Page 47 of Crown

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Lyon walked into the room and crossed the expanse of concrete that separated him from Vadim, stopping when he was a couple feet away.

He’d expected to feel something when he finally came face to face with his tormentor.



Residual fear.

But he felt nothing at all.

He threw Sergei’s hand, the Skeleton watch still attached to the bloody stump, at Vadim. “Your son begged like a pussy before he died.”

Vadim’s eyes widened in horror as his gaze dropped to Lyon’s other hand, hanging at his side.

Lyon lifted it, throwing Sergei’s head at Vadim. Then he raised his weapon and fired between the old man’s eyes.



“You really don’t have to come with me,” Kira said, looking over at Annie in the passenger seat of Kira’s Mercedes.

“I know, but I’m bored out of my mind,” Annie said. “I could use a field trip. Besides you’ve been at the house alone almost every day this past week. You could probably use the company.”

“Oh, I could definitely use the company,” Kira said.

It had been a month since Lyon’s execution of Vadim and Sergei Ivanov, and it was still hard to believe it was over. Things were slowly returning to normal, Lyon working double time to bring the bratva’s interests in the city back under control, and Kira doing the same to get the house in Lake Forest completed.

Lyon still wasn’t talking about the trauma he’d suffered at the hands of Vadim’s men, and he’d only stopped requiring Kira to take a guard everywhere she went last week, but it felt like they might be on their way to something like peace.

“I’m excited to see the progress on the house,” Annie said as they approached the private driveway. “I haven’t been here in ages.”

“It’s really the primary bedroom and the nursery that have changed,” Kira said, making the turn.

She’d spent the last month selecting paint and wallpaper, furniture and bathroom fittings, window treatments and light fixtures. It had been a dizzying number of decisions to make in such a short time period, but she was determined to have the house complete in the next month so they could move in with some time to get settled before the baby came.

The work on the house had come at a price: she’d hardly had time to shop for the baby. If all went well — and so far, the doctor said they were on track — they would still have a month after moving into the house to prepare.

She could hardly wait to take a breath and enjoy the last of her pregnancy.

Annie sighed as they emerged from the tree-lined drive. “I may just have to move in here too.”

Kira understood the sentiment. The house loomed ahead, its facade freshly cleaned and sparkling under the sun, a fresh layer of stucco on the Tudor-style exterior. Kira had hired Peter to oversee the landscaping, and the lawn was lush and green, a handful of gardeners dotting the beds around the house as they planted shrubs and flowers.

Everything looked beautiful and alive.

Kira laughed. “No offense, but I think I’m ready to be alone with my husband.”

Annie pretended to huff. “Fine.”

“I’m surprised you haven’t moved out yet,” Kira said, pulling into the empty gravel parking area to one side of the house. “Aren’t you sick of Zoya?”

Kira had grown used to the banter of the two women, but she couldn’t imagine it was fun for Annie to be on the receiving end of so much criticism.

Annie rolled her eyes. “That old bat? Needling her makes my day.”

Kira laughed and shook her head. She turned the car off and opened her door to heave herself out of the driver’s seat. “This will be quick, I promise.”
