Page 6 of Mended Oath

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I’m not sure if it’s the paranoia from the flowers or my run, but as I finish drying off and put on the pajamas I brought with me earlier, the feeling of being watched returns. The tingles roll up my body with unease, my stomach clenching in nervousness. I grab an elastic and pull my wet hair back as I walk into my bedroom.

I just can’t shake the feeling, so I go to my nightstand to grab my gun.

My stomach drops.

It’s gone.


“You know,” a familiar voice comes from behind me. “You should be more selective about where you stash your gun.”

I reach for the robe beside me and throw it over my half naked body, I turn to face the intruder.

“You’re wasting your time, Finn,” I snap. I glare at the blonde haired man standing in front of me. He’s holding my gun up with a smirk on his face. Judging by the bags under his eyes, I can tell it has been a while since he got a proper night's rest. “Just go back to your hotel and get some sleep. Those bags under your eyes don’t look designer. Maybe it would do you some good, maybe get a massage between the eyes while you’re at it.”

“Well, that would be dandy and all, but I have been strictly instructed that I am not allowed to leave this apartment without you.” He moves to sit on the edge of my bed and I sigh.

“Fine,” I grab a thin blanket from the trunk at the foot of my bed, along with another pillow. “The couch is a comfortable bed.”

“Natalia…” he catches the items as I throw them to him, the pillow smacking him in the face. “He just wants you to come home.”

“Iamhome, Finn.” I hold my arms out, gesturing to my room. “I made my own home. This is it for me.”

“That's bullshit and you know it,” he grits roughly, his jaw clenching with stress. “Who’s the dumbass that left earlier?”

“You lost the privilege of knowing the moment you two betrayed me.” I stomp over to him, my hand held out impatiently. “Give me my gun, or I will get it myself.”

He raises an intrigued eyebrow, obviously aware of the challenge he initiated. “Oh yeah?”

In the next moment, my elbow smashes into his nose. The sound of it breaking fills the otherwise quiet room with his screech of surprise, and a small part of me feels bad. Only slightly though. I warned him,hechallengedme. Grabbing his wrist, I twist it until he drops the weapon to the floor, crumbling to his knees in pain.

“FuckNatalia. You didn’t have to do that shit.” He grabs his nose, almost rocking like an infant on the floor.

After picking the gun up, I hand him a towel to try and stop the bleeding. “I’m not going to repeat myself, Finn.Go home.”

“Eventually he is going to come for you himself. You better hope that guy isn’t around…” He trails off, his voice slightly muffled from the towel. “You know… if you forgive him he will forgive you foryoursecret.”

“How do you know about that?” As soon as the words leave my mouth, I roll my eyes. I don’t even need to ask. Finn is with Declan for a reason. He is good at his job and once he found out my alias, there is no doubt in my mind that he ran it through every database he could find just to see what I’ve been up to for the last six months. Shit, even though I paid cash for my plane ticket, they wouldn’t keep me off the passenger list. No amount of money was enough for them, so I had to risk it. This risk did not pay off. I have no doubt that he was able to run me through everything and find me on the lists.

“I’ve known for a while now, but don’t worry, I’m not going to tell him. This is something he needs to hear from you, not from me. It’s just food for thought. How can you be hypocritical in keeping your own secret? I’ll see you tomorrow.” He walks toward the entrance of my apartment.

“Highly doubt that, unless you want a replay of earlier, of course,” I call after him. Shutting the door with a soft click, I rush to make sure the door is locked then stash my gun away again. Climbing into bed, I exhale, staring at the ceiling. My brain is running a million miles an hour, not even slowing down long enough to fully process what just happened. He was in my apartment. If he was here, that means Declan is here… or will be here.

The one nightmare I am running from just found me.

Shit just got complicated.

Chapter five


“She’snotgoingtocome easy, man,” Finn grumbles from the other side of the phone.

“She will.” I mutter back, rubbing my temple. This stubborn ass woman is going to be the death of me.

“I don’t think so… and I have a broken nose to prove it. She’s trying to make a new life for herself out here. She’s even trying to date.” My breath catches in my throat, and I clench my fists. I didn’t think she would try to move on that quickly.

My eyes close with anguish as the reality of the situation hits me full force. Natalia has left and she is moving on. Should I even go to her? Will it make a difference?
