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“I don’t get it either,” Robert rolled his eyes. “A cigar lounge isn’t exactly the way we do things.”

“That’s what I was thinking,” Zach laughs.

But Ethan isn’t swayed. “The lighting’s better, music’s softer-”

“Girls are way less attractive…” Zach shares a look with Robert and me and then starts laughing again at his own joke.

Robert joins in but I’m mostly annoyed. Boys night is our tradition but I’m not particularly in the mood for this group right now. Not when I could be spending this time with Cara. The fact isn’t lost on me, that I’ve been thinking that more and more lately. How I’d rather be with her than anywhere else.

“What’s with the face, Bear?” Zach asks after the waiter’s left with our order.

Ethan jumps in before I can answer, and says, “That’s just what he looks like these days. Lost little puppy when his little actress girlfriend isn’t around.”

This is very amusing to them, and they take a few moments to let me have it. Robert even goes so far as to ruffle my hair.

“Does our baby bear finally have it bad for someone?” he asks with a ridiculous chuckle.

I swat his hand away. “Get off me. You guys should really think about getting hobbies. It’s embarrassing how caught up in my business you all are.”

“What, like golfing?” Zach asks. “I’d much rather make fun of you in a cigar lounge.”

“Nice,” I try to straighten my hair after Robert messed it up. “Very mature, Zach.”

“Hey, you can’t blame us for having fun with this,” Ethan says. “We never dreamed the day would come when you settle down and leave your womanizing days behind you.”

“Settle down?” The waiter arrives with our drinks and I wait until she’s gone before I continue. Taking a huge gulp of my whiskey, I add, “There’s nothing going on with me and Cara. I already told you…”

“You’re barely at the club anymore,” Robert says, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

“I’ve been working late,” I shrug, finishing my drink quickly and waving my glass at the waiter. She looks surprised but hurries over. “I told you, my father’s been riding me hard over taking on more responsibilities at the office. And with the movie close to wrapping-”

“I know what you’ve been riding,” Zach cuts me off. He and Robert share a high five and they get back to laughing at me.

I really could’ve done with giving this night a miss. If this is how it starts, I can only imagine how much more annoying they’re going to be once they’re drunk.

“Come on, guys, ease up,” Ethan says, flashing me a wink. It’s like he can read my mind. “Why don’t we get our food order and talk about something other than Bear’s lady problems.”

He says that just as the waiter draws up to our table with my drink, and she bites back a smile. Great. Just what I need… For word to get out that Edward Spencer III is having issues in the bedroom department.

“Thanks, Ethan,” I raise my glass to him. “I’m sure the tabloids are going to have a good time with that.”

“The tabloids think you’re engaged,” Robert offers helpfully. “Which you still need to call off, by the way. So if anything, this will give you the perfect out.”

Zach decides it’s his turn to jump in. “Yeah, they’ll break the story and you can do a short press release saying she cheated on you and the wedding’s off. Simple.”

“Cheated onme?” I shake my head. “Nobody would believe that one, Zach. Try again.”

“So you rather want to be the dick who does the cheating?” Ethan is studying the menu as he asks the question, almost absently, like he doesn’t really care.

“According to all sources, that’s exactly who I am. Or have you forgotten?” I ask, a slight grin on my face.

“I think it’s time you move away from that persona, man.” Zach finally seems serious for a change.

I lean back in the booth and scowl at him. “Is this about me or you? Because I’m quite happy with the life I’ve made for myself, Zach. You’re the one who hasn’t been laid in months… So maybe stop obsessing over my love life and put that energy where it counts.”

The others seem to like the sudden shift in attention and they both start laughing.

“Man makes a point,” Robert pats Zach’s shoulder reassuringly. “Your game has been suffering, my friend.”
