Page 102 of Mile High Contract

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“Oh, my God, your brother’s hot!” Christa whispers, fanning herself. I’d invited her because I wanted to beef up the crowd a little, plus she wouldn’t stop asking if she could come. I’d even invited Lauryn and her new boyfriend, who’s a nurse at the hospital where Declan is hopefully going to be getting Eric a job.

I laugh but ignore my friend as I rush over to hug my brother, Carter next to me.

Eric hugs me then looks at his oldest and best friend. Then, they grip each other in a bone-crushing hug that brings a tear to my eye.

“I’m so fucking glad you’re out of that place,” Carter says as they break apart.

“You and me both, brother,” Eric says.

I lead them to the crowd and make the introductions to my new friends, while Declan shakes his hand and welcomes him home.

As soon as we’re all seated at a massive table, Maria comes by to take drink orders. Eric orders a Dr. Pepper and I order a Sprite. Everyone else orders beer or wine.

“Hey, look,” Eric says, pulling out his wallet and showing me a new Colorado driver’s license.

I whistle through my teeth. “Thank God you got that haircut before the photo!”

He mock punches me. “It wasn’t that bad.”

“It was awful,” I quip, biting back a grin.

He ignores that and shows me a shiny new debit card. “Thanks again for handling the sale of my townhouse and car while I was inside. There’s enough in there to buy something else.”

“What are you going to do with Mom’s house and car?” I ask. I know it’s too soon for him to make that decision but I want to see what he thinks.

“Let’s sell them both, split the profits, and get you a nice house instead of that tiny-ass condo you’re living in.”

I bite my lip and look at Carter, who is holding my hand under the table and squeezes it encouragingly.

“What?” my brother asks.

“Eric, we have something to tell you,” I say.

The table goes silent. Our friends knew we were going to do this, and our thought was, maybe he’d flip out less with an audience.

He looks at me, then Carter, then back to me, then back to Carter, his eyebrows raised. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

Shit. Guess we were wrong.

Carter stands and says, “Let’s take a walk, bro.”

He stands but shakes his head, stepping back from my fiancé. “My little sister? Seriously, Carter?” I can see his hand bunching and flexing and realize now this wasn’t the best time.

I also stand and put my hand on his shoulder. “Let’s not flip out here, huh? We like this place. We don’t want to get kicked out.” He didn’t need to know Carter’s good friend Lincoln was the owner.

Eric’s jaw bunches. “How long has this been going on?”

“About eight months,” I answer quickly. “Why are you so upset?”

“Because... because.... I just got out, and... you drop this on me? Why didn’t you tell me over the phone so I could have been prepared to see you guys together? Like this. It’s so weird... and... like, how did this happen?”

“It just did, man. I love her. A lot. And since you’re obviously pissed, let’s just tear off the Band-Aid all at once and tell you that we’re also engaged. Wedding is in May. I need you to be my best man, Eric.”

He stalks off and goes outside. I don’t know if he’s leaving but I feel like garbage. Carter goes after him but I stop him. “Let me.”

I slowly walk outside to find him pacing. He sees me walk out but ignores me, going back to pacing. I just stand and watch him.

“What do you want?” he growls.
