Page 83 of Sliding into Home

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“Yeah, they’re in love,” Max gushed.

Kia’s eyes closed. Damn Jeff. Why hadn’t he corrected Max?

The stranger’s gaze drifted across her body, lingering on the arm of her jersey where her tattoo sleeve covered her exposed skin. His eyebrow rose. “Is that right?”

Kia’s spine stiffened. Who did this guy think he was judging her like that? “Yeah, that’s right?” she snapped back, daring the man to say something else.

“Hmm, go figure,” the guy muttered before picking up his beer and turning his attention back to the field.

Why had she engaged? Now she’d just as much admitted to a stranger that Jeff and she were in love. It’s not like she could be mad at Jeff for telling Max that when she’d pretty much just done the same thing. Kia eyed Max, who sat perched on the edge of his chair, watching the field. “You want a hot dog before the game starts?” she asked.

“Yeah.” Max jumped out of his seat.

Kia stood and wrapped her arm around Max’s shoulder. “Let’s go.” As she walked up the stairs, she could feel the eyes of the group of men on her. Let them talk, she thought as she stood tall, walking with Max up the stairs.

In the third inning, Los Angeles hit a sky-high foul ball. Kia tracked the ball in case she needed to cover Max’s head. Brandon Sims raced over from right field. Just when Kia thought she’d have to yank Max out of the way, Brandon’s arm reached over and swiped the ball out of the sky in a very impressive catch.

Max leaped from his seat and cheered. Brandon grinned at Max and handed him the ball. Turning toward her, Brandon winked. “Looks like you two figured it out.” He nodded his head toward center field.

Remembering their conversation the day before, she smiled. “Looks like.”

“Smart man,” Brandon said before he jogged off back to right field.

Max held his ball up in the air triumphantly toward center field, trying to show his dad the ball. Jeff flashed him a thumbs up, but even from this far away, Kia could see the tension in his body. What was that about?

Brandon looked over at Jeff, then the stands, then back at Jeff before tipping his hat slightly. Jeff gave him a stiff nod in return. Kia fought the urge to roll her eyes at the ridiculous display of testosterone. It was a flippin’ foul ball for their son, not a bouquet of flowers. The man needed to simmer down.

Every time Jeff came up to bat, Max hopped out of his seat and stood at the rail. When Jeff took off his helmet for their signal, Max bounced up and down. Kia could practically feel the pride and excitement pulsing off Max from several feet away. Sharing this ritual meant everything to the little boy. She pictured all the bragging he’d be doing when he got back to school on Tuesday. Maybe then the little shits in his class would finally shut up about her relationship with his dad.

As Jeff lined up to bat in the fifth, she leaned forward in her seat. Who knew watching baseball was so exhilarating? Normally, she found it kind of boring. The games always seemed to drag on with not a lot happening, but it was a whole different game when you knew the players on the field.

The first pitch came in low and outside.

“Good eye, good eye,” the man behind her yelled. The second pitch flew across the plate like a rocket nearly hitting Jeff. He dropped to the dirt to avoid being hit. “Holy shit,” she muttered. What if that thing had hit him? It would break his face. Yes, she knew that’s what that piece on the side of his helmet was for, but seriously, that pitcher had a cannon. How could he stand there so calmly when someone was whipping a ball at his head?

Jeff stood up and brushed off his pants. He lined up in the batter’s box. When the ball zipped toward him, he swung and cracked the ball. Max jumped up and down as Kia tracked the ball all the way out of the field into the stands to the right of center field.

“He hit a homer,” Max screamed. “He hit a homer.” Max threw his arms around her waist.

When Jeff crossed home plate, he turned in their direction, took off his helmet and did the big elaborate helmet display Max had wanted them to do as their signal. Kia burst out laughing as Max mimicked the same thing back to his dad. Jeff’s grin encompassed his entire face before he turned and headed to the dugout, where he was swept up in congratulatory back slaps from his teammates. She doubted he’d be able to do that kind of thing with Max during the normal season since spring training was so much more laid back. That just made her even more glad she’d listened to him when he’d suggested they come up for the weekend. These memories would stick with Max for the rest of his life.

The rest of the game dragged by with no hits, but with Jeff’s two-run homer in the fifth, it led to a victory for the Hawks.

After the game, they made their way to the agreed upon meeting area. Max jumped up in the air beside her, landed, then jumped again. “What are you doing?” she asked.

“Trying to see if Dad’s coming.” He jumped again.

Kia bent and hoisted him up on her hip. Normally he told her he was getting too big to be carried, but apparently today it was fine as he pushed himself up on her shoulder to get higher in the air.

“I see him,” Max declared, pushing on her arms to be put down. The second his feet hit the ground he bolted toward Jeff. Dodging legs, finally the crowd parted for her just in time to see Max launch himself at Jeff. Jeff swung Max up into his arms. Gonzo fell into stride beside them. Setting the boy on his hip, Jeff strode past bystanders, his eyes honed directly on her. It was hard to swallow. Emotion clogged her throat as she watched her two guys walking toward her. No matter what happened between her and Jeff, this right here was worth taking a risk for. Having moments like this as a family.

He stopped in front of her, the look in his eyes challenging her to step into him. Feeling bold, she wrapped her arms around his waist. On tiptoes, she pressed a kiss to his lips. “Nice hit.”

“You saw that, did ya?” He raised his eyebrow cheekily and stuck his tongue out slightly between his teeth.

“I might have been watching,” she teased.

“You know ballpark rules say when a guy hits a home run, he should be rewarded.” Jeff arched his brow at her as he spoke.
