Page 36 of Poison Pen

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In response, Asher pressed his mouth against my neck, his teeth sinking lightly into the flesh there and causing me to let out a deep sigh of pleasure.

“Fuck, yes, Asher,” I moaned, closing my eyes and letting my other senses take over. “More,” I whispered, rocking my hips against him in a desperate attempt at creating friction. “Please, more.”

“You want more?” he asked, dragging his nose along the column of my neck so his lips hovered right above my ear. “I’ll give it to you.” His arms shifted, one of the hands that had been restraining me moving down between my thighs as Asher used one leg between mine to hold my thighs apart. The sound I made when his large palm pressed against my needy clit was barely human, full of nothing but primal need. “The question is, Ricki...can you handle it?”

Chapter nineteen


Shewasfireinmy hands.

Every place I touched her burned hotter than the last, and I wanted to explore every inch.

I’d never been with a woman like Ricki—sassy, strong, and ballsy in the best of ways—and it was doing something to my brain that was really workin’ for my dick.

Sliding my one hand up her ribs, I circled her throat lightly with my fingers, pressing just enough to lift her chin and open her neck up to me.

“Do you think you can?” I asked, my tongue darting out to taste the skin where her pulse fluttered under my touch. “You talk a big game, baby, but I’m not a man who likes to lose. If you want to do this, we’re gonna do it my way.”

She groaned again, her hips circling as she tried to rub herself against my palm where it pressed between her thighs, the material of those sexy as fuck fishnets catching on my callouses.

“What way is that?” Ricki asked, bringing one hand up to thread her fingers through my hair, giving it a sharp tug. “Talking me to death?”

“Oh, the mouth on you,” I said, my voice rough as I squeezed her throat just a bit harder, leaning up so that I could look into her eyes. “I can think of better uses for it than talking, Ricki.”

The satisfaction I felt when her pupils blew wide was incredible, but not as incredible as the way her panties under my fingers grew even more damp at my words.

“You’re a bad girl, Ricki,” I told her, using two fingers to circle her clit through the material of her soaked panties. “And bad girls don’t get to call the shots. If I wanna talk all night, then that’s what we’ll do.” A noise of protest escaped her mouth, and I smiled. “Unless you think you can be good for me.”

“I’ll be good,” she promised, planting one booted foot against the pile of hay beneath her and thrusting her hips up against my hand hard and fast. “But I’ll be good for me, and no one else.”

With that, Ricki used the fingers she had in my hair to yank my head down, bringing my mouth to hers and delivering a searing kiss. For a moment, I was frozen, a bit stunned by the move she’d made and how it flipped the script on what I usually liked. But I was shocked back into reality when Ricki snagged my lower lip between her teeth and pulled, meeting my eyes with a wicked smile on her face.

“Feisty woman,” I said when she released my lip, and she laughed, using my moment of distraction to roll us, shoving me onto my back in the hay while she climbed up, straddling me with those sexy as fuck thighs and placing one of her hands on my chest.

“You like it,” she countered, and with zero hesitation, began rocking herself against me, her molten hot pussy grinding against my cock where it strained behind my jeans.

Looking up at her, her dark eyes wild, her hair a mess and full of hay, I wasn’t sure I’d ever seen anything more enchanting in my entire fucking life. Not wanting to fight with her anymore—even if it was all in good fun—I relaxed, letting my hands settle on the globes of her ass as I worked with her, guiding us both toward what I knew would be a spectacular finish.

“It’s been nearly fifteen years since I’ve come in my pants, Ricki,” I warned, grinning up at her.

“Well then, this will be the most nostalgic dry hump you’ve ever experienced,” she teased back.

Bringing my hands back around, I pressed my fingers against her pussy, finding the diamond spaces of her fishnets and pulled, tearing open a good-sized hole right above her clit. Sliding my fingers through the hole, I wiggled them beneath the drenched fabric of her panties to find her clit, relishing her hiss of pleasure when I started to circle it at a pace that matched her movements.

“Baby, there is nothing dry about this hump.” I flicked my fingers for emphasis, smiling as her cheeks blushed furiously at the sloppy sound I was able to produce.

“Fuck, Asher,” she breathed, her nails digging into my chest through my shirt. “I’m close.”

“Take it, Ricki.” I sped up the motion of my fingers, driving her higher every time I circled her clit. “Fucking take it, baby.”

I was fucking dying to watch her come; I’d literally dreamed about it, and now it was happening, and I was fuckingtherefor it.

“Yes, yes, yes...” she chanted, her eyes getting heavy.

“You look at me, Ricki,” I snapped, delivering a sharp slap to her outer thigh. “You worked so hard for it, baby; I wanna see it happen.”

And there it was.

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