Page 41 of Mended Oath

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“Nat, I’m serious. You, of all people, should know that things happen that are out of our control,” he sighs, giving me a serious look.

“I know. I just need to believe that everything will be okay, Declan. It has to be,” I mutter, tears forming in my eyes, but I blink them back. The last thing either of us need right now is for me to break down into yet another cry fest.

His arms tighten around me, and I bury my face into his chest. “I love you too, Declan. Until death do us part, and then some,” I murmur.

Shaking the memory from my head, I look out the window and try to distract myself as the tree line whizzes by. A small tear eases its way down my cheek, and I angrily wipe it away

Come on, Natalia. Like Dmitri said, this is not the time. Once you get your man and Finn to safety and ensure they’re not going to die, you can have a bitch fit.

Dmitri reaches over and squeezes my hand, still having those big brother senses. “Just breathe. We are almost there,” he assures me. Letting out a slow breath, I focus on staying in this moment.

Turning in my seat to look at the men in the back seat, I give them both pointed looks. “Do not evenbreathea word of Dmitri’s existence. As far as anyone in that building knows, aside from Declan and Finn, Dmitri is dead.” They nod sternly in understanding just as we pull up to the end of the driveway leading up to the safehouse. "Your main focus right now is finding the bomb and disarming it."

“Got it boss,” they say in unison. Squaring their shoulders, they prepare themselves for the potential shit show waiting for us outside of these four doors.

Pulling my phone out I send a quick text to Eric, letting him know where we were and to get here ASAP. I send a quick follow up message for him to wait until someone comes to get him before coming in, as we don’t want to give his position away.

“You.” I turn to Dmitri while putting my phone away, grabbing my gun from under my leg. “Be careful. Don’t die. If you do, I’ll bring you back so I can murder you myself.”

“Ditto,moy malen’kiy voin.” He gives me a smile and grabs his gun out of the center console. We make eye contact for a brief moment before nodding in unison.

Getting out of the car with my gun drawn, I dart my way to the tree line. I take cover in the leaves as I watch the building. There’s no movement around it, making me more fearful that this may not be the right place. Taking a deep breath, I sneak over to the side, and I’m able to make it to the side door without being detected. Keeping my gun poised in front of me, I glance around to see one of the men meet my own confused stare. Imagine my surprise when I’m able to just walk in, no sounds or movement in the building at all. It’s like he has pulled all of his men back in anticipation. Rian has always had a thing for the dramatics. As I quickly, but quietly, make my way through the safe house. For a moment, the only sounds are my boots hitting metal until I suddenly hear shots ringing out from the front, echoing off the empty walls.

Dmitri and I have home turf advantage since this was one of our fathers safe houses. We could make our way through here with our eyes closed, but I know better than to let them catch me off guard.

Just as I round the corner to the door leading to the basement, I run into one of Rian’s men. He reaches out, gripping my upper arms. Well, he may have caught me by surprise, but I’m Natalia O’Connor.

“Motherfucker,” I grit out as he puts pressure on my newly stitched wound.

Whipping my head forward, I smash my forehead into his nose. My head spins for a moment, but I steady myself as I hear the satisfying crunch that follows. It puts a smile on my face as I watch him stumble. When he lets me go to cup his broken nose, I use the opportunity to put a bullet between his eyes. The look of shock that covers his face puts a bit of satisfaction back into my body. His knees hit the floor, but his body remains slightly up right. Taking my boot, I press it to his head and give his crumbling body a slight push, watching his head smash into the metal grates below my feet. Blood trickles from his head from the sharp impact, dripping through the tiny holes.

Shoving his body out of the way, I pry the basement door open, trying my best to keep quiet and race down the steps. As I look at the three doors in front of me, I struggle to decide which one to open.

When I finally pick the one to the right, I rush over and twist the knob just as my phone alarm goes off.

Times up.

Chapter twenty-eight


Gunshotsringoutaboveus followed by loud boots stomping around, and I feel the smile grow on my face, shoulders sagging in relief instead of pain. Looking over at Finn, I watch as all the tension practically leaves his body, his own smile casting his features for a moment. The relief in the room is palpable before I watch his smile fade.

“What are you smiling about?” Rian snarls from the corner of the room, and I follow his gaze where he stands, his gun drawn while aiming it at Finn. “Time’s up boys.”

“Don’t you fucking dare,” Natalia sneers, her voice carries through the room like music in my ears.

She steps inside the doorway, and my father smiles at her maliciously. He looks like he’s ready to clap, excitement prominent on his face.

“I see the idiots I sent to find you, failed at their task,” he tsks while gesturing to the bandage on her arm and rolls his eyes. “Nonetheless,” he continues, waving his gun around freely before stopping abruptly and pointing it at me. I suck in my breath, waiting for his next move. “Thankfully, by the time this is all over, I will still be the head of both the Belov Empire and take back the O’Connor Empire that my beloved son is trying to run into the ground.”

Natalia scoffs, moving her finger to the trigger. “Yeah, that’s not happening.”

“Oh my dear,” he gives her a look of pity, whipping his gun to point at her. “It is.” He moves his finger to the trigger and in the next breath, two shots ring out through the room.

Both cry out in pain. The sound echoing off the shallow walls as Natalia holding her side, and my father caresses his shoulder like a baby. He stumbles backward, gun tumbling to the ground, but Nat is able to keep a weak grip on hers. The sneer of disgust hits her face, along with a wince from trying to move.

“Natalia!” I shout, my voice strained. She doesn’t move her trained gaze off him, keeping her gun pointed on him as she fights to stay upright.
