Page 2 of His Witness

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We race down the hall and out the back door into an alley where the car is waiting for us.

Xavier tosses his girl inside as do I and then we climb in and holler at the driver to hit it.

Tires squeal as he floors it and rips out of the alley. Both of the girls sway back and forth and the gorgeous brunette rocks into me. Electricity races along my body, making me growl with annoyance. She doesn’t do or say anything but Xavier and his little blond start scrapping over going home or not.

She wins but Xavier manages to get his way too, putting one of our guys outside their apartment building for the night.

When we drop the girls off at their place and head back to the mansion for the night, Xavier is an absolute knucklehead. A whipped pussy. The fucker can’t stop talking about his girl.

On the other hand, all I can see is the shock and horror on the brunette’s face. She really saw something that took it out of her. Scared the shit out of her.

I hope that the next time I see her, that sparkle is back in her bright blue eyes.

But Xavier and I sit up and discuss business, drinking whiskey and playing pool while plans unwind around us. At least until early in the morning when the police show up at the door.

“Mr. Campano?”

Both of the officers look at Xavier and I and he nods, his hands fisted loosely in his dress pants.


This time both men turn to Xavier and a swift glint of sympathy shows up in the older one’s eyes.

“I’m really sorry to tell you this but your father will killed last night. In Club Curve.”

Xavier doesn’t react at all. If you didn’t know him you’d think that anyway.

I see that quick flash of pain and anger in his blue eyes. See the slight stiffening in his back.

“I see,” he says.

“I don’t know if you do,” the younger cop says, his lips curling. “Your father is dead. Killed by someone in that club.” He pauses and his pale, icy eyes narrow. “Maybe even you.”

“This is where I contact my attorney and sue your ass off if you say something like that again,” Xavier says.

I stiffen beside him, reaching around behind my back for the gun I have stashed in my waistline.

But the older cop moves in front of the younger hothead. “He didn’t mean that, obviously.” He starts pulling the guy away and I let my hand come back to the front of my waist. “We’ll just get out of your hair and let you mourn your father properly. We’re very sorry to have to deliver such shocking news. If you do know something or you’ve seen something…don’t hesitate to call us.”

We both nod our heads but there’s no way in hell we’ll go to the cops. If we find out who did this? They’re a dead man. Judgement will be swift and painful and quite possibly last a long fucking time, until Xavier and I get our pound of flesh.

They men pull out and Xavier sighs, his face crumpling in grief. I pull the door closed and nod at the men and he immediately understands. Now is not the time to fall apart. For now, we need to show a united front so that there’s no rough transition to him taking over the family.

Because this is his birthright and now I’m the second. I’m the man behind the man.

And I will not fuck this up. I might not have been born into this family but I might as well have. I would lay down my life for any one of them.

And I will gladly take the life of anyone that threatens them.



Iwish I could say I slept like a log but I didn’t. I barely remember what happened last night. I remember a few shadowy figures, my bestie, Tally, and a very vivid, horrifying thing that I wish I never saw. And sadly, I saw a lot. I saw the old man clutch his chest as it blossomed with a crimson flower spreading out to cover his chest on his suit coat that probably cost more than I make in a damn year. And I saw the gun pointing at him, saw the man that pulled the trigger. Saw the terrifying look of satisfaction on his face when the old dude hit the ground.

And then I saw his cold gaze catch on me and a new resolve that brought the gun up on me.

I don’t remember anything after that. Just running and trying to forget.
