Page 46 of Mended Oath

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“I will warn that you might want to rethink your decision not to use the painkillers,” he repeats after a few minutes of inspection. He’s been trying to convince her for the last few days to take the pain killers, but she attests that she’s fine. “Against my better judgment, you may go inflict all the torture you want.”

The look on her face is priceless as she jumps off the table. Pure glee brightens her eyes, but is dulled as she winces slightly when she lands hard on her feet. She quickly covers it up, but Eric knows better, shooting her a warning glare.

“I don’t need to parent you on this.Take it easy, Natalia. I know you know methods of torture that won’t aggravate your injuries too much. I will readmit you if you so much as tell Declan you’re feeling a slight pain. You overwork yourself, so help me, I’m not afraid to tie you to that hospital bed. I’m pretty sure your husband would agree.” He looks over at me, and I nod. That is until Natalia shoots a glare my way. I clear my throat, furrow my brows and shake my head, pretending to disagree. He stands from his chair and pushes a bottle of painkillers into her hand, forcefully wrapping her fingers around it. “Take them.”

“But,” she goes to protest.

“Natalia, stipulations.” She rolls her eyes, but takes the bottle from him. Tossing the bottle between her hands, she realizes that this is the point of her freedom. “Appreciate you,” she chirps as she all but sprints out of the room.

I look at Eric who shakes his head with a chuckle. “Good luck with that,” he jokes, gesturing to the running female.I don’t know if luck is what I’d call it…

Following closely behind her, we make our way to the car where Dmitri is waiting, leaning against the car on his phone. He glances up, catching his energetic sister before returning his gaze to me. She practically rips the passenger car door off its hinges, throwing herself into the seat. He furrows his brow in a question, but I just shrug. I get into the back seat while he slips inside the driver's seat. “She good to go?”

“Hi, I’mrighthere. Yes, I am, thank you for askingme. Now, if you would please take me to the safe house,” she quickly answers for me. His eyes stay locked on me as he waits for confirmation from me. I can feel her gaze burning a hole in my head as she whips around. Ignoring her, I answer Dmitri instead.

“She’s good, man. You better get her what she wants before she kills us both,” I assure him, sitting back into my seat while holding my laughter. “At least take some of the medication he gave you, please.” Dmitri begins to drive in the direction of the safe house.

“Declan,” she whines, stomping her foot on the floorboard.

“Natalia, not this again, please.”

“I want to be in my right mind when I inflict torture. What if these make me forget what I’m doing?” She pouts, waiting for me to bend. I keep my hardened stare focused on her, where she sighs.“Fine,” she reluctantly agrees, opening the bottle and dry swallowing a dose. “Happy?”

“Ecstatic,” I tease, blowing her a kiss. She air swats it away, squinting at me incredulously. She throws me the middle finger, and I can’t hold my laughter in anymore. Her own smile cracks on her face, shaking her head as she goes to look out the window.

The rest of the ride is quiet, but I can practically feel the excitement radiating off of her. Gravel crinkles under the tires, and she bounces in her seat, whipping her seatbelt off of her body, putting her hand on the handle. When we pull into the driveway, the car is barely in park when she pops the lock and jumps out of the car, sprinting to the door.

Dmitri and I follow her inside, picking up foot speed to keep up with the fireball. By the time we get to the doorway, she’s already halfway into the house and heading to the basement door. We both huff a breath, keeping up with her pace.

Walking down the steps, she slows slightly while holding onto the railing for support.At least she is being somewhat mindful of her injury.

“Hello boys,” she greets Liam and Gage, who are standing at the door of Rian’s room, with a wide grin. She goes to push past them, but they freeze in their spots. They both look to Dmitri and I for permission when she tries to push past them again and bless their hearts, Natalia looks like she’s about ready to kill them. “Excuse me, gentlemen. I’m sure this is fine and dandy, but I believe I’m the one that put you boys at this post. Declan and I run this businesstogether. Therefore, you answer to me as well. I’m going to try one more time to walk into that room. If I fail, there will be hell to pay.”

Their faces blanch as they audibly gulp, and they move to the side letting her through.

Glaring at them as she walks through the door, they keep their gaze straight ahead on the wall. If looks could kill, they’d be 6 feet under. Passing by the men, I clap them both on the back to let them know they’re fine. I watch them both visibly exhale in relief as my wife skips forward.

When we all file inside the room, where my father appears to be sleeping.Wrong move, old man.

“Oh, this simply won’t do,” Natalia whispers as walks over to the weapons table, running her fingers along each one. “Are you ready, D?” She asks looking over her shoulder at Dmitri who is smiling. The wicked gleam in her eyes makes my cock go hard, the savage woman is ready to play with her prey. I groan internally, turning around for a moment to readjust myself. Turning back, I watch as Dmitri steps forward, circling the sleeping form.

“Definitely,” he grins even more. He mentioned to me earlier how it had been so long since he tortured someone and how excited he was. Initially, he was upset because he thought he may have been rusty after all these years. Looking at his eyes, I can see that it’s just like riding a bicycle.

“Lets wake this fucker up,” she picks up the pliers and hands them over to Dmitri. He grabs them happily, the smile on his face telling me that the man I once looked up to is in for a real treat.

Chapter thirty-two


Lookingatthemanbefore us, I observe his body shackled to a chair, his arms and legs tied down to where he can’t maneuver his way out. Dmitri meets my gaze with his own smirk, before slowly moving the pliers nose under the nail bed. He grips it tightly, holding Rian’s wrist down before yanking. I watch as the nail matrix rips from his finger, a small line of skin following with it.

With a jolt, Rian’s screams echo off the concrete walls when Dmitri jerks out a fingernail. The howl of pain is almost as satisfying as the look on his face when he fully processes what’s happening and see’s Dmitri standing in front of him. He tries to push himself away from the oversized man towering over him, but he obviously can’t go anywhere.

“Wh-What the fuck?” He stammers, flicking his eyes around the room in hesitation. “You… you are dead. You’re supposed to be dead!”

“Surprise motherfucker.” He moves the pliers to another finger. Rian struggles against the restraints, wiggling his fingers wildly. I bellow a laugh, watching as Dmitri crushes the man’s hand with his own, yanking another nail clean from the bed. This time he’s more prepared, keeping his noises under control.

The fear in his eyes sends joy coursing through my veins.Good. Heshouldfear us.
