Page 7 of Mended Oath

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Fucking get it together, Declan. She is your wife. Of course it will make a difference.

“You there, Dec?” Finn’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

“You know what to do,” I tell him. “Make him an offer he can’t refuse.”

“I think you need to come out here,” he tells me, and I immediately stand from my chair.

“I’ll be there before morning.” I hang up and grab my suit jacket and head out the door to my car, dialing the pilot. When I arrive at the airport, he’s already waiting for me all fueled up and ready to go.

The flight feels like it takes twice as long as it actually does. My nerves are a bundle in my gut, threatening to take the top hatch out. During the flight, my leg bounces, hands wring, rings spun, and my gum all got chewed. When we land, Finn is leaning against his car, waiting for me. He looks like absolute shit. His eyes are slightly blackened by the broken nose.

“Damn, she got you good,” I say, coming to a stop in front of him. His face hardens more, warning me that he isn’t in the mood.

“Just get in the fucking car. I’m tired,” he snaps and climbs back in the car. Walking to the other side, I slide in and scrub my hands down my face.

“Is she doing okay?” I ask, looking out the windshield as he drives.

“She’s lost weight, and she seems more depressed. However, she hasn’t lost her temper. I’d be careful not to piss her off too much, the fire still burns.” I see him gesture to his nose out of the corner of my eye. I look out at the side window, a small and proud smirk dances across my lips.

“We’re dropping you off at the hotel then I’m going over there now. I’m not waiting until the morning. I can’t wait.” Straightening my suit jacket, I look at my watch. It’s just after two a.m., and I know she will be sleeping, but I need to see her.I have to see her.

After dropping Finn off I follow the directions he gave me. Ten minutes later, I’m pulling into the apartment building’s parking lot. The huge building looms over the street lights, illuminating the cars below.

Parking, I get out and head up the stairs to the third floor. Coming to a stop outside her apartment, I take in a breath before raising my hand and knocking on the door firmly.

A few moments later, I hear shuffling inside and a few curse words before the door slings open, and I’m staring down the barrel of a 9mm. I don’t even flinch. This is my wife. She wouldn’t dare…would she?

“What do you want?” She snaps, glaring at me like I’m the scum of the Earth.

“Let me in," I tell her, and she shakes her head.

“No.” The word comes out sharp, indicating she is firm on her decision with no wiggle room. Good thing I don’t need that space.

“I’m not asking,” I tell her as I push past her and enter the apartment. “If you wanted to shoot me you would have already.”

“You need to leave,” she grits out. Her jaw is so constricted with pressure that I swear I can hear them grinding.

“Why? Is your boyfriend here? Did you need to get a quick fuck before me?” I spit, moving further into the apartment until I’m standing in the kitchen.

At the mention of her boyfriend, she stills. “No he isn’t,” she replies as she regains her composure. Her spine gets rod straight, her shoulder rolling back. “Not that it’s any of your business.”

A beat of silence stretches between us before she speaks again, her body relaxing slightly. “What are you doing here, Declan?”

“I came to bring you home,” I state as if it wasn’t obvious. I mean, I’m sure Finn warned her already.

Her eyes narrow to a squint with obvious scrutiny, and she stands in front of me, crossing her arms. “As I told Finn, I am home. This is my home.”

“No.Ourhome. Where you belong.”

“Why on earth would I come home with you?” she asks. “I just want to move on, Declan. I’m a person of my own free will, and I want to forget this arrangement ever happened. I want to live my life without constantly looking over my shoulder for another person, for another secret. I can’t do that there, but I can do that here. I’m happy,” she states, her tone a mix between irritation and exhausted pleads, almost emotional. “Just leave me alone. Please.” She drops her voice to a whisper, her plea sounding almost defeated.Almost.

“How can you just forget?” I ask, an incredulous look on my face. I’d be lying if I said the words weren’t a slap to the face, even when they come out of my mouth. “You don’t just forget our entire relationship. You don’t just forget the good we had together, the things we shared. You can’t just forget that, Nat.”

“You’re right, because you won’t let me. You aren’t giving me the opportunity to heal, grow and move on. You keep sending flowers and your lap dog to do your bidding. HowcanI forget? I can’t even try. You’re everywhere. I can’t do anything without your stupid fucking face popping up everywhere.” She runs her hands through her hair with an exasperated sigh, tugging slightly at the roots. My eyebrows shoot to my hairline when the light glints off the diamonds around her wrist.

“What is this?” I reach out and grab her wrist, examining the bracelet angrily. She stays quiet. “What the fuck is this, Natalia?”

“That is none of your business.” She attempts to jerk her hand away, but I keep a firm grip on her. It’s not enough to hurt her, just tight enough that she can’t pull away.
