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How many more years of these charming little verbal weapons do I have left to endure?

“Buuuut,” she continues, drawing out the word to ensure she has my full attention, “I already told you. I actually like Dex.” She shrugs. “I like you two together.”

“Thanks,” I say, finally relaxing.

She squints at me. “Is that a thank you for inviting him to the play last night? Or an I’m sorry for yelling at you for inviting him?”

“I didn’t yell at you,” I argue, like I’m the one who’s suddenly a petulant teenager.

She rolls her eyes and lets out a dramatic sigh. “A sister’s work is never appreciated.”

“Oh.” I burst out laughing. “No arguments there, pudding. No arguments there.”



The long ride to the clubhouse gives me time to replay every moment of my time with Emily. Every word. Did I do the right thing telling her about Debbie? While I felt better after sharing the story with her, I can’t help wondering if I burdened her with more than I should have.

The air cools as I ascend into the mountains. On the last stretch of road before the turnoff for the clubhouse, two motorcycles come into view ahead of me. Probably some of Z’s crew arriving. At least I’m not the last one here.

At the gate, I catch up to Rooster and Jigsaw.

Rooster lifts his left hand to acknowledge that I’m behind him, then continues up the steep driveway. They park near the larger garage toward the back of the lot. Must mean they plan on staying a while.

“What’s good, brother?” Rooster greets as I set my helmet on the seat. He swaggers over the pavement and holds out his hand. I slap it and pull him in for a brisk hug.

“How was your ride up?” I ask.

“Good.” He hooks his thumbs in his pockets. “Almost felt too short.”

Jigsaw races over the pavement and barrels into me for a bruising bear hug.

“Jesus, you trying to knock me down?” I wheeze as he releases me.

“Jig-saw,” he says slowly, pointing both thumbs toward his chest. “But I see how you’d get confused.”

“Hilarious,” I deadpan.

Rooster rolls his eyes skyward. “He’s been hanging onto that one for a while.”

“Not true,” Jiggy protests. He squints, cocks his head, and crouches, studying me with unnerving interest. “Bro, do you have hickeys on your neck?” He circles his finger in the air in front of my face.

I slap his hand away. “No, but I got one on my dick.” I move to unbutton my jeans. “Wanna give that an examination, ya creep?”

“Fuck, no.” He scowls but at least he shuts his mouth and stops staring at me like I’m his personal science experiment.

“He does have hickeys.” Rooster leans in to stare while I blow out an irritated breath. “Did you get those making out in the back seat of your car, young man?”

“Really, Rooster?” I arch a brow, hoping he reads the this-is-beneath-you in my expression. I’d told Emily I liked the little love prints she left—and I do. I just didn’t stop to consider how juvenile some of my brothers can be.

A big, inked arm appears in my corner vision and wraps around my neck. I’m yanked backward into what feels like a brick wall. A sloppy kiss, complete with scratchy beard stubble, lands on my cheek. I drop my gaze and recognize the mermaid tattoo on the forearm intent on strangling me—Z. Where the fuck did he even come from?

“Get. Off. Me,” I choke out.

“Aw, my boy’s growing up,” Z drawls like a jock who’s taken one too many hits to the head. “A girl likes him.”

I shake him off and turn around to glare at him but end up laughing instead. “I hate all of you.”

Not put off one bit, Z throws his arm over my shoulders, hugging me to his side. “Jiggy’s just jealous no woman wants to get close enough to suck on his neck.”

“Neck?” Jiggy rubs his hand over his crotch. “I think you’re doing it wrong, Prez. Most men need something much farther south sucked.” He points to his crotch, in case we don’t know what direction south is, I guess.

Rooster and Z groan. “You had to ruin our wholesome fun, huh?” Z scolds.

“Nothing about this has been wholesome or fun, Prez.” I duck out of Z’s hold again and take a few steps away this time. “Annoying and slightly creepy, yes. But not fun.”

Twigs snap and crunch, drawing my attention to the path leading into the woods and out to some of the brothers’ houses.

A second later, Rock steps into the parking area with Wrath a few paces behind him. Rock sweeps his steely gaze over the four of us. “Do I even want to know?”

“We’re all congratulating Dex for getting to first base with a girl.” Jigsaw covers his mouth and snickers.
