Page 47 of Mended Oath

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Dmitri and I work in unison to inflict pain on the man who tormented us for years before attempting to take my brother’s life.

Grabbing a pair of shrub cutters, I offer him the ability to do as he pleases. He holds his hands up, waving for me to go ahead. Cheerily, I move finger to finger with the cutters, finally hearing the sounds of pain fall from his mouth after the second one. I bob my head to the beat of his screams, enjoying the agony that is finally going full circle back to him. Watching the bloody sausages fall to the floor, I kick them out of the way. Before I get to his last finger, his whimpers stop.

“Injection, please,” I ask, holding my hand out for the syringe. I don’t turn around as I feel the small needle placed into my palm. I wait as Dimtri wraps the man's fingers in gauze. Once his hands are wrapped, I put the needle into his arm and wait for him to wake.

It only takes a few moments before his eyes pop open, hissing in pain as he realizes that this nightmare definitely wasn’t a dream.

“Morning, sunshine.” I walk over to the table and pick up my favorite blade, the one my dad got me when I was a young girl.

Putting it up into the light, moving the small blur of light onto his eye. He pinches them shut, cursing under his breath. I notice that the blade is slightly dull.Perfect.

“What was that?” I ask, knowing damn well he won’t respond as he works to keep his lips sealed. I watch his jaw tick as he withholds the one thing that makes my torturing worth it. Tsking, I drag the tip of the blade over his chest, slicing off some of the hair in my way. Pressing down harder, I drag in a zig-zag across his abdomen, I press harder and harder as I go. The skin slowly opens as I drag, splicing in some areas while others remain closed and red. His fingers grip the edge of the chair, hanging on for dear life.

“That just won’t do,” Dmitri hums next to me. Rian’s eyes dart to him, gaping in terror. He dances back to the table, an extra pep in his step as he grabs a small white cloth.

“Oh shit,” I laugh, watching Declan smirk with us. Rian follows our line of sight after he’s recovered himself, only to widen them comically. “We’re in for a real treat, boys.” Dmitri calls Liam forward to help him, where they position Rian laying flat on his back. His body is weak, so he doesn’t really fight back. Not enough to hinder two full grown adults. Dmitri places the cotton cloth over our tormentor's face, giving an evil smirk before it’s lights out for him.

After hours of prodding, bone breaking, flesh burning and different types of wound infliction, he was begging for mercy. It got to the point where he would pass out after every break, or scrape of the knife. Some might have been bored at this point, but I never get bored with being able to inflict the same type of pain he did to me. To my brother. To my husband and his best friend.

If other’s knew how my father and brother worked as a team while torturing, one might say the scene in front of them mimicked the duo perfectly. Ihavebecome my father, but not in the way I feared. While I still have the good in me, he lacked empathy most of the time.

“Please, just kill me,” Rian whimpers, his voice cracking as he hangs by his hand, suspended inches from the floor.

“Not a chance,” Dmitri says, picking up the branding iron. “I want you to suffer like I did, like Natalia did. I want you to feel what it was like to beg for death, only to be denied time and time again. When you finally go to hell, I want you to look at the devil and see my face.”

Rian twists back and forth in his chains, and I shake my head.What an idiot. He knows that’s only going to add to his pain as all the pressure is on his shoulders. The sound of Rians hoarse screams bounces off the walls with an appallingpopwhere his shoulder removed itself from stress. The noises he makes in pure agony cause a satisfied smirk to make its way onto my face. Dmitri grabs the exact same branding rod they used on us, heating it with a blow torch. Rian continues to plead for us to stop, begs for death.

I glance over at my husband to see he’s wearing a blank expression. He must feel my gaze because his eyes meet mine. He mouths “I love you”.Expressing the best I can without saying a word, I try my best to ask him if he’s okay. He doesn’t say anything, but I can tell he appreciates me checking in. With a nod, he silently gives me permission to continue. Not that I needed it.

“Does it hurt?” Dmitri mocks, pressing the iron harder to his skin right over his belly button. He howls in pain while the rest of us bask in it. He begs for mercy over and over again, but Dmitri walks the iron over his skin from place to place until his stomach is one giant piece of burnt flesh.

Grabbing the knife off the table, I move to stand in front of my husband's father. Well, the man who issupposedto be related to Declan has been outlawed then burnt to a crisp. Dmitri steps to the side, giving me full access to our prisoner.

Taking one step closer, I lean forward and inspect the burns. Some of them are so bad, I’m pretty sure I can see the lining of his stomach. Tilting my head, I glide the dull side of the knife on the burns. “Those are some nasty wounds. Look at that, I can see your spine! These must be really painful. It’d be a shame if someone just…” I trail off and raise my blade, swiping it through one of the open burns slowly.

Rian writhes in pain as I continue to open every burn on his body. Digging the knife into each wound, I yank upward, hearing the sound of skin tearing away from itself. I groan at the feeling I get from watching him in pain.

Shit, am I getting turned on?

“Son,” he begs, turning his attention to Declan, who’s leaning against the wall, watching with a look of pure hatred on his face. My amazing husband looks around, the guys all shrugging around him before he finally points to himself.

He laughs, a real, stomach clenching laugh that makes me smirk. “I may be your blood,” he straightens his spine, “but I amnotyour son.” Rian glares at him, a snarl ripping from his lips in anger mixed with affliction.

“What a shame, disowning your father over some bitch.”

Declan pushes off the wall, grabbing him by the throat. “You think you can outsmart us, hm? I’m not stupid nor am I immune to the little mind games you like to play. You think you’re slick by calling people names? Tsk, tsk, Rian. Thatbitchis my wife, and I can’t wait to watch the life drain from your eyes as mywifeslits your throat. You are the one who should be ashamed. Your hatred for Ivan festered so badly that you didn’t care who you hurt. Well, now I understand. I can’t stand to hear another word out of your mouth. No wonder why mom left you, You’ve been nothing but a disgrace to her presence and her angels saw that, so they took her away from you before you could do anymore damage.”

“Always a pussy, just like your mother,” Rian spits, his body shaking with rage. Declan stares at his father for a moment longer, doing a single nod before turning around.He walks over to the weapons and picks up one I’ve only seen him use a couple times. Rian’s eyes go wide as he realizes what is about to happen.

Declan forces Rian’s mouth open, using a hook to keep his jaw open while reaching the tongs inside. Rian goes limp against his chains, not even screaming as Declan pulls the tool out of his mouth along with his fathers tongue, stretching it as far as it can go.

“Tell me how it feels to no longer have a say in your life, father,” Declan spits. He raises his knife, and Rian’s muffled screams fill the air as Declan cuts his tongue out, stumbling back a few steps from the release. I squeeze my thighs together tightly, watching the love of my life take his independence back from the one person that took his childhood away. The man who gave Declan life is also the man that sucked it right back out of him. I watch as my husband gains hisfreedom. He may be shocked, but I’m proud as fuck in the man he’s morphed into.

“Awe, Declan,” Dmitri whines, “that means we have to wrap this up. He’s gonna lose too much blood and the adrenaline shot won’t do anything.” I watch as Declan takes several steps back, shock covering his facial expression but also something else…relief.

Rolling my eyes at my brothers pouting, I walk to the other side of Rian. Dmitri comes to stand on the opposite side. We poise our knives and place them on the opposite sides of his neck. Rian mumbles tongueless pleas, eyes frantically moving around the room before stopping on his son. Declan doesn’t meet his eyes, but Dmitri and I find each other’s gaze. A wicked smile creeps onto my face and within seconds, our knives slip effortlessly across his neck, passing each other in their paths with a loudshink. The look of revelation stays evident as Rian’s head rolls backward, barely hanging on by his spine.

Dropping the knife with a clatter, I practically run over to where Declan retreated on the far wall. His jaw is clenched, eyes hard as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me into him as we watch the blood drain from his fathers’ newly lifeless form. The man who tried to take everything from me. He only succeeded in some aspects, like killing my mom and dad. I spit toward the dead form of the man I once thought of as a second father. It lands a couple inches from his shoes, where the others in the room follow suit.
