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“No, he hasn’t been on my mind. Less and less each day.” She shook her head.

Was that the understatement of the century? No need to share her preoccupation with sleeping with her landlord. Kelly knew her too well, and she wasn’t ready to analyze her mixed feelings for Nick.

“Okay, and you’re sure you want to stay? I’m sure you could get your job back and at least have financial security.”

Sophie waved a hand. “No way. You know that job almost drove me to a nervous breakdown. I’ve got my savings. I need to go after my dream. Doug’s betrayal was just the universal boot. I love my cottage and I know I can write this novel.” Not having a regular paycheck didn’t bother her one bit. Mostly.

Kelly patted Sophie’s leg. “I’m sorry to be such a worrywart—you’ve been through so much with your family and now Doug. You’re one of the strongest, bravest people I know, but you’ve had a rough few months.”

“Thanks, I love you. But let’s focus on this weekend. We’ll have a great time. Alyssa recommended a few restaurants and there are tons of art galleries here.”

Kelly’s tawny eyes widened. “You haven’t even been out to a restaurant yet?”

“A couple of times.” Sophie bit her lip. No need to bring up “the kiss” at Marino’s. “And we’ll see more together. So what’s going on with you?”

Kelly’s expression darkened. “Well, I was going to wait to bring this up, but we may as well get it out of the way. It’s about Doug.”

“Oh, screw him. I don’t want to give him any more airtime, he doesn’t deserve it.” She slammed her wineglass onto the table, splashing the golden liquid.

“I think you need to hear this, just so you’re prepared.”

“Okay.” Why the hell couldn’t Doug just slither back under some rock, where he belonged? Hadn’t he done enough damage?

“Remember when I told you he was asking about where you were and saying he had to speak with you?”

Sophie nodded, wiping her now-damp palms on her yoga pants.

“So Elizabeth told me he went by the magazine last week and demanded your address, claiming it was urgent he reach you. That he’d contacted your mom who refused to speak to him. He tried to pull this contrite, humble facade like he wanted to apologize. She wouldn’t give it to him, but it concerns me. You’re isolated up here. What if he shows up on your doorstep?”

Sophie surged to her feet and paced around the living room. “First of all, why does he want to see me? He stood me up at the damn altar. He cheated on me for months. He humiliated me. I never want to see his lying face again.”

“I’m worried. He’s always been a control freak and seems to be going nuts knowing you’re gone. Do you want me to call and threaten him with a restraining order? I’m happy to do it.” Her maid of honor for the ill-fated wedding gestured with her wineglass. “In fact, I’d love to do it.”

Sophie inhaled a steadying breath and returned to the couch. She took a long drink of the pale straw-colored wine, savoring the crisp flavor, trying to cleanse the bad taste the thought of her ex literally put in her mouth.

“No, forget him. You know I couldn’t get a restraining order at this point anyway. I can’t imagine he’d get violent. No more Doug discussion. Tell me what’s going on with you. How’s Robert?”

Kelly’s golden complexion paled. “Well, actually, nothing is going on with him.”


“Things are weird right now between us. Let’s just pretend those San Diego men don’t exist, okay?” Kelly reached for the wine and refilled their glasses.

Fine with her.

Kelly updated Sophie on her job at her father’s law firm and their mutual friends in San Diego. “Oh, and Elizabeth mentioned she’d hire you back in a heartbeat.”

“Of course, my ex-boss wants me back. I did my job and hers for too many years.” No way would she return to the corporate grind.

Nor would she allow people to take advantage of her any longer.

“I hear you. My career needs a change too—I wish I could do something creative like you.” Kelly shrugged a shoulder. “Oh well, someone has to be the boring one.”

Sophie rolled her eyes. “Yeah, boring is not a word anyone would ever apply to you.”

A loud knock sounded at the door. Zack meowed and leaped gracefully off the couch with a barking Bailey hot on his heels. They raced to the front door.

Kelly pressed one hand against her throat. “Oh my god, you don’t think it’s Doug do you?”
