Page 49 of I Blame the Dimples

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“Mm, I did say that didn’t I?” He taps his chin in contemplation, “Do you want to know which version is my favourite?”

“The Lavishing Leather Pants was a good look for me, I’ll admit.” In hindsight, my roommate really pulled through on that costume. I still don’t know where she found those pants, let alone a pair in my size.

“Your legs looked sexy as hell that night, but that’s not it.” I tilt my head, looking curiously into the green eyes sparkling my way.

“What is your favourite version of me?”

“This one.” Confused, I look down at my typical baggy shirt and mom jean combo as Wes continues, “From the wicked rock concert t-shirts to your inability to carry normal amounts; my favourite version is the one where you’re unapologetically yourself.”

And just like that, Wes knocks down the rest of my defences

Looking for a good time. He doesn’t want a relationship. Remember what you promised Stella…

Conflicting thoughts swirl through my mind as my eyes scan his face for a jokester smile or a flirty wink, anything to divulge me of the delusion that Wes would ever want to be in a relationship with me.

It’s not probable, it’s not possible, it’s not…

“So, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come watch me play the opener Saturday?” My thoughts render speechless as time slows to a crawl.

What. Just. Happened.

Shifting uneasily at my abrupt silence, Wes nervously glances to the floor. “I mean, only if you wantto, you don’t have to by any means…”

“NO! I mean, yes. I mean, I would love to. Watch you play that is.” My voice sounds as flustered as my nerves feels right now. The double whammy is very much not appreciated.

Wes’ entire demeanour brightens, and he rubs his hands together in glee.

“Great! Oh, and my sister is also coming to watch so maybe you’ll get the chance to meet her. Now, what should we get for lunch?”

Not giving me a minute to process the tidal wave of information, Wes spins on his heel and heads towards the sad looking food court. Mind buzzing incoherently, I speechlessly follow.

Did he say I’m meeting hissister?

Chapter 20


I look hot as fuck.

Let me just state for the record that whoever came up with the concept of modesty never wore a fitted dress suit. Because if they did, they would be apologizing for coming up with such a ridiculous concept. When you look good, you look good. There’s no harm in acknowledging the effort paid off.

“Holy fuck. You’re looking good, man.” Appreciation shines in Nico’s eyes as I walk out of my room. See what I mean?

Fitted dress shirt. That’s all I’m saying.

“Thanks. Trip picked it out.” I spin so my roommate can have the whole view. Not going to deny, the back is just as good as the front.

“The girl’s got good taste. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear purple before.” I glance down at the plum material stretching across my chest. Never in a million years would I have considered this to be my colour, but Trip picked it out so here we are.

“This is a first for me. You should have seen the salesgirl’s reaction when I tried it on.” Forget the store helper, as soon as I saw Trip’s eyes darken when I walked out of the changeroom, I was sold.

“Uh huh. I’m sure it was thesalesgirlwho was the deciding factor.” Nico smirks at me from his lounging position on the couch.

Curse that man’s BS radar. Gets me every goddamn time.

Shifting the cushion beneath him to get comfortable, Nico amiably throws out the question he’s been dying to ask all along, “How did it go anyway? Is she coming today?”

I nod, “She is, and yesterday went well.” Talk about understatement of the year. The more time I spend with Trip, the more I wantto spend time with her. Now that I’ve gotten a taste, I can’t seem to get enough.
