Page 42 of Mended Oath

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“It’s okay. I’m okay,” she reassures me, trying to hide the pain in her voice as she gurgles slightly.

“That’s my girl,” I manage to breathe out, and I swear I see her smile. She doesn’t move anymore, keeping her eyes focused on one thing.My father.

I know we previously had this conversation, but I can only feel relief as she inches closer to him like a predator closing in on her prey. He doesn’t move, keeping a firm grip on his bleeding shoulder. I can see her shirt growing redder by the second. “Give me,” she pants, managing to keep her breath steady. “The keys,” she growls, pressing the tip of her gun between his eyes.

“Not happening,” Rian retorts as he glances behind Natalia. She must not notice the gesture, because she stays still with the tip of her gun glued to his flesh. She’s clutching her side, pain evident in her lack of movement. My eyes follow his and a slight panic rises inside as I see Boris with his gun aimed at her from behind.

“Nat!” Finn groans from beside me. I try to open my mouth, but my voice fails me completely. I’ve been so focused on Natalia that I momentarily forgot about Boris being in the building.

Before she has a chance to turn around, a shot echoes through the room.


A silent plea leaves my mouth as I wait for her to fall, but to my surprise, she doesn’t. She continues to clutch her side as she turns around, but doesn’t flinch with the shot. Looking at her, I furrow my brows in confusion as I catch someone else falling in my peripheral vision. Boris.How is that even possible?

Then, as someone steps in from the hallway, I realize they’re the ones that shot him.Dmitri.

Thanks to the door, he is still hidden from my father, but I don’t miss him trying to slyly pry the weapon off his forehead.

“Go get Eric,” she instructs him, before turning back to Rian. Apparently, he’s finally allowing the gravity of the situation to make its way into his thick skull.

Natalia smirks as she slowly backs my father into a corner, watching him clumsily crawl backward while wincing with his hurt shoulder. “I’m going to enjoy this,” she mutters happily, an edge clear in her tone that I’ve only heard a few times. When he’s close enough to the corner that there’s no way he can escape, she lunges at him. Hitting him in the temple with her elbow, she watches as he falls to the floor unconsciously. Stepping over to him, she starts digging through his pockets until she finds what she’s looking for.

She rushes over to Finn, assessing his injuries while trying to determine the best way to get him down. Eric and Dmitri come running into the room seconds later, gaping at the injuries.

“Help me get them out of here,” Eric gently slips his arm around Finn’s waist to hold him upright, taking the pressure off his shoulders and grabbing his arm to help them from falling painfully. Dmitri does the same on the other side which makes Finn groan from the contact, and Eric frowns. “I know, buddy. I’ve got some stuff that’ll take that pain away, but we just have to get you lying down, first.”

“Ready?” Natalia asks, her hands shaking slightly which causes the keys to jingle. When the two nod, she unlocks both bindings and Finn slumps into their embrace, a cry of pain shoots throughout the room as he puts pressure on his broken leg. Natalia winces at the pain herself, but does her best to assist them in bringing his arms down from their locked position above his head. Once they’ve got him on the ground, they do the same with me.

Pain radiates from my shoulders, almost like two rocks grinding together as my arms are lowered. The taut skin of my abdomen feels like it’s tearing as I move, my ribs feel as if they’re about to rip out of my body. I bite my tongue to keep from blasting their ears off with my own scream, knowing the sounds of pain can be fucking annoying. Placing me beside him, the cool concrete floor against my bare back makes me jump, eliciting a painful moan from my tightly locked jaw. After a moment, the cold helps relieve some of the irritated skin. It might be dirty, but it helps my body relax into a soothed state.

“Okay, now help me get this fucker in the chains,” Natalia instructs the two men, limping to his body. They don’t hesitate to help her, and it’s not long before Rian is in the same position he had Finn and I.

Standing back with her hands on her hips, a devious smile stretches across her face. I watch as blood leaks from her shirt, dripping down onto the floor below her, but she doesn’t seem to notice. “I’ll deal with him later. First… How are they looking Eric?” She asks, turning her attention to the doctor who is inspecting us.

“Rough,” he answers honestly. “I need to set Finn’s hand and fingers. So I’ll need your help, Dmitri.” Glancing at Finn, he appears on the verge of passing out, which I definitely don’t blame him. The soft hum of warmth that I previously felt has started to burn hotter, almost like waves of pain are slowly starting to roll in.

Finn looks over at Natalia, who is now sitting on the floor by our heads and out of Eric’s way. “Skylar?” He asks softly, his voice cracking with misery.

“At the safe house. They’re okay.” She reaches out, running a gentle hand over his hair. “I’ll call her when we get you two home and after you’ve cleaned up. Wouldn’t want to scare Ava, would we?”

“No,” he agrees, a small smile lifting his cheeks. His spirits go up just a bit at the mention of his girls, which makes my heart clench happily. I would mention the baby, but my voice refuses to work and Finn can tell the others on his own time with Skylar.

Eric instructs Dmitri on how to assist in resetting the bones. Finn’s scream of pain could be heard for miles, splitting an eardrum if you aren’t prepared. My brain rattles around for a moment, before it finally stops. I look over to see him pass out while they continue working on his hand. Releasing a breath, Eric nods happily.

“Okay,” Eric says as he splints the injured hand. “Now I’m going to give him something for the pain, it should take effect even with him knocked out.”

After a few attempts, he’s able to get an IV started and starts Finn with some morphine.

While he’s finishing up, I reach my hand up, holding it out for Natalia to take. She doesn’t hesitate, gingerly taking it into her own. I smile before my eyes go to the blood on her hands, remembering that she was shot.

“You’re bleeding,” I comment, attempting to move my hand to her side. Pushing it away softly, she shakes her head.

“I’m okay,” She quietly mumbles.

“No you aren’t.” I try to sit up, but she tightens her grip on my hand, pushing me back down. “Eric, don’t fucking touch me until you make sure she’s okay.”

“Declan,” she starts but I shake my head. My voice may not be working properly, but I can still give my men orders they need to obey.
