Page 52 of The Last Sacrifice

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“So the vampire was taking liberties with the girls. Get an enforcer to punish him. You’re a little...”

“I’m what...” the energy radiating off him grew as he focused on his second. His rage coating his tongue with the taste of sulphur as his wolf pushed for release.

“Come on, Hyde, you’re walking overkill.” Taking his whisky in one shot, Valentine shook his head as he waved towards the stage door. “You almost killed him.”

“He is lucky I didn’t kill him” just the thought made him want to push his way back out and finish the job that he had started. The photos of the pretty blonde stripper that his business manager had laid in front of him earlier that day kept flashing through his mind. Her slight frame was beaten and barely alive, attached to machines in some hospital room.

“We gave her our protection, and he broke it” downing another whisky, he cracked the shot glass as he slammed it down on the counter.

“You know too well that only Draven can order a Vamp dead,”

“He is not dead” unlike the girl, it would take the vampiric stage manager a week at best to recover from the wounds that Hyde had left him with. The girl still may die. “Just out of a job”

“Why the hell are you so angry?”

“I didn’t have my coco pops” downing yet another drink. He picked up a napkin and wiped some still wet blood off his hands.

“You’ve been on edge since you got back,” Valentine pushed the glass back towards the bartender.

“You want us to go sit and make daisy chains to cheer me up?” tossing the bloodied napkin in the nearby bin, Hyde reached for the bottle again.

Shaking his head, Valentine sighed as he changed the subject.

“Ryder is awake,”

Pausing, Hyde turned to him.

“Livingstone cleared him?”

His second stood, nodding. “For conversation only. He will heal for a bit before he can ride.”

“You should have started with that,”

Hyde picked up the whiskey bottle and headed towards the door. The night air doing little to cool the foul mood that had been building all day.

He mounted the Harley and rode. Valentine at his side. They weaved effortlessly through the city traffic.

He missed the feel of her at his back.

With a deep growl of frustration, he turned the throttle. Pushing the bike from a purr to a roar, he left the city lights behind him. The road was a blur as he rode.

Pulling in through the gates of the barracks, he rested the Harley on its kick stand before moving to the mansion.

Taking winding stairs three at a time. He made his way to the three bedrooms that Livingstone had converted into a Lycan hospital.

Its only occupant sitting up with pillows behind his back supporting him.

His eyes covered and chest wrapped tight with white bandages.

The Doc standing as Hyde strode in.

With a wave of his hand, the alpha motioned for him to sit back down and walked over to the bedside. Pulling a chair over to sit as Valentine closed the door and stood in front of it to keep them from being interrupted.

Ryder’s face lifting, his nose flaring as he took in Hyde’s scent.

“Alpha” the boy lifted his hand.

Swallowing the rage that almost had him knock the pup out of bed. Draven had used the kid to ensure Hydes complete obedience. If not for Ryder, it would have been someone else. The king got what the king wanted.
