Page 15 of His Witness

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“Fine,” I huff, stepping inside and struggling to breathe when he closes the panel on me. I hear nothing after that. Not for the longest time and no matter how much I listen. I even put my ear at the door but I hear nothing.

Until I hear a man’s voice hollering for me to come out and then a curse from Victor. A pained curse.

Tears trickle down my cheeks. I open the panel, trying to listen and then I hear Victor cry out again. Just a swear word and then the man starts hollering for me to come out, saying that if I don’t he’s going to hurt Victor more.

Then I hear Victor curse again and that’s all I can take. But I head for the bedroom first, tiptoeing. Sure enough, when I check the dresser drawer, there’s another gun in there. Several in fact. I pick up one and check that the safety is off. Then I hide it behind my back and step out, squaring my shoulders. I hear Victor hollering that I should not come down. Should stay hidden. But I can’t. I need to see him. Need to help.

But when I see him at the bottom of the stairs, it takes everything in me to remember what I’m doing because he’s covered in blood and angry as hell.

I firm my jaw up and step forward, ignoring him.



Istalk through the cabin in the dark, relieved that I got Petal hidden. I know this guy. Know what he’s capable of and it makes me sick that he could get his hands on my woman.

As soon as I take care of Hawk I’m gonna hunt down the asshole that made the hit on my uncle and then on my woman and I’m going to make them pay hard.

Darkness hides a lot of things but I’m comfortable in this dark. In this house. And I am sure that although Hawk is the best, he doesn’t know this terrain. This is my space.

I stop beside the cabin door, hiding behind it, waiting. A little cliche but it’s a classic for a reason.

I hear the door moving before I see it. So damn slowly that it looks like it’s not happening. I hold my breath and wait, my gun in my hand.

He slips inside, a dark figure that has no shadow in the dark. The lack of sound doesn’t save him though. This is the man that thinks it’s okay to kill my girl.

All of a sudden I jerk the door back and slam it into him. He grunts and then it’s on. He growls and charges at the door, slamming it into me. We wrestle wildly with it and then I duck out from behind it, slamming my fist into his face.

He grunts and then I feel a bullet whizz past my face.

“Asshole. You can’t even see where you’re aiming.”

“Doesn’t matter. I’ll get you and then I’ll get her too.”

Growling like an animal, I charge at him and slam my gun butt into his head. But it glances off and hits his shoulder. He grunts.

“Over my dead body.”

“That’s the plan.”

Suddenly he hits the lights and blinds me and then his gun butt comes down on my head. I slump to the ground and fight to stay awake. I have to protect my girl. That’s all that matters. But I can’t stop the slide and I fade to black.

I wake up and jerk at my arms, cursing when I find myself tied to a chair. Hawk grins at me. “I honestly thought this would be a lot harder than this, Victor.”

Growling, I tug harder at the ropes. “Let me loose and we’ll see how well this goes for you.”

“I don’t think so. I think you’re gonna tell me where to find my girl and then I’m gonna kill her in pieces so that you get to listen to all her screams. And then I’ll take out your eyes and leave you to think about that for the rest of your damn life.” His malevolent grin makes me sick to my stomach.

“Not gonna happen. She’s not here and you’ll never figure out where she went.”

“You didn’t have time to get rid of her, Campano. She’s here. I just have to find the right bait to get her to come to me.”

His blond head cocks and I don’t have time to prepare for it. His hand whips across my chest and then I feel the searing pain in my chest.

“Shit!” I grunt and then I don’t say one more word.

He nods his head. “Need more? Okay. Just makes it more fun for me.”
