Page 9 of His Witness

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I should have known better.

“What happened to that man?” She asks quietly.

Shrugging, I glance over at her. “Doesn’t matter to me. I took him down. It’s up to Xavier what he decides to do with him.”

“Oh,” she says quietly. “I hope he doesn’t kill him on my account.”

I pull the car over in front of my cabin and put it in park, turning the engine off and letting my head drop.

Then I turn to her. “I think if he kills someone on your account that’s a pretty damn good reason. It might be the best I’ve ever heard. Because if I’d had the time, I would have done it. And I would have enjoyed making him suffer, Petal. I would have loved every last damn scream and cry for mercy.”

Shock pales her face but she sits tall. “You don’t mean that.”

“I mean exactly that, Petal. Don’t fool yourself into getting too comfortable with me. I’m no trained dog. I’m a man. And I’m not a good man. I’m a bad man and I’m bad for you.” I slide out of the car, standing by the door. “Keep it in mind, Petal. I don’t want you to get hurt so don’t ever misjudge who and what I am. I will always protect you and take care of you, because you’re mine, but I am a bad man and you need to remember that.”

Her bright blue eyes are locked on mine and I can’t look away. Damn, she’s beautiful. A rare beauty like none I’ve ever seen. And one way or another, I will own her, body and soul before we leave this place. She’ll never get away from me.

I come around the car and open the door, holding out my hand to help her out gently. She sets her shaking hand on top of mine and it feels like the world just fades away from existence.

“Let’s get you inside and taken care of. I know you must be tired and hungry as hell.”

And I lead her up on the deck and into my cabin, already picturing all the things that I plan to do with her out here where no one but me and the animals can hear her scream.



Shaking, I sit down on the edge of the one bed in this place. It’s tiny and there’s only one bedroom with one bed. Victor told me to take the bed but I don’t want him to have to deal with sleeping on the couch or the floor.

I told him as much and he chuckled wickedly but walked into the bathroom. I can hear the water running but I honestly don’t know why he laughed. What the hell does that mean?

I’ve already got the long dress shirt that he gave me to wear to bed on and I’m under the covers, my head tipped back and my eyes closed. My hand rubs at my head and I sigh.

“Still have a headache, baby?” The door opens and I hear him. I smile and roll over to look at him.

“Yeah. I’m sure it will go away soon enough.”

“Good. Go to sleep.”

He turns off the light and then his heavy steps cross the floor and the covers rustle. My heart races and it feels like my body is pulsing with a need like nothing I’ve ever felt.

“What are you doing, Victor?”

He laughs softly and then turns over to stare right at me. “I’m going to sleep, Petal. I’m tired and sore and there’s only one damn bed in this place. If I was a good man, I’d let you have it and I’d sleep on the couch. Or attempt to,” he mutters under his breath. “Unfortunately for you, I’m not a good man. So you’re stuck with me. I don’t feel like being a martyr to your delicate sensibilities when I can barely keep my eyes open.”

“Oh,” I say quietly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t even think of that.” I gulp when I feel him moving around in the bed to get comfortable. “How is your hand?”

He snorts. “I’ve had considerably worse than this, Petal. Now go to sleep. We have a lot of things to do in the morning. You be a good girl and I’ll even take you to get some new clothes.”

“Oh, that’s not necessary.”

“Uh. Yeah, it is. Because you’re not sitting in this damn cabin naked just waiting for someone to show up. I don’t want to kill a neighbor because they see your ass naked. And that’s what would happen. So the next time you decide to run or anything like that. Remember. I like the chase and when I catch you, and I will, you’re gonna be punished vigorously for your transgressions. Now be a good girl and go to sleep.”

I can’t tell if I’m more appalled or turned on. My body is tingling every time I think about his big hands on me. Think about what he might do to me. And for some damn reason the thought of being his good girl, the way he says those damn words makes my pussy clench.

I roll over quickly and attempt to put myself as far from him as I can. I’m literally perched on the very edge of the mattress when he chuckles.

“Go to sleep, Petal. I’m not going to touch you. At least not tonight. You’re hurt. You’re safe.”
