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She pulls back, but only a smidge, and considers me for a moment. Her big blue eyes are so transparent I can see the wheels turning behind them. I’m pretty sure this woman hasn’t told a single lie in her life. Something sparks in my gut at that realization. Something dark and warm that wants to corrupt the fuck out of her. Make her scream my name while I do it.

“Don’t touch me.” She flinches away from me and shifts uncomfortably on the spot.

But the reaction comes a little too late to be believable. I know she liked it. I can tell by the fluster in her voice.

Good. We’re off to the perfect start. I’m getting hard just thinking about the delicious chase that’s just presented itself to me. All I can say is, thank God for bad lighting.

“So touchy…” I raise my hands in a sign of surrender and bury them in my pockets. “Better?”

“I don’t even know why I’m still here.” She looks around as though she’s expecting someone to pop up and give her an answer.

As always, I’m happy to oblige when it comes to a pretty woman. “I’ll tell you why… You want to hear what I have to say, don’t you?”

Cara doesn’t respond. Folds her arms across her chest, shaking her head at what I can only imagine she thinks is my insolence. And yet… she’s still standing here.

I hold out, letting the moment simmer. I’m familiar with this game, and know that in a few short seconds-

“Well, are you going to tell me, or not?” she drops her arms to her sides in irritation.

I can’t help but laugh. God, I love it when I’m right.

“Come here.” I curl my forefinger to beckon her closer.

She hesitates, her gaze moving to my finger and then back to my face. My mouth, to be exact. Something she notices me noticing, because she looks away immediately, shaking her head like she’s trying to rid herself of unwanted thoughts.

I’m about to go a little harder with my command, but Cara suddenly makes a move. Totally unexpected, I’ll admit. She steps closer to me, painstakingly avoiding eye contact.

“Say what you have to say,” she sounds bored and so over it, but we both know that’s not the case.

“What I want to say is this,” I cut right to the chase, relishing in her absolute attention. “My wager, if you choose to take it… Land a role in the movie and I’ll give you a blank check to save your precious little theater.”

Her gaze shoots up to mine, those baby blues searching my face for any hint of a lie. All she gets is a smug grin, because what Miss Ford is yet to learn, is that I live and breathe for these kinds of games.

“What movie?” A slight frown creases her perfectly sculpted brows.

I bite back the snigger that bubbles up inside me. It’s good to know I haven’t lost my touch.

“The one you just insulted. Aliens Out West,” I reply. “Word on the street is they’re still casting.”

She makes to walk away, shaking her head at me. “You’re insane.”

“You’re an actor, aren’t you?” I call out, my words getting her to stop her exit yet again.

“Yes, a serious one,” she bites back. “I wouldn’t be caught dead working on a movie like that.”

Oh, the righteousness from this one. I can already taste the sweet nectar that’ll come oozing out of her when I take my first bite.

“Well, if you’re as serious as you say you are, then it wouldn’t be that hard to do. Would it?” I’m ready. I’m locked and loaded for whatever she’ll throw at me. Practically jumping out of my pants to lay it all on her.

But patience is key in these types of things. I have every confidence that she’ll take the bait, I just have to keep it cool. It’s how I reeled in good old Ethan, after all. There’s no reason my tactics won’t work again.

“Any role?” She tilts her head to the side.

Yes! And just like that, ladies and gentlemen, Edward Spencer lll claims another victory. The crowd goes wild, Savannah Benson’s ears start to burn wherever she is in the world, and God himself bows down to the greatness…

“Any role,” I shrug, expertly hiding the triumph I’m feeling.

Cara narrows her eyes at me. She’s going to do it, but she’s trying to convince herself that she’s being sensible. Thinking it through. It’s so fucking adorable.
