Page 1 of His Witness

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The club is hopping and I sip my whiskey, waiting for my cousin to show up. He’s late but that’s nothing new with Xavier. He’s notorious for being late especially when he doesn’t want to do it. And he didn’t want to come to the club. The men are scattered around the club and they’re watching the doors closely.

You never know when someone could come through them that you don’t want to.

I spot Xavier moving through the club on the lower level and grin. He looks pissed as hell. I know he hates this shit but I wanted to have some fun tonight. Relax a little bit. I don’t know what’s wrong lately but I can’t relax. Can’t clear my mind. Can’t enjoy one damn thing. And that includes women. And I like women. Hell, I love women!

But lately none of them do a damn thing for me. Not that they’re not beautiful and charming. Sexy as hell. Nope. That’s true on all levels. And they’re always willing. I’m not a man who’s stuck on himself but I know that a lot of women find my big, rough body handsome. They don’t mind going home with me at all.

But I haven’t asked even one. I’m just bored to death with all of these beautiful women that sparkle under the club lights.

I want something different. I want a woman that challenges me. Not a woman that immediately wants to come home with me. I like the chase and I’m not finding it here at the club.

Sighing, I watch as Xavier finally climbs up the stairs to the VIP section of the club. He stalks up to me.

“This place is too fucking packed,” I growl.

He doesn’t answer me. He’s got a stunned look on his face and he’s staring down at the dance floor.

It doesn’t take long to figure out what he’s staring at. A woman. A very pretty woman, sure. But just a woman. A little bit insipid. But pretty enough.

“Why don’t you go say hi to her? Maybe she’ll let you take her home.” I shoot him a smirk and take a sip of my whiskey, swishing it around in my mouth before I swallow.

“That woman is not one that you just take home.”

“Yeah, she is. They all are.”

He stomps off and I tune him out except for the shocking admission that that’s his wife.

“You’re not married!” I shout.

“I will be.” Then he stalks the little gazelle down on the dance floor and unfortunately, some damn asshole gets the idea that he should rub up on her.

I wince when I see Xavier’s face. Yeah, that’s not gonna go well.

There’s an altercation on the dance floor and when the crowd parts, I see a goddess standing there staring at Xavier and his girl. My fingers clench on the railing and I can’t stop thinking about my hands on that beautiful, curvy body.

I shake my head to clear it. And see that my cousin is currently all up on the woman that he is fixated on. And the stunning brunette that was staring at them is now moving forward to cut them off.

They’re now sitting at a table, Xavier gets them drinks from the bartender and the sexy little brunette is still heading for them but all of a sudden there’s a sound that I recognize well. The loud rat-a-tat of gunfire.

The brunette freezes and I see several of our men running at Xavier, pushing him along. Jerking my gun out, I race down the stairs, shoving people out of my way.

“Get down, people! Get the hell down!” Screaming and shoving, I make it over by Xavier and his girl.

Xavier nods to me and I don’t even need the answer, but when he nods his head, “ Let’s go!” I grab the woman and flip her over my shoulder.

She screams and yells until she manages to kick me and then take off running. “Get her!”

The little blond runs right to the brunette that I saw earlier. She grabs onto her but she doesn’t react and my brow wrinkles.What the hell is going on?

That’s when we reach them and Xavier grabs her throwing her over his shoulder.

“No! Petal, Petal!” Xavier nods to the brunette and I grab her up, throwing her over my shoulder. Shivers sizzle along my skin but she doesn’t react at all.

She doesn’t make a sound, doesn’t even move. It’s a little eerie because the woman I saw dancing was vibrant and full of life. This woman is just a shell.
