Page 3 of Shots Fired

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Jasmine’s wiped out, and eventually, she drops her head onto the arm of the futon that sits in the corner of the room and drifts off. I take my jacket from the hook on the back of the door and place it over her. When the door creaks open and Caleb pops his head in, he takes in the scene and motions for me to step out into the pit. That’s what we call the noisy main area of the precinct where the majority of cops sit to do their paperwork.

Alex is at his desk, typing away. He and Damian sit right outside the technical room. I primarily live my life in that room. I’ve always had a knack for computers and a passion to help people. Becoming part of this team seemed like the perfect fit. I’ve had my reservations in the past, but Caleb helped me see the importance of what I do, and Alex and Damian have enfolded me into their team just like a brother.

These guys have become family. I have two very separate parts of my life. Being the youngest of nine kids from a small town in South Carolina, my moving to a city in Colorado was enough to set Mom off on a rampage. When she found out that I was joining an elite team as a detective, she prayed to God that I’d change my mind. Underneath it all, I knew she was proud of me, but being my mother, she worries. Dad was nothing but supportive and talks Mom off the ledge every now and again when she listens to the news and there’s something going on in our neck of the woods.

I have four brothers and four sisters. Dad said I was the tiebreaker. Chase is the oldest at thirty-nine. There are three sets of twins, and then a sister, after which Mom swore she was never having any more children, but then I came along. I turn twenty-eight next month. Mom expects me to come home for my birthday. Up until last year, she still decorated with balloons and streamers. It was like walking into a kid’s party, complete with piñata. She just wants an excuse for all her kids to be at home.

Chase and his wife, Robin, are on their second kid. Joseph and my sister Amanda have twin girls. My sister Ellen and her husband have three children. My other brothers and sisters are working on kids, but Mom and Dad are busy with the grandchildren and loving every minute of it. For the most part, my family lives in South Carolina close to our parents. All but me. I’ve always felt that I needed to spread my wings.

We’re one big happy family when we all get together, but I’m happiest when it’s in small spurts. I’ve always craved the quiet side of life. My favorite memories of trips home are walking along the lake or hiking in the woods. Growing up, I loved school, and as soon as I got into computers, I discovered my passion.

I joined the police academy in South Carolina. Then one day, Caleb was down to consult on a murder case, and we ended up working together. A few months later, Caleb recruited me for the Colorado Police Department, and I’ve been promoted to detective status on his team.

Since being part of Caleb’s team, I’ve adapted. My apartment is cool as hell, and it’s in the center of the city. It’s within walking distance of all my favorite food joints and museums, and most of all close to the trails at the national parks, where I like to spend my spare time. Still, I think it might be time to get a house and move closer to the outskirts of Denver, like Caleb.

The guys have been great, and since Damian married Chloe, and Alex and Sabrina got together, we’ve become one big happy family. I guess I should consider myself lucky to have two amazing families. Chloe and Sabrina are like two more sisters to me. At this rate, Christmas is going to cost a fortune.

I slowly click the door shut and follow Caleb to where Alex is sitting. Alex leans back, turning his chair toward us.

Caleb starts off with “We didn’t get as much as we wanted, but this is what we did find.” He hands me an evidence bag with bullet casings. “Fairly standard, but I’m hoping that ballistics will find something more. We’ve also got pictures of the tire marks. I’m gonna need you to run those through the database and see if you can pinpoint the type of vehicle. This place is always busy, but this was unexpected, so there weren’t too many witnesses. We’re still collecting information.” Caleb puts his hands on his hips. “We need to put Jaz in a safe place.”

“She can stay with me.” The words come out automatically. There’s no question about it. She’s not leaving my sight.

“Not sure that’s the best plan, Zeke,” Alex says.

“Why not?” I glance from one to the other. “I’m well trained. I have an extra room, and no one will know where to find her. We’ll head out the back way, and you know I can spot a tail a mile away.”

Alex nods. “That takes care of tonight. What happens tomorrow? Or when she wants to go back to work on Monday?”

“We got a couple of days to figure that out, but in the meantime, she’ll be safe. I’ll need someone to go to her place and pack some clothes and shit, then drop it off at my place. We can all meet there in the morning and make a plan. By that time, Damian will be back and he can work on this with us.” I can see that Caleb is coming around, Alex, not so much yet. I look at Alex directly. “Look, I’m doing this. You’re either going to help me or not.”

Alex lets out a heavy sigh. “All right, man. I’m with you. I’ll have a car pick up Jaz’s stuff and drop it off here. After I pick up Sabrina, we’ll bring it by your place personally.”

“I appreciate that,” I tell him. “She fell asleep on the futon. I’m going to go wake her up and get her to my place. She’ll be more comfortable there.”

“Good idea. Give me your keys. I’ll bring your car to the back entrance,” Caleb says. I hand him my keys and watch him walk away.

“Zeke,” Alex says. “It only took one look at my girl for me to fall in love with Sabrina.”

“Come on, Alex. This situation is extreme. I’ve hardly known her five minutes,” I counter, and although my mouth is saying all the right things, my heart is pained by the words.

“We’ll see.” He smirks, then adds, “Go get your girl.”

I roll my eyes on my way back to Jasmine.

* * *

Ithink the rush of adrenaline has worn off, and Jasmine needed the rest. But now she’s alert and asking a ton of questions about getting back to normal life, since the minute we got back to the apartment.

“I’m not going to let anybody chase me out of my home. And what about work? The kids need me. The school relies on me to be there to do my job. I need a paycheck to survive. I can’t just go into hiding.” Jasmine’s on a rant, again. I’ve tried twice to get a word in edgewise without success. Finally, I settle back on the sofa, an arm along the back of it, and get comfortable. I’m realizing that when she gets this way, it’s best to let her get it out of her system. I wait patiently until she’s tired herself out and lets out a huff as she stares down at me from where she’s standing across from me. “Well?” she blurts.

“Come here, Jazzy,” I say softly.

“I’m here,” she replies, pointing to her feet planted three feet away from me.

“Babe, you’re over there. I want you over here.” I hold out a hand. She takes it hesitantly. I guide her closer and have her sit with me. “I get that you’re scared. What you went through shouldn’t happen to good people. Or anyone, for that matter. But it did. I want to give you normalcy, but that isn’t possible at the moment. We need a plan. We’ll come up with something. For tonight, you’re going to eat some good food and get a good night’s sleep, and tomorrow we’ll deal with the rest.”

“How?” she asks. “How are we going to deal with the rest?”
