Page 3 of The Last Sacrifice

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Rage quick and tight shot through him. His beast surging to the surface. Forcing his claws to recede, Hyde made his way towards the figure by the fire.

“Hyde” the tall, lean man sounded bored as he swirled the sliver chalice stained with fresh blood.

“Why is Harry dead?”

“He broke your law” Harry had died the way he had lived, a sniveling crawling coward.

“Why not take the newborn’s head?”

Fingers itching to cut Ryder down. Hyde forced himself to keep his eyes on the vampire ahead of him: The young wolf had known where Harry had been hiding his new toy. Instead of helping in the blood hunt, the idiot had tried to sneak them both out of the city.

If he lived through Draven’s punishment, Hyde would be very curious to see what the stupid boy had been thinking

Draven shifted his gaze towards him, the fire behind him casting deep shadows across his face.

“It must have been true love. Harry was the most inspired I’ve ever seen, the spineless weasel.”

Draven looked up from his chalice. Seeing the anger flash in the dead eyes, Hyde braced himself.

The blow came with a blur of speed. Not bothering to avoid it, Hyde spun with the brute force of it. Stumbling back, his mouth filling with blood. Waving back the bodyguards as they stepped closer. Their job was to protect Draven, but their loyalty was his. He wouldn’t have them killed for it.

“Spineless weasel that he was, Harry was more useful than any pretty pussy could ever be.” Draven’s voice was still bored.

Keeping a tight control over his beast’s urge to lash out, Hyde growled softly as he spit out blood.

“I followed your law,”

The second blow sent him to the floor.

His master’s power hit him hard. Stirring the rage. Power smashing through him, his wolf roaring to life.

The vampires will crashing against his own. Trying to strip away his hard earned self-control. He wouldn’t let his beast out. Alpha of the Titans, for fuck’s sake. He was in command of his own damn wolf.


The impact of his fist on the stone floor sent shockwaves up his arm. Hyde embraced the pain. He could feel his control slipping away as his skin split open, and he yelled in frustration.

Draven had turned his own wolf onto him. Claws and teeth tearing into him from the inside as his beast struggled to be free.

“Give me your eyes, Alpha,”

He knew he was fighting a losing battle. He did everything Draven asked of him. But his wolf was his. He was the only one in the Pack that could fight Draven for control of his wolf spirit. But he didn’t always win.

“No,” the word ground out through clenched teeth. He would not change. Not even his eyes.

Pain gripped him tighter. His own blood spilling across the floor as large slashes opened fresh wounds across his rib cage.

“If I cannot have your eyes, I will take Ryder’s instead,”

Gasping in the sudden absences of pain, Hyde shook his head as he struggled to breathe, to think. The deliberate steps of the vampire king were loud in his head.

Rolling to his feet at Ryder’s scream. A deep guttural sound that echoed off the walls.

Hyde went to his knee.

The boy might be an idiot of monumental proportions, but he was still Pack. Which meant he was Hyde’s to protect.

“Master” His voice was raw but steady.
