mounted the stolen bike behind him.

Unsure of where to sit, her hands barely touching his bare skin, she had sat awkward and embarrassed as far away from him as she could get, and still be on the bike. His back vibrating. He had chuckled at her before taking her hands, that were hovering, unsure over his hips.

Pulling her against him, he had wrapped her hands together over his taut stomach. His fingers stroking hers for the briefest of moments before the bike had roared to life under her.

Her body pressing up against his. Her head nestling into his back. They had left the cabin behind.

The road that had been uncomfortable in the car was even harsher on the dirt bike. Leaning into the turns with him, Talia let out the occasional swear word as they navigated down the now treacherous track.
