Page 16 of Pump Fake

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I took a deep breath and let it out, shaking off my nerves. “Well then, I guess I’ll be there.”

“Awesome.” He claimed my mouth in a deep kiss that left my wits scattered by the time he lifted his head and murmured, “We better get up before I say fuck the starting position so I can spend the day in bed with you.”

It was a good thing he had the willpower to pull away because I was close to forgetting about my new job, and skipping my third day would almost definitely get me fired. “I’ll take a rain check on that plan.”

“Damn straight. And soon,” he growled as he climbed off the mattress and tugged me with him. Giving me a light swat on the butt, he nudged me toward the bathroom. “Go ahead and do whatever you need to prepare for the day until your clothes arrive. Feel free to grab one of my shirts until then while I see what I can scrounge up for breakfast that isn’t my usual egg whites, protein pancakes, oatmeal, or protein shake.”

“I’m not much of an eater first thing in the morning.” My stomach chose that exact moment to let out a low growl, making a liar of me. “Except today, apparently.”

Brady wagged his brows. “That makes sense. After all, I gave you one hell of a workout last night.”

Laughing, I shook my head as I padded into the bathroom to get cleaned up from that “workout.” When I finished, I grabbed the long-sleeved T-shirt he’d worn last night and tugged it over my head. Since he was about eight inches taller than me, the hem hit mid thigh and provided enough coverage for me to venture out to the kitchen.

Brady was at the stove and glanced over his shoulder, his eyes heating when he saw me in his shirt. “I’m making some extra egg whites in case you like them. There’s also whole wheat toast, and I have more fresh fruit in the fridge.”

“Sounds perfect to me.” I grabbed the berries to clean, cut, and put them in bowls for us. By the time I finished, Brady was setting two plates on the quartz countertop of the elevated side of the kitchen island. I set the berries next to them while he grabbed juice for me and water for him. Then he helped me onto a stool before sliding onto the one beside me.

The scrambled egg whites weren’t what I’d normally pick, but I was definitely getting a healthy start to my day. And no way in heck was I going to complain when a gorgeous professional football player made me breakfast the morning after taking my virginity.

As we were finishing the cleanup, the doorbell rang. I rubbed my hands together as I started to head out of the kitchen to grab the order off the doorstep. “Perfect timing. That should be the clothes you ordered for me.”

Brady tugged on the back of the shirt I was wearing. “No way in hell are you opening the door looking like every man’s wet dream come to life. I’ll get it, baby.”

The thread of possessiveness in his deep voice sent a thrill of feminine satisfaction through my system. He had to want more than just a fake relationship if he didn’t like the idea of another guy seeing me dressed in only his shirt…right?

This wasn’t the right time to get into a big discussion about what was happening between us, so I swallowed down the questions I wanted to ask and focused on the clothes he brought me. He’d been right about knowing my body because everything fit perfectly…and now I had extra outfits at his house if I ever needed them.

I tried not to read too much into what that could mean as we made the trek from Long Island down to the Financial District. When he pulled up in front of the K-Corp headquarters, I wrapped my fingers around the door handle and said, “The ride was way better than my daily commute on the train. Thanks so much for dropping me off, especially since you have to head straight back up to Long Island to go to the stadium.”

He winked at me before turning on the hazards and climbing out of the car. Then he circled the front to meet me on the sidewalk. “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t take you into the office in the morning after we spent the night together for the first time?”

Considering he was my fake boyfriend, I was pretty sure the normal dating rules didn’t apply, so I didn’t have an answer to his question. Luckily, it turned out to be rhetorical since he didn’t give me a chance to respond before he led me into the building.



Igave Talia one last kiss, then reluctantly watched her walk into the daycare. It bothered me that I couldn’t keep her with me all day. I wanted to be able to protect her, watch over her, and make sure she was happy and safe.

A glance at my watch reminded me that I was running short on time, but I couldn’t seem to make my feet move. My head twisted to the left when I heard a phone ring, and I stared at the security desk. Talia had flashed a badge to get through, and I’d had to sign in before I was allowed to escort her into the daycare.

Before I could think better of it, I strode over there and stood with my arms crossed over my chest, glaring at the guard.

He dropped the phone into the cradle and raised an eyebrow, not the least intimidated. Dammit. I’d been hoping to work him for information.

“Does anyone with a badge get through here? Or do you have a list to compare it to? Why isn’t there more security? And cameras. Are you sure there are enough cameras to protect Ta–the kids and teachers?”

I fired the questions at him, unable to muzzle myself. After several more, he raised a finger and said, “One moment, sir.” Then he picked up the phone and hit a button. Someone must have answered because he said something too quiet for me to hear. He listened, then replied, “Yes, sir,” before hanging up.

“Someone will be right down to help you,” he informed me, his expression giving nothing away.

Fuck.Was I about to get myself banned from the damn building? Because that wouldn’t stop me from bringing my girl here and picking her up. However, if I got arrested, that would definitely fuck up my chances at the QB spot.

A minute later, one of the elevator doors slid open, and an older man—though clearly in great shape—with a neatly trimmed, mostly gray beard and short hair strolled out and straight toward me. Justice Kendall, the co-owner of K-Corp, smiled, putting me slightly at ease as he approached.

“Brady Summers,” he greeted. “I’m a big fan. But then, if I didn’t support the Nighthawks, my daughter would never speak to me again.”

He laughed, and I responded with a wry smile. Lennox Madison was married to Justice’s youngest daughter.
