Page 25 of Mended Oath

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“I’m going to change out of these clothes and get ready for bed,” she sighs as she pulls away.

I frown at the loss of contact with her, but nod. “Okay, I’ll be in shortly.”

Waiting until she disappears into my bedroom, I go outside to call Finn.

“Yeah?” He answers on the third ring.

“Sorry to bother you. I’m just checking in.” Looking up at the sky, I notice the storm clouds rolling in. The clouds are a bit late for the gloomy mood, but they now signify a new beginning by shedding old tears.

“Everything is good on my end. Is Natalia okay?” He questions, obvious concern prominent in his voice.

“She’s bad, Finn. It’s so bad… She knew you were watching, so she put on a good show for you.” I sigh and put a hand in my pocket. “We may be here for a few days, though. I know I ask this a lot, but can you cover for me? I’ll make up for it later, I promise.”

“You know I can, boss. Do you have enough food?”

“Yes, we are good here,” I affirm. “Hey, you had access to her medical records once we found her… did you know?”

He hesitates for a moment before speaking softly. “I did, but it wasn’t my secret to tell. I hope you can understand that from my perspective.”

"I understand." A raindrop falls, landing on my hand. “I need to get off here and go back inside. We are heading to bed and a storm is rolling in.”

“Alright, I will update you if there are any changes you need to be aware of. See ya,” he hangs up and I walk back inside, locking the door behind me. Checking all the other doorways and windows, I ensure that we are locked in tightly.

When I step inside the bedroom, Natalia is curled up under the covers with her back to the door. Stripping out of my suit down to my boxers, I climb in behind her and envelope her, pulling her back against my chest. The sound of the sky opening above us patters against the window, a calm washing over the both of us as I hold her close.

“I love you so much, Natalia,” I whisper, kissing her neck gently.

Her hand finds mine, intertwining our fingers. “I love you too, Declan,” she mumbles and pulls my hand further over her, tightening my arms around her. It pulls us impossibly closer, but I’m not complaining one bit. The soft sounds of the rainfall against the roof and windows are almost like a lullaby that soothes both of us.

“Please don’t leave me,” I whisper, holding onto her for dear life. She simply shakes her head, a small huff leaving her lips.

“You know I won’t Declan. Just enjoy the here and now.”

Chapter seventeen


Aftertossingandturningmost of the night, I finally decide to climb out of bed just as sunlight begins to stream through the curtains. Declan is still sleeping soundly in the frumpled sheets, his bottom half covered by the duvet. I tiptoe out of the room and close the door quietly behind me, hoping to get some quiet time before I have to face the world again.

Making my way into the kitchen, I start a pot of coffee to brew, the smell itself bringing life back into my tired body. While I wait for it to finish, I busy myself with cleaning up my mess from the last two days. There are take out containers scattered through the room, empty bottles of liquor laying around and clothes thrown over the couch and chairs. As I go to throw the empty bottle of Grey Goose away, the urge to finish off the remaining liquid grows steadily.

Glancing back at the bedroom and pulling my bottom lip between my teeth, I reach for the glass container. I feel the weight of it in my hands, the familiar friend of mine over the last few months. Making a quick decision, I amble over to the sink, lift the bottle above the silver basin and watch as it pours down the drain. The fluid bubbles itself into the void, disappearing into the well below the house. Declan is right, I don’t need to depend on the alcohol to get me through this. I need him, I need a support system.

“Babe?” Declan questions as he walks into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

Turning to face him, I plaster a smile on my face, one between real and fake. “Good morning.”

He makes his way around the table and stops in front of me, a flash of hurt crossing his eyes. “It’s a little early to be drinking, isn’t it?” He questions with a raised eyebrow, looking down at the empty bottle now placed on the counter.

My smile falls, my chest caves and I push past him. “For your information…” I toss it into the garbage, the glass shattering with force. “I poured it down the sink.”

Regret briefly flashes across his face as he hears my words. Rolling my eyes, I allow my attention to turn to the coffee that finished brewing moments ago. Grabbing two cups out of the cabinet, I pour two cups and hand him one, not minding that some of it splashed on him.

“I didn’t mean-” he begins, but I am quick to cut him off.

“I don’t care, Declan.” Lifting the mug of straight black coffee to my mouth, I look over the top of it at him. He returns the stare, obviously not wanting the challenge.

“Can we please not fight today?” His voice is full of defeat, his shoulders slumping with his words. As I study him, I take in the dark circles under his eyes and the pure exhaustion written across his face. I know that the both of us didn’t sleep the greatest, even after our late night sexcapades.
