Page 31 of Ruthless Crown

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He removes the cloth from Mona’s face as she continues to sputter, her face ashen.

“Tell him, Mona. Don’t make us witness this,” Aoife begs.

“I did it,” Mona finally says, her head hung low. “Mr. Doyle left his phone with me to return, and I planted it in Aurora’s room.”

“And why the fuck would you do that? What if she had called the authorities?”

She looks up at me, remorseful. “I let my anger get the best of me. I never meant to put you or anyone in this house in danger. I just wanted you to catch her with the phone and punish her like you did to Mr. Doyle. I didn’t even plant it until I knew you were back.”

“You did more than that, Mona. You tried to starve her. You turned the entire house against her. You took authority into your own hands to punish her,” I boom. “My soon-to-be wife.”

The room falls silent at my last statement. Fiona refuses to look at me now, and Aurora’s jaw is slack with shock. They need to know that she is untouchable. Any punishment she suffers will be at my hands.

“I didn’t know,” Mona apologizes. “I swear this won’t happen again. I was hurt and angry.”

“I don’t give a gobshite about your feelings. You can’t undo what you have done.” I order Apollo to unstrap her. “Get your shite and get the hell out of here. Go be with Mr. Doyle. Take Aoife with you. She is equally as guilty. She knew you had betrayed me and didn’t speak up until now. Just go before I change my mind. And I don’t need to tell either you what will happen to you and your families should you be brazen enough to mention me, this house, or anything about my affairs. You’re both lucky I’m letting you leave with your lives.” I shake my head in disgust. Now I have to find adequate replacements.

“Everyone! Get the fuck out of here. And if you have a problem with what just happened in this room, you can follow Mona and Aoife out the door. I will not tolerate any more incompetence or disloyalty. I won’t hesitate to end your lives.”

The maids help assist Mona out of the room. They can’t escape my wrath fast enough. Oisín follows close behind. He will ensure that they’re both escorted off the premises. I grab Aurora by the arm. “Not you!”

“You’re sick, you know that? Were you really willing to kill her in front of your staff?” The small bit of blood from the bite of my knife has since dried. It was a minor scratch.

I spin her toward me to make sure to look her in the eyes. “I don’t bluff. She only received an inkling of my mercy because she has worked for my father for so long. She let emotions dictate her actions, and I can’t have that around me.”

“That was just so cruel. You’re just like my father. I don’t know why I ever thought you were worth saving,” she yells.

I laugh at her naivety. “I didn’t ask you to save me. I don’t know why you thought you possibly could. You choose to tell me what the traitors in my charge were planning, and you think I’m indebted to you?”

“You’re putting words into my mouth. I never said that.”

“Yeah, but it’s what you’re thinking. I’ve given you too much consideration because it’s not your fault your fucking family chose to keep you sheltered. You don’t realize that I could have snapped your neck by now and buried your body where nobody would ever find you.”

“Well then just do it!” she yells. “What do I have to live for anyway? To be beaten and traded to another prison where I’m likely to be beaten more and raped because I don’t want to fuck my husband? Or should I just continue to feel guilty because my virginity is the only thing of value that my family can leverage for even more power? I don’t want that life, yet I’m disloyal for even thinking it. So just kill me, already. Everything is my fault. Save me from myself.”

She sinks to the floor and curls into a ball. I sensed her giving up when I had the knife to her throat. I didn’t imagine it. She has the weight of her family on her shoulders, and she doesn’t know how to deal with it. I’m going to get to the bottom of who’s been beating her, but I have to put that aside for now. I know exactly what she needs. I think I’ve known for some time, but I had to be sure. I grab her by the shoulder and pull her to her feet.

“You don’t get to fucking quit. I didn’t peg you for a coward. I don’t claim cowards. You crossed me, and now you get to feel my wrath—in whatever form I unleash it.”

I pivot her around and bend her over my desk. She squeals when I pull her jogging pants and panties down in one swoop. I wait for her to plead with me like she usually does, but the words don’t come. I push the side of her face against the desk as I free myself. Her expression is blank. She’s not here with me. She has fled to the place in her mind that she uses to escape. I refuse to let her check out of this moment. I turn her around and lift her so that her ass is now sitting on the desk, my hard cock jutting between us. I grip her chin and make her look at me. We stare at each for longer than what’s comfortable. Our breaths are erratic. A lone tear falls down her cheek. She’s back. I pull her closer— my dick now resting between her folds.

“You promised not to rape me,” she says somberly.

“I’m not,” I reassure, my tone taken down several notches.

My mouth inches closer to hers— our breaths heavy. My instinct is spot-on. She wants me … It’s her mind she has to convince. My lips caress hers soft and slow. She doesn’t fight me. She grabs my head and deepens the kiss. Our tongues duel for dominance as she wraps her legs around my waist, getting even closer to my erection. I purposely let her take control of this kiss. It’s what she so desperately needs. She finally pulls back and rubs her fingers across her lips, uncertain. Shame and guilt veer back at me from the depth of her exotic brown eyes.

“Sorry. That can’t happen again,” she says, more to herself than me.

“Oh, it will,” I promise. “You want to know why you can’t resist me, Aurora?”

“Humor me,” she says, crossing her arms over her hardened nipples. I felt them through her sweater.

“You’ve felt numb for so long … going through life and always doing what was expected of you. You’ve been dying to feel human—to feel alive … to feel seen. I'll give that to you. You hate me and everything that I represent, but your body craves the high I provide. You could have escaped if you only let my men have their way. Deep down, you didn’t want this to end. You didn’t want to return to the shell of a life you’ve had to endure for the past twenty years.”

“You’re quite the psychoanalyst,” she retorts, but she doesn’t deny I’m right.

“Let me help you feel alive, little bird. I’ve rescued you from your cage. Come be free with me.”
