Page 21 of Return to McCall

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Sam seemed to hesitate as she ran her fingers through Sara’s hair, then led her to the table to sit down. Sara searched her eyes, her hand warm on Sam’s thigh. “How do you feel about that?”

“Honestly?” Sam paused, lifting Sara’s hand to kiss her palm, then settling it over her heart. “I’m relieved. I’ve wanted a family with you since the day we got married, but seeing you go through everything that requires is tearing my heart up.” She fell silent, as if choosing her words one by one. “But you’ve wanted this for so long. Are you really sure you want to give that up?”

“Love makes a family.” Sara paused, glancing up the staircase behind her before turning back to Sam. “We don’t need a baby to make that happen.”

It was a long moment before Sam spoke.

“Sara Draper.” Emotion welled in Sam’s eyes, and she pulled Sara close, tracing the soft slope of her bottom lip with her thumb as she spoke. “That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard you say.”

Sam held her close for a moment, then slid a hand around to the small of her back. Sara shivered as Sam whispered into the nape of her neck, the heat of her breath warming her skin. “We should keep trying, though, right?”

Sara laughed as Sam scooped her up in her arms and carried her down the hall to their bedroom where she kicked the door shut and laid Sara on the bed, fingers already working the tiny shell buttons on her black linen shirt.

Sara’s breath caught as the warmth of Sam’s tongue swirled around her nipple, pulling it gently into her mouth. She let Sam slip the shirt off her shoulders, then laughed as she watched her reach to the head of the bed and drape the shirt carefully over the bedpost, arranging the folds until it hung just so.

“What?” Sam said. “I know how you feel about linen.”

“First of all, it’s true.” Sara watched the taut muscles in Sam’s shoulders ripple as she pulled her own shirt off and dropped it into a puddle at the foot of the bed. “Wrinkles in linen are permanent.” She pulled Sam back down and wrapped her legs tight around Sam’s hips. “But I love that I said that once, the summer we met, and you never forgot it.”

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“Baby.” Sam’s breath was warm as she traced the lines of Sara’s hip with her mouth, pulling off her shorts and a delicate scrap of blue lace underwear with one swift motion. “Everything you say is important to me. Also, I’ve also lived with you long enough to know that linen anxiety is real.”

Sara laughed again as Sam playfully bit her inner thigh. She wove her fingers into Sam’s hair, closing her eyes as her words turned to the familiar slick of Sam’s tongue over her skin. She lifted Sara’s thigh onto her shoulder and traced every inch with her mouth, slowing as she reached Sara’s center, touching her clit with only the heat of her breath before doing the same to the other side.

“Sam,” Sara said, reaching up to settle her hands on the headboard, her words so soft they melted in the air between them. “I need you inside me.”

“Anything you want, baby.” Sam moved up to kiss her, then whispered into her neck as she got off the bed. “But I got us something yesterday. Want to see what it is?”

“Maybe.” Sara pretended to consider her options. “Only if it involves you getting back into bed.”

Sara pulled back the covers and slipped under the fluffy duvet, settling back against the pillows. Sam smiled as she struck a match to light the ivory candles beside their bed, then switched off the lamps. The wind outside brushed invisible rain against the windows, and distant thunder rumbled, stirring the lake enough to hear it lap against the shoreline below their bedroom window.

Sam turned back to Sara. “Look under my pillow.”

Sara pulled their new toy out from under the pillow and slowly turned it over in her hands. It was surprisingly heavy and double-ended, but in the shape of an L, with a smooth, velvety finish. Sara secretly loved how Sam surprised her with gifts that showed their sex life was a priority; she’d heard her friends describe exactly the opposite in their own relationships over the years, so the fact that Sam actively nurtured this aspect of their marriage made her feel loved in a way she’d never experienced before.

“I love the look of this, but I’ve never seen anything like it.” Sara wrapped her fingers around the longer end, tracing the lines of it with her fingertip. “What is it?”

Sara looked up to see Sam watching her, hands laced behind her head on the pillow. Her gaze was intense as Sara brought it to her mouth, her swirling her tongue over the end of it until Sam groaned and bit her lip. “Baby, you’re killing me.”

“Oh, really?” Sara smiled and laid the toy on Sam’s abs, her voice dripping with the honeyed Memphis accent that five years in the North hadn’t seemed to touch. “Well, I’m just getting started, so unless you want to watch me try it out while I have you handcuffed to the bed, I’d start setting up that little show-and-tell I asked for.”

“Oh, that’s adorable.” Sam laughed as she flipped Sara onto her back with one swift motion and slipped her hands under Sara’s hips. “I love it when you think you’re in charge.”

Sam winked as she settled between Sara’s naked thighs. Sara arched her back as she felt the slow melt of Sam’s tongue across her clit, then held her breath as Sam started to work her in slick, warm circles. Sam spread her hands over Sara’s inner thighs, lifting and holding them above her head as she stroked every inch of her with the flat of her tongue before returning to her clit.

* * *

After five years loving Sara’s body, Sam knew the meaning of every breath, the way her thighs tensed over Sam’s shoulders when she was close, even how she reached behind her at the last second to grab the headboard before she came. Sara still turned her on more than any woman ever had, and more than once, Sam had come without even being touched as she went down on her, tongue stroking Sara’s clit as the breathy urgency of her voice pushed Sam over the edge. Sam paused as she realized how close she was now and held her mouth just above Sara’s clit until she begged.

“Baby.” Sara’s voice was sultry, her fingers white and tense against the headboard. “Please.”

Sam groaned and sank back into the warmth of her, her shoulders edging Sara’s thighs farther apart, moving her tongue slick and strong over Sara’s clit. Sam breathed her in, bracing against the orgasm building as she buried her tongue deep inside.

“Let it go, baby.” Sara’s voice was breathless, her fingers soft and light on Sam’s shoulders. “Come for me.”

That was all Sam needed. She let herself sink into it, felt her body surrender as it crashed over her in a silent wave, knocking the breath from her lungs and leaving her gasping and shaken between Sara’s thighs. When her breath finally slowed, she moved back up Sara’s body, kissing her and whispering all their sacred words, love shimmering like heat between them. She wrapped her hands around Sara’s waist and lifted her as she turned over, settling Sara to sit across her hips like she’d done a thousand times before.
